The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Finished One Punch Man.

I enjoyed it, binged 12 eps in a day pretty much but I wonder how much they could keep going, although i love how they try to think of new baddies every ep.
Well in the space of 4 days I've nuked Fate Zero and Fate Stay Night. Fate Zero was good but the animation in Fate Stay Night was brilliant IMO and I loved both series and the story.

Just counting down for the next episode of GATE in about 12 hours time lol
yes, fate 0 and fsn were very good. i did watch another fate series that was the original to fsn, it wasn't as good?

i could be wrong..

you mentioned 'gate'. was that steins gate?
Do you still recommend it though for someone who's only seen the odd episode of the original?

In some ways yes and others no. It's good if you just want to know about Goku's journey but it misses out a lot of other bits which can be seen a character development. It's actually missed out an entire saga (Garlic Jr) which I guess doesn't add much to the overall picture but it's still entertaining.

i guess you could watch all of Kai and if you enjoy it, which you will, go back and watch the originals.
Personally I like the genre but I didn't really get on with this series.

Aww man. I love slice of life and I loved Azumanga back in the day. The reason I like it so much is that it has much of a western comedy style than most slice of lifes. Whilst it is absolutely crazy in the way only Japan can do crazy, the bits where Mai casually trolls everyone (including herself) really gets me.
Not really into Slice of life from any genre, i have my own life to worry about :p

Haha this will take you out of your own life and bring you into the lives of 3 little girls.. wait that sounds terrible. Scrap that, do give it a shot though if you have the time... it's hilarious and I'd say the comedy is much in line with that of One Punch Man (if that's your thing).
This is my Anime (one Manga) list so far since i've started watching Anime. Originally started off really light but started getting more in dept and darker as time went on lol. Absolutely loved them all especially Fate Zero and Fate Stay night but just finished Black Lagoon and really like it to.

It had some creepy and disturbing moments "Hansel and Gretel" being the main one!

Kantai Collection (Kancolle) (Waiting for season 2)
Girls und Panzer (Completed)
Fate Zero (Completed)
Fate Stay night (Completed)
God Eaters (Waiting for season 2)
Black Lagoon (Completed)

GATE (ongoing)
Jumping in because this is awesome news!
A follow up to the original Spice and Wolf novels has been announced.

Either way!!!!!

For what it's worth, I've currently deliberately stopped reading Spice and Wolf for now, because the rate at which I was getting through the books was making the wait traumatic. I'm now going to wait until Yen Press have released everything which I believe is due this year, and then buy and read the lot.

In other news, finished Koi Kaze, mixed feelings which I went into a little more detail on elsewhere but I'd rate the series 7.5. It reminds me of Welcome to the NHK in that it deals with a darker aspect of humanity, and doesn't glamorise it although some of the psychological aspects are hinted at rather than directly shown.

Also tried watching Seikon no Qwaser again, and then promptly remember why I dropped it so quickly the first time around and dropped it again.

POSSIBLY Dennou Coil next :)
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