The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

My top 5 is very hard to come up with, but here a reasonable selection in no order.

Berserk TV 1997
Bubblegum Crisis, First OVAs
Claymore TV
After the Rain
Kare Kano
Macross Do you remember Love?
Macross Frontier
Hyper Police
Maison Ikkoku
Record of Lodoss War
Samurai Champloo
Your Name
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
Runway de Waratte
Urusei Yatsura

There are others, picking a few is too hard to be fair.

I'd take most of those, then add in Evangelion (apparently my UE set should be with me in a few days!),
Haibane Renmie
Panty & Stocking (so nuts)
Silent Voice
Your Lie in April (that nearly destroyed me, I went into it blind due to an ATA mystery box)
Macross Plus*
Now and then, here and there. Very hard to watch in places but it felt like it was possibly one of the truest depictions of how war effects the innocent, I remember reading on the old animeondvd boards about how many people stopped watching it after IIRC disc 2.
You're Under Arrest.

Movies would be too hard for me to narrow it down, but includes potentially most of the Ghibli titles, You're Name, Silent Voice, Summer Wars, 5cm per second.

Gunbuster is one that if it gets a UK blu-ray release I'm ordering as soon as it goes up, IIRC it's getting a US blu-ray release thanks to Discotek, but I'm not sure what the rights situation is like over here, last time I saw anyone with any background in the industry comment on it, it seemed that no one quite knew who had the UK rights due to the original licensor going bust and it's assets being bought up/given to people who probably don't know what they are.

Kare Kano I wish had done more of the story, as I really enjoyed it.

*I'm somewhat hopeful we'll see a blu-ray of this now, as Funi/HG and the Japanese companies seemed to have come to an agreement and the movie version is getting a showing in the US Cinemas, I managed to get the OST's from TRSI years ago as a bundle in damaged cases (5 for $15), and I've listened to them so much in the last 18 years :)
You can always spend more, but maybe best not to go overboard :D
You say that...

My "Anime DVD" spreadsheet has just hit 1,250 entries today.
Admittedly a lot of those were from the days before everything tended to be released as seasons/half seasons, and a bunch of them were bought as bundles from TRSI (so 18 volumes of CCS at ~£3 each or 15 of YUA at a fiver each).
However that's over 20 years of collecting so it's not that bad,'s an average of just over one a week.
I'd take most of those, then add in Evangelion (apparently my UE set should be with me in a few days!),
Haibane Renmie
Panty & Stocking (so nuts)
Silent Voice
Your Lie in April (that nearly destroyed me, I went into it blind due to an ATA mystery box)
Macross Plus*
Now and then, here and there. Very hard to watch in places but it felt like it was possibly one of the truest depictions of how war effects the innocent, I remember reading on the old animeondvd boards about how many people stopped watching it after IIRC disc 2.
You're Under Arrest.

Movies would be too hard for me to narrow it down, but includes potentially most of the Ghibli titles, You're Name, Silent Voice, Summer Wars, 5cm per second.

Gunbuster is one that if it gets a UK blu-ray release I'm ordering as soon as it goes up, IIRC it's getting a US blu-ray release thanks to Discotek, but I'm not sure what the rights situation is like over here, last time I saw anyone with any background in the industry comment on it, it seemed that no one quite knew who had the UK rights due to the original licensor going bust and it's assets being bought up/given to people who probably don't know what they are.

Kare Kano I wish had done more of the story, as I really enjoyed it.

*I'm somewhat hopeful we'll see a blu-ray of this now, as Funi/HG and the Japanese companies seemed to have come to an agreement and the movie version is getting a showing in the US Cinemas, I managed to get the OST's from TRSI years ago as a bundle in damaged cases (5 for $15), and I've listened to them so much in the last 18 years :)

Eva for me was almost there, I did get the VHS on UK release and still have the US ADV DVDs. Plus the 3, x.xx files, yet to watch the 4th, but will soon.
Haibane Renmei a definite, got the the Doujinshi which now sell for silly money. As is Silent Voice, Patlabor, You're under Arrest & Macross plus.
Now and then, here and there. Pretty sure I have the DVD once but never got around to watch them.

