The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Hey all. Need some help finding a anime i forgotten the name of.

I remember i think being a sad anime. It has a male lead and he helps a bunch of girls iirc. One scene in particular i can remember is that a girls house is in a state and theirs a garden or yard and he goes each day to clear it up or something. Girl is probably sick or something i dunno or doesnt leave the house.

Anyhow i was hoping u can help identify it. I dont think its clanned, ef, air or kanon as them are the 4 main sad ones i think it would fit in the category.

It's definitely Clannad, specifically the Kotomi arc, it, and After Story, are some of my favourite ever anime and I own way too many copies of it in different editions (Japanese BD release is really nice).

Finished re-watching the first season of Chihayafuru (I have the Australian DVD release ... I see that Sentai (unfortunately given their region locking) have licensed both seasons now) ... and ordered both live action movies which are out the end of this month and the middle of next in Japan.

Nice to see Kamen Joshi briefly on Joanna Lumley's Japan program last night ... as I type I'm currently live streaming their current theater performance ... :)
This is on my to watch pile,any good?
Is it like Moribito?I liked that series :)

I've not seen Moribito, thats on my to watch list, so can't comment.

Its good, starts of slow but action and story pick up very quickly. Animation its self is on the better side compared to most Anime of the genre.
Started to watch Trinity Blood, not my cup of tea, i think its quite badly written, watched 11 episodes before i gave up on it!

Currently watching Blood C, it gets compared to Ga-Rei: Zero but its not even close to it, Blood C is a decent watch though.

Just waiting for Claymore to arrive, its been recommended to me many times, so its something im quite excited to watch!
I'm finally managing to watch some Anime again for the first time in a month or more and decided to sit down for some "School Live" which I've been meaning to watch for an age, and I'm enjoying it as a slightly different take on a couple of genres.
I am one episode from the end of Railgun S. Watching this slowly, and realistically probably at the wrong time as I've already seen Toaru S2. Bit hit and miss, but can be fun :)
Haven't had much time, so probably a good series to watch as it's not too deep and won't punish me for forgetting bits like some would!
So a quick update...its been a slow couple of weeks.

I watched through Claymore its actually alright, not sure if the hype behind it was needed, but non the less its a good watch

Also watched Log Horizon its very well written actually really enjoyed it, more so than SAO but doesnt even come close to No Game No Life

Next on my list is the second season of Durarara and The Irregular at Magic High School
It's taken a while but Dragonball Super is now full blown awesome. I pretty much watch it live each week and cannot wait for each episode.

Amazing stuff if you haven't checked it out yet :)
Watched the second film of the live action remake of Chihayafuru earlier. Takes things roughly most of the way through the first anime season and does kind of follow it ... although does reorder a few things and cut some others out (understandable when you are going from a 2 cour show to two films). I think I prefer the anime but as remakes go the live action films are not too bad (although Flash by Perfume is one of those songs that gets into your head)
Watched this last night, as I remember the original Beserk... Some of the animation changes were terrible, but I still enjoyed it all through the night

Ajin season 2 is out on netflix I believe. If you haven't seen season 1 get watching, the animation (it's the 3d kind) actually works well for the action scenes. It picks up after ep 3 and 4 just stick with it.

Just watch this if interested.

Watched all of mob psycho 100. Excellent action, characters and humour. Made by the same people who did one punch.
Ajin season 2 is out on netflix I believe. If you haven't seen season 1 get watching, the animation (it's the 3d kind) actually works well for the action scenes. It picks up after ep 3 and 4 just stick with it.

Just watch this if interested.

Watched all of mob psycho 100. Excellent action, characters and humour. Made by the same people who did one punch.

You got my hopes up and I checked today and it's not there :mad:

Maybe it's only on the US Netflix?
You got my hopes up and I checked today and it's not there :mad:

Maybe it's only on the US Netflix?

from my understanding Netflix will probably do the same as what they did with the first season. which was await until all episodes have aired it japan then released them all in one go with regional dubbing.
Buzzing about the news of Yen Press' special edition limited hard cover of the entire series of Spice and wolf novels in one large hardback volume.

Got announced a few days ago and has just gone up on amazon UK.

Theoretically they will all be numbered and only 2000 made.

Got my preorder in with United Publications as I think they have used either Rightstuf or Rightstuf's supplier and got a bargainous preorder sale price of £67+ postage. Rightstuf is about $110.

Official RRP is $150.

Can't wait as this will be a centre piece in my collection which is admittedly spread across my home and my family's home since I moved out.

Oh and if for any reason anyone is going to New York Comic Con this year the author will be there :)

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this as i was considering getting it but two things stopped me from getting it. 1. I already have all the novels and 2. i've heard that it was difficult to read because of the tiny font used. If that's the case then i'll just keep my current novels
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