The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Today's deals are the "Durarara" (season 1) and "Baccano" BD sets from all the anime as a bundle for £30 (both are good), and "Oreimo" seasons 1 & 2 on DVD from MVM for £20.
Decided to go through the entirety of Dragonball and DBZ. Despite being one of my childhood favourites, we only ever watched DBZ from VHS tapes that we sourced from family friends and such, and I've missed huge chunks of episodes. I've never actually watched Dragonball properly at all.

I love how perverted and childish it is. Certainly a completely different feeling from DBZ.
I've just started watching Dragonball Super, i hope its as good as everyone goes on about

How does the Battle of the Gods fall in line with the series?
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Bragonball is one of those series that I know on sight, and know a lot of the names but never actually watched by choice (I think I caught a couple of episodes with my nephew about 10 years ago).

Does anyone have a link to a list of alltheanime's collectors editions? (in an easy to view format)
The offer today is 5 staff picks for £40 on BD, but I suspect I've got many of them already (given i've got the likes of durarara, Baccanno, Samurai Flamenco, Perfect Blue, wings of honnêamise).

Whilst animeonline have a Bakemonogatari Part 1 & 2 Bundle on BD for £12
I've just started watching Dragonball Super, i hope its as good as everyone goes on about

How does the Battle of the Gods fall in line with the series?

The battle of gods arc more or less follows the movie. One thing I'll say about Super is that some of the filler crap at the beginning is exactly that, crap. But when it's's REALLY good.

The best arc to date (which starts at ep 47 and finishes around 66-68) was on the edge of your seat cheering on from the sofa kinda stuff. It really was excellent without a dull moment. The latest couple of episodes have been fillers but actually good ones (in the latest they basically kept ripping on Yamcha big time, it was hilarious)

Super takes a while, but stick with it. When it gets going, you'll love it. The animation is beautiful.
Ok I've spent a few minutes going through the alltheanime catalogue on their site and these appear to be the Blu-ray titles with Collectors editions that they have in stock, I've added a note for the ones I think are very unlikely to be in the mystery box.

We can rule out the following because they've already been on offer.
tokyo esp
Space Dandy complete
Sword Art Online 2
Samurai Flamenco part 1
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya

and taking into account the following

There will be a mixture of offers on already released titles and pre-orders for upcoming releases.

Any offer for an already released title will have a set amount of units available - this will be made clear in the listing itself - on a first come first served basis.

Please allow up to 72 hours (excluding weekends) from when you place an order as part of our 12 Days of Christmas Promotion for dispatch. You will receive notification when it has been shipped.

NOTE 1: If you include products in your order they will likely be shipped separately.
NOTE 2: Pre-order products will be dispatched in time for day of release (or sooner if possible)

We know some of you may want to try and budget for these offers, so we thought we'd give you a little helping hand. If you were wanting to partake in every single offer we have over the 12 days, if you're wanting to purchase Blu-rays you would be spending a total of £405.00*, and if you're wanting DVD you'd be spending £120*. On average you're saving 50% of retail price across the board.
(*May be subject to change, but certainly won't be more than that.)

There will be no title on offer that will have been released after April 2016 - though this may not be the case for any promotions during this time that may be a bundle style offer, such as the mystery box offer on day 12 (read about that below)

NOTE - The final offer of our 12 Days of Christmas promotion is the Ltd Collector's Edition Mystery Box offer!

By purchasing this you will receive 5 Ltd Collector's Edition sets that we (Anime Limited) have released. You DO NOT get to choose which sets you will receive.

There is a set list of titles that will be included in each box - titles DO NOT differ between each Ltd Collector's Edition Mystery box purchased.
A title has been selected by each member of the Anime Limited team, making that 5 titles that will be included.