The only reason Your Lie in April wasn't on my list I've only seen the first 13 eps, and then I also got the Blu-ray in the mystery box, so had to get the 2nd part. It's in my definitely must watch when mentally prepared to list. :D

I do have a slight Gunbuster obsession, Not sure if I need to by the new blu-ray, but it's a possibility. To add the the VHS, US/HK DVD sets, JPN Laserdiscs and old blu-ray release. :p

Crest of the stars was one I forgot, shame on me and Hummingbirds is a guilty pleasure.

Yeah I'm hoping a lot of the Macross series will finally get some English region releases.
I'd take most of those, then add in Evangelion (apparently my UE set should be with me in a few days!),

I missed the regular CE on Zavvi for £80, I wasn't crazy about the whole series tbh but it was definitely an experience. If I see the regular CE version for like £80 again I may bite.

Your Lie in April (that nearly destroyed me, I went into it blind due to an ATA mystery box)

That's one of my collection with the CE, I love the show but I am not sure I can re-watch it anytime soon without dying! :D

This is more or less up to date except missing the Darling in the FranXX french edition I got that AL did on amazon FR.


I've been mainly buying the CE versions for a while now, look good on the shelf and are a bit more special than normal ones. My regular blurays are hidden away somewhere.

Any decent Samurai animie out there peeps? Specifically on Netflix

Not a genre I'm crazy on, but consider Dororo for a bit of samurai-ish action :)
Apologies, not been on much, trying to sort out brothers' 3D Printer area :)

Ok so the mystery boxes are (assuming I've not got the contents of the two swapped over)

Blue box
Birthday Wonderland
The Dragon Dentist
FullMetal Alchemist original Anime, Collectors edition part 1 Episodes 1-27
Ride Your Wave

Red Box:
Children of the Sea
K: Season 1
Summer Days with Coo
Terror in resonance

Cheapest place for FMA part 2 seems to be HMV.

thank you letting us know, I almost bought one of the ata mystery boxes, would have lost out as i have some of them already.
Ok, I've got 5 of the mystery box items, and don't want the other three so not getting those boxes was the correct choice.

I don't know how many items I have in my collection but I'll just have to say a lot. I started collecting in '05 but that doesn't mean I only purchased stuff which was released from then onwards. I did have a bit of a sort out a couple of months ago as things were a bit out of control and added two _more_ six shelf bookcases, one for anime and one for manga. This is on top of the existing storage.
as for my anime collection dvd/blu-ray wise to saying it's quite big would be an understatement. while i started around 05 mark too, i only started to keep any sort of record since 2013 of what anime blu-rays and some dvd i have bought over the years.

i bought 12 in 2013
25 in 2014,
29 in 2015,
24 in 2016,
28 in 2017,
19 in 2018,
12 in 2019
32 in 2020
total of 181

i have post at the end of most of those year what i bought that year in this thread. so no i'm not going to repost what a bought, as it be a very long post.
I have an album on flickr with the current state of my collection (apart from the drawer full of Japanese DVDs)

The two bookcases with figure boxes on top were recent editions to sort things out. The left is all DVDs (mostly older) which means that the other two anime bookcases can be mostly blu-rays now and the right is manga as that was completely out of control.
Thanks for the pics lads :)

@Werewolf shame I can't zoom in a bit, the bottom 2 in particular are harder to see. Well I can zoom in but not without making stuff blurrier!

@memyselfandi that is a serious collection you have there. Do I count at least 3 Fruits Baskets? :D

As a general note, DVDs seem massive compared to their bluray counterparts in terms of space needed.
I managed to find the originals of those last two pictures (still resized to keep them reasonable).


DVD cases are about half an inch taller than blu-ray cases, the big issue comes with the fact that at the tome they were usually released as single volumes of 3-5 episodes, so what you get in a single blu-ray case would often take 3-4 DVD cases.
Thanks for the pics lads :)

@Werewolf shame I can't zoom in a bit, the bottom 2 in particular are harder to see. Well I can zoom in but not without making stuff blurrier!

@memyselfandi that is a serious collection you have there. Do I count at least 3 Fruits Baskets? :D

As a general note, DVDs seem massive compared to their bluray counterparts in terms of space needed.

Probably, I have cleared off most of the duplicates (there are some packed into the bottom of the unit under the TV or have given them to my Dad), but I think there is the original Fruit Basket DVD boxset, the BD re-release of that series and then theres the LE box holding both parts of series one and two of the new retelling. I am also using the boxes for those releases seperately on the shelves to fill gaps to prevent things falling over before those gaps are filled.

