The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

I'm really enjoying it and all of the real world references (I'm sure I even heard the kamehameha mentioned!) I'll be sure to check those out as well. Are they the same style?

Yeah same sort of style, Robotics:Notes isnt as stressful on the brain, but Chaos:Head....

I wont say anything, ill let you watch them and then comment!
I'm currently watching Cowboy Bebop for the first time in a few years, this time on BD and I'm still loving it :) although I'd forgotten how far into the series it gets before the whole crew is assembled.
It's fun reading some of the background text that is now legible on the higher res transfer.

I also had the Makoto Shinkai set arrive, it's been in my pre-orders since at least May 2013 but worth the wait, especially as i got it for £13 :D
I did get to see Your Name on Friday, Bluewater shipping centre, I picked a nice microwave sauce pan as well. :D

But if you can get to a screening it's well worth the effort. Looks really nice on the big screen. :D

Also my for my complete and utter shame I have been watching Keijo, so I now know what a Vacuum Butt Cannon is. >.>
I did get to see Your Name on Friday, Bluewater shipping centre, I picked a nice microwave sauce pan as well. :D

But if you can get to a screening it's well worth the effort. Looks really nice on the big screen. :D

Also my for my complete and utter shame I have been watching Keijo, so I now know what a Vacuum Butt Cannon is. >.>

Do you know whether it was a 4K screening?

I've watched few minutes of Keijo, its a bit too much for me, hilarious concept though!
Do you know whether it was a 4K screening?

I've watched few minutes of Keijo, its a bit too much for me, hilarious concept though!

I don't know if was 4k or not, but it did look really good so I would be inclided to think so. But animation that has been done digitally can look very good at lower resoutions so it can be hard to tell. With live action films the difference is more visable.

Bluewater Showcase Cinema de Lux I think may be all Sony 4k Digital Projection, but I can't say for sure, but this would suggest it it.
Holy crap, Your Name was amazing!
Honestly haven't been so moved by a film in ages, the animation and score are gorgeous!
Holy crap, Your Name was amazing!
Honestly haven't been so moved by a film in ages, the animation and score are gorgeous!

Agreed! Was bloody marvelous yesterday. It turns out the cinema decided to show the dubbed version rather than the japanese audio which wasn't my preference, but they only changed the voices, all the music etc was left as is, and I'll be honest, one of the best dubs I've heard for a very long time!

Having watched the trailer earlier, I actually think they did a decent job of tonally matching the characters too, although it gives me an excuse to watch again in Japanese in future :)

As I'm off sick at the moment, it made a nice change! :)

Only thing that annoyed me was Cineworld changed thier minds after I'd booked tickets for the Vue Northampton to show it in MK, and by the time I'd found out all the seats were pretty much gone. Think they showed it in Japanese as well. On the plus side, if these keep selling out or near selling out, it will hopefully persuade them to show more anime/world movies moving forwards or at least running a few showings.

When Marnie Was There is also very very good!
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Technical question ... what BD Players allow for the changing of the country code (not the region code) so as to be able to play modern Sentai BD releases?

I'm thinking about replacing one of my multi-region chipped Panasonic BD players so it would be nice to get one which covered that as well as the Panasonic ones I have can't change country codes (it'd also be multiregion chipped for region changing like my Panasonic ones are).

Looking at Samsung (which you can change the country for the app store apparently using <<+289+>> but I don't know if that is enough) or LG (not preferred).
well I've got a sony bdp-s790 which is chip so when I switch off via remote I press 1 for region a, 2 for b, 3 for c. so that when I switch it back on it it think it either A, B or c and whatever mode it in for blu ray it players all region dvds so you don't need to change it for dvd. as if it affect by geolock I don't know cause I've only got 2 sentai BD and they play ok weather they are geolock i can't say.
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Yeah, mine work in the same way ... trouble is modern Sentai disks don't just check the region they also check what country the player is set to (as US and Japan are both the same region and they want to prevent the disks being used in Japan as they are so much cheaper than the releases there). Hence even if you are set to Region A playback is still blocked on a UK player.
My Philips BDP2110 can play them without any changes (probably because it's defaulted to the US), so it's likely that those that are available now can do the same.
This is why i buy less and less discs year on year.studios should release region free nowadays,but no not only are a lot of discs region coded but country coded too :(
Their loss ;)
This is why i buy less and less discs year on year.studios should release region free nowadays,but no not only are a lot of discs region coded but country coded too :(
Their loss ;)

The regional cack is truly from a different era when dinosaurs roamed the land and people still played on portable consoles. I think people enjoy goodies and owning something physical, but eventually stream beams always win -- easier production, nothing to box, nothing to ship -- purely digital entertainment!
The regional cack is truly from a different era when dinosaurs roamed the land and people still played on portable consoles. I think people enjoy goodies and owning something physical, but eventually stream beams always win -- easier production, nothing to box, nothing to ship -- purely digital entertainment!

Except the primary market for Anime absolutely love having the physical media and extras which is used to get enough sales to pay for the production for the Anime. This is also why general CD sales are also so strong still in Japan.

Streaming is all well and good until you internet goes down and you want to watch something or until the streaming platform doesn't have what you want to watch available anymore (or it is only available on one of the other of the multitude of streaming platforms which you don't have access too).
well from what I read sony set there stuff to "US" for default set and geolock is only on japan / US disc, so UK disc have not got geolock on them. I've seen the US 2015 release of appleseed that sentai done for £10, does anyone know if it got geolock for sure on it, because if it has it I might buy it to check my player.
Except the primary market for Anime absolutely love having the physical media and extras which is used to get enough sales to pay for the production for the Anime. This is also why general CD sales are also so strong still in Japan.

Streaming is all well and good until you internet goes down and you want to watch something or until the streaming platform doesn't have what you want to watch available anymore (or it is only available on one of the other of the multitude of streaming platforms which you don't have access too).

/mutters some very very rude things about flixter video which has a 50% chance of deciding my password isn't right and then refusing to accept a password reset every time I want to use it*

Physical copies are my preferred choice for anything I may want to watch again, if just because you cna't rely on the streaming services to still have the content in 6 months, be available when you want it, still be in business or you're stuck if your internet is down.

*A few weeks back I spent about 2 hours over the weekend trying to sort it, only to get told when I sent a message to the help system "oh yeah the system is having problems with accounts" - they didn't think to put a message up, and it took about another 3 days before I could log in (with my original password), and it's doing it again this weekend (but with a "user not found" when I submit a new password using the link the reset email gives me)
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