NOTE - Some of the Collector's Edition sets included will have Blu-ray and DVD discs, some will be Blu-ray only.

possibles from what I can see based on them having collectors/limited editions and still having stock.
a letter to momo
Aldnoah.Zero Season (unlikley due to release date and cost)
Assassination Classroom Season 1 Part 1 (unlikley due to release date and cost)
Blood Lad - Collector's Blu-Ray Set
Expelled From Paradise - Blu-ray+DVD Ltd Collector's Edition (unlikely due to release date)
Fuse memoirs of the hunter girl
Gankutsuou - The Count Of Monte Cristo
Giovanni's Island (seems very unlikely due to RRP of the ultimate set)
HAL - Collector's Edition Combi-pack
Kill La Kill (there are 3 collectors sets, although it seems very unlikely to me)
Lord Marksman
Lucky Star (seems very unlikely)
Miss Hokusai - Ultimate Edition Blu-ray/DVD (seems very unlikely)
Noein: To Your Other Self - Blu-ray Limited Collector's Edition (the manga DVD set of this didn't do well from memory)
Patema Inverted - Collector's Edition
Ping Pong The Animation - Blu-ray/DVD Collector's Edition (unlikely due to release date and rrp)
Psychic School Wars - Blu-ray/DVD Ltd. Collector's Edition (unlikely due to release date)
Wings Of Honneamise - Collector's Edition DVD/Blu-ray

I'm tempted to give it a punt, but I've already got several of the films and pretty much expect Wings or Patema to be in the bundle.

I'm an idiot, I've gone for it on the basis that there is enough there I haven't got that even just getting two items not already in my collection would probably pay for the box (and any duplicates will likely go to a good home).
Sakamoto desu ga? (Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto) has not been mentioned here yet! I've been looking for a similar show in style/comedy to Cromartie Highschool, and this looks just the ticket!

Also, anyone recommend something similar to GiTS? I've been out of the loop for new stuff in 2016.
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I don't think I'll go for it as there's to much that you haven't marked as unlikely that I already have releases of ... and most oof the things I would like are unlikely :)

Dragonball isn't a series that I have ever really watched ... although there was some bits on it on the course I'm doing at the moment.
Aye, I suspect it'll be mainly films and some of their early releases in the box, although what I've marked as unlikely are just my personal opinions given what they've posted about releases after April 2016 (unless as part of bundle or box).
The battle of gods arc more or less follows the movie. One thing I'll say about Super is that some of the filler crap at the beginning is exactly that, crap. But when it's's REALLY good.

The best arc to date (which starts at ep 47 and finishes around 66-68) was on the edge of your seat cheering on from the sofa kinda stuff. It really was excellent without a dull moment. The latest couple of episodes have been fillers but actually good ones (in the latest they basically kept ripping on Yamcha big time, it was hilarious)

Super takes a while, but stick with it. When it gets going, you'll love it. The animation is beautiful.

Wicked cheers, man i love watching the SS3 transformation, still after all these years makes me well excited and hype, im like **** is about to go down!
The Mystery Box contents have been discovered now (not got mine yet).


Gankutsuou (Andrew) £44.99
Expelled From Paradise (Jeremy) £29.99
Aldnoah Zero (Keith) £57.99
Fuse (Kerry) £24.99
HAL (Kat) £21.99

Total RRP £179.95


Blood Blockade Battlefront (Andrew) £20.99
Harmony (Jeremy) £13.99
Terror in Resonance (Keith) £19.99
Beck (Kerry) £19.99
Gurren Lagann (Kat) £19.99

Total RRP £94.95

So a very good deal if you went for it.
That is an awesome selection, and I've not got any of them! (well I've got the old Pioneer Gankutsuou set on DVD).
Indeed I've been looking at "Expelled from Paradise" and "Aldnoah Zero" but kept putting them off.

I'm really (pleasantly) surprised at that, hopefully mine will arrive today.
The Mystery Box contents have been discovered now (not got mine yet).


Gankutsuou (Andrew) £44.99
Expelled From Paradise (Jeremy) £29.99
Aldnoah Zero (Keith) £57.99
Fuse (Kerry) £24.99
HAL (Kat) £21.99

Total RRP £179.95


Blood Blockade Battlefront (Andrew) £20.99
Harmony (Jeremy) £13.99
Terror in Resonance (Keith) £19.99
Beck (Kerry) £19.99
Gurren Lagann (Kat) £19.99

Total RRP £94.95

So a very good deal if you went for it.

where is that from? :)

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