Theres probably a few other duplicates like I know theres both the singles DVD box for Angelic Layer and the BD box for it. I probably need to go through in the new year and pull some duplicaes to free some space (I know there will be some new Gundam duplicates as I used the buy one, get one free offer on ATA to pick up some BD releases.

But even with what I have I can see a good half dozen art boxes on Werewolfs pictures above I would have loved to have for things I have the single releases for but was to late for the art box releases.
I was/am a sucker for nice art boxes!

I was lucky to get the metal ones for BGC 2040/eva/Gasaraki/Macross because at the time I spotted a link to the Paul Champagne site and registered with a Macross forum to join in their commission, then snagged the other 3 as official merch from TRSI.
Unfortunately it looks like he's stopped doing them at all now, as he used to have a lovely selection for not just anime but a lot of franchises (everything from 60's classics like The Addams Family/Munsters, to 70's westerns, to Aliens, Star Wars etc).
The wayback machine seems to have archived his site quite well.

A lot of the others I was fairly lucky to be able to get hold of because they tended to be short stocked, but I was buying from about 6 different US retailers and did end up with a few duplicates that I sold on at cost (IIRC Chobits, Hack//Sign and Escalaflowne with the model), and a few I picked up from TRSI cheap such as the lunchbox version of Armitige Duel Matrix 3 with the figure which was $15, and a spare boogiepop phantom box as it was a TRSI release and they'd made spares in case of damage so when they sold their box sets they cleared out the empty spares at something like $5 each (so about $8 if you added it to an order for something else).
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It's the biggest shame about getting into things a little late sometimes, impossible to get the CE/LE versions of a lot of older shows now.

It was hard work even getting them for Hyouka and Konosuba on my end, Konosuba season 1 would rarely appear on ebay and would be 3-4x RRP when it did. I'm sure a lot of what you guys have there is valuable and would sell for a lot, but like most serious collectors you probably don't sell much? I know I generally only buy with the intent to keep and not sell.

There are some newer sets I wouldn't mind getting like the SAO ones, but I think I'd struggle to pick up the previous seasons now, so wouldn't just want the latest season and not the rest :(
I think I've sold maybe two sets total ever ... and it was so much hassle I just don't bother. If I get a duplicate then I pass things on to my Dad to watch normally.
Theres a few things I would like which I haven't got but I've been a lot more picky in recent years. The last things I went out of my way to pick up were the season 1 & 2 Chihayafuru US sets as I love the series and fortunately Rightstuf had them heavily discounted earlier this year.

I would like a UK release of K-ON, I have the US release, but I'm put off by the issues with released boxset

Bigger problem is having time to watch what I want too ....
I never used to clear out and I used to have a few decent sized shelving units full; getting married, getting more of a professional career-level job with MUCH higher levels of time consumption and travel requirements, and getting our own place (which oddly enough was smaller than my family's place) all contributed to a need to be a bit more minimalist, and I have ended up selling a considerable amount of the content I used to have; even if I'm not GOOD at being minimalist (I have to clear out my games collections periodically also). I actually have a pile that is ready for the next clear out attempt on the shelving unit to my right, at this point. Finding the right collectors willing to pay for older shows can also be difficult; many fans are always chasing the next new thing and a lot of younger anime fans don't look to the past as much as they maybe should, so barely give DVDs up for sale a look in if the show is older; even if its a classic.

I have reached the point now where, having seen so much content, I am comfortably at the point where I know after watching it if its a series I'll keep a physical copy of; either because me or the wife enjoyed it so much, or it has a load of rewatch potential. Shows/movies like Toradora, Spice and Wolf, Redline, some of the Ghibli, Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya etc; all these have earnt a permanent spot on the shelf; but many shows really are either not good enough to justify a rewatch (and space in my limited storage to keep) or don't have enough replay factor; especially with so many older series now available on Amazon Prime, Netflix etc.

This and the rapid growth (and improvement) of streaming services, have made it much easier for me to tone down my physical collection. I love physicals as much as anyone; I'm a sucker for a good collector's edition etc, but time and space pressures, along with other hobbies, have made it much easier for me to resist buying new discs to replaces the ones no longer with me.
It's the biggest shame about getting into things a little late sometimes, impossible to get the CE/LE versions of a lot of older shows now.

i know what you mean i try to get ""Anime limited" Mobile suit gundam 0083 CE" but it just can't be bought now unless you want to pay mega money.
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