The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

well I've order the Fullmetal Alchemist Ultimate Edition, little while ago for £129, so I'm now thinking it over while there still time to weather or not to order "Escaflowne Ultimate Edition" :)

I'm tempted by the Escalowne set, although I've got the oldBandai Perfect Vision set (complete with black Escalowne figure)
well I've order the Fullmetal Alchemist Ultimate Edition, little while ago for £129, so I'm now thinking it over while there still time to weather or not to order "Escaflowne Ultimate Edition" :)

That reminds me... I got round to watching the 'new' (quite old now still I guess) FMA series that supposedly matched the manga better. I much preferred the original series. Is that an unpopular view?
Why is shipping from Crunchyroll cost a bomb? :( I wanted to buy a Re:Zero wall scroll they have listed for 14 quid. Was amazed to see the estimated shipping hit 42 quid.
Is DVD the best quality you can get for Anime? I'm after One Punch Man and none of the links in the opening post seem to have it, only manga version. I've found a seller on ebay based in Malaysia (looks legit enough and region free) as well as one on but don't know enough about them. I've got Netflix and whilst there's a decent selection, One Man Punch isn't one of them.

Where else can I try?
The ebay seller from Malaysia is almost certainly a hokey copy.
The fact it's region free is usually a very big indicator of it being an unlicensed release (and depending on who made the disk it may be little better than a poorly encoded fansub).

Depending on the anime there may or may not be BD releases, DVD is still considerably cheaper to author and replicate than DVD (there are far more DVD facilities for example).

If you look at they normally list any English language distribution including streaming.
It looks like there is/was a simulcast/streaming with up to 1080 quality and English subs, but I'm not sure if it's still there.
The ebay seller from Malaysia is almost certainly a hokey copy.
The fact it's region free is usually a very big indicator of it being an unlicensed release (and depending on who made the disk it may be little better than a poorly encoded fansub).

Depending on the anime there may or may not be BD releases, DVD is still considerably cheaper to author and replicate than DVD (there are far more DVD facilities for example).

If you look at they normally list any English language distribution including streaming.
It looks like there is/was a simulcast/streaming with up to 1080 quality and English subs, but I'm not sure if it's still there.

Ah ok thanks, did think the ebay seller was too good to be true. I'll take a look at that site.

Might have been mentioned previously but guy behind One Punch Man has a new series called Mob Psycho 100.
Finally on the last story arc of Hunter x Hunter.

After loving it and racing through the first 76 episodes, I really struggled with the sixth act. I hear it's accurate to the manga but for me they really dragged it out with all the narration and exposition and it didn't flow that well compared to the previous arcs.
I finished Eureka Seven, yeah not a fan of that one, actually one of the ones ill forget i ever watched!

Started Heavy Object, only 5 episodes in seems ok so far....
Not quite anime, but over the last few months I've slowly been watching Railgun S on and off, and also watching some of the J-Drama that have appeared on Netflix in the last year or so.
I may have gone slightly mad (again), I just ordered the Escaflowne set from All the Anime, I remember the series being pretty good, and the set includes the directors cut versions, film and OST's (which I remember being good).

Mind you I've been a good boy this year with anime and only spent about £30-40 a month on it, if that :)
Mainly as I've not enough time to sit and watch it- I'm managing about two episodes of something/anything a day at best (I'm also running very low on storage space)
Fortunately I wasn't that keen on Escaflowne so I'm not tempted by it. I haven't been buying much lately and instead rewatching things (currently Chihayafuru) ... unfortunately the potential savings from that have been more than offset by Japanese concert boxsets (which make Anime seem cheap)
Escaflowne is good, but after spending £200 on imported VHS + whatever it was for the DVD set I'll pass.

Do Anime Ltd make decent subs, as in how they look on screen, readable?

AnimEigo set's the high-water mark were subtitling stands.

I'm certainly interested in the claymore Blu-ray.
From memory their subs are ok, not quite as good as AnimEigo, but then no manages them as well (and some of the biggest studios are absolutely disgraceful in their subs - pure white is great on dark scenes, utterly unreadable on light scenes).

I bought the Perfect Vision set with the figure, but not the VHS :)
I actually ended up with two sets due to a mistake in my orders, but sold the second one straight away.
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