The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

considering that Mirai isn't even for sale yet on ata. then no there hasn't been an early bird special for it yet, as they tend to do the early bird special first week they take orders for dvd/blu-ray title. I believe the current early bird special is for "Welcome to the Ballroom: Part 1 - Blu-ray Collector's Edition" and one before this on was for "Silver Spoon: Season 1 - Blu-ray Collector's Edition"
Cheers, I'd not noticed they'd not got it up for pre-order on their site at all.

Memyselfandi, aye I think I'll probably do that as well.
Cheers, just ordered that:)

I received the ATA warehouse clearance set Tuesday (been meaning to post about it since), it's a nice bundle even if unfortunately I've got most of it::)

Fullmetal Panic Fumoffu!
Re: Cyborg 009: Limited Edition
Junjo Romantica part 1
Junjo Romantica part 2
Silent Voice standard
Sword Art Online II, part 1 collectors edition
Your Name Steelbook

I'm probably going to give fireworks, baccano and cybog 009 to a friend.
Well i finished the 26 episodes this weekend and now need to watch the rest.

Thought i would have a break and watch something more upbeat but instead watched a silent voice and all of your lie in April.

How i1m not a wreck after binging all that this weekend i have no idea lol
My god, you really picked a fun, upbeat trio to watch in short succession :D

I remember how I felt after watching each of them, and it was bad enough with months/years separating them let alone in the space of a week or so:p
I want to watch Your Lie in April again at some point, as for some reason I seem to recall some of it being a bit out of focus and blurry when I watched it originally, and it must have been my TV;)

I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to watch next, as I've got Maquia and the Perfect Blue UE, but I've also got a shed load of other stuff (about 8-10 series) left over from the Christmas bundles, I might try Alice & Hana, but for the last week I've been watching Twin Peaks: A limited series event, which to be honest feels like a weird anime at times:p
Lol well if im honest ive been a bit off key today so far and keep listening to sad anime soundtracks so i think i need to watch something stupid and and happy to counter this last weekends effects

Something like Azumanga, Galaxy Angel, Lu over the wall, or Space Dandy tends to be a good upper after Eva/SV/Your Lie in April;)
It's probably just as well you didn't finish it off with Grave of the Fireflies.
So... no sprinklers, and no fire escape. And most likely no fire doors either.

Death trap.
No, many buildings will have the same standards, as IIRC the building had two exits served via separate stairwells.

You don't need a dedicated fire exit if your building has two separated normal exits and under a certain number of people inside, Fire exits tend to be for high occupancy buildings, buildings with high risks, and those that are large enough that you would otherwise have to go a long way to reach an exit.
Effectively you can have just two exits if the layout of the building is such that they are separate and your staff numbers are below the point where under regulations it's assumed they can exit via one in a certain time* (also in many areas things like windows that can open wide enough on the ground floor may be considered ok**)
Many supermarkets only have something like 2 fire exits plus the main entrance (and possibly a way through the loading area) despite having far more people in them, in a far larger area, and most of those people will only really be aware of the main entrance.

Most office buildings that size in the UK and US would probably not have a dedicated fire exit if they had two normal points of entry, and not high rise as under certain size/occupancy levels you don't need specific "fire exits", a normal entrance and back entrance will do, as the assumption is the fire won't spread that fast.

Sprinklers don't stop most fires, at best they're designed to slow a small fire (say a waste paper bin or electrical fault in an appliance) from spreading whilst people have a chance to grab an extinguisher or get out, and to some degree suppress smoke.
They do next to nothing in regards to a larger established fire, or if an accelerate has been used over a large area:(
They are also a risk in themselves in many instances where you have equipment or materials that can be damaged (your insurance will look at the risk of a fire where they might help vs the risk of an accidental discharge potentially causing hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage).

Firedoors - if the offices were open plan (as many studios are, not to mention other offices), there wouldn't be many firedoors in place except at the stairwells etc, and that's going to be down to local fire regulations of which Japan is from memory pretty strict on, so if it had passed a fire safety inspection you can be fairly certain it was up to code.

Unfortunately building designs and fire safety standards tend to be based on normal fires and related events, they don't take into account some nut with a grudge who creates a fire that in seconds reaches the sort of level a normal fire would reach probably only after the building had been fully evacuated and the fire service on site.

*IIRC in the UK we work to the assumption that X number can pass through a standard door in Y time, and you have to be able to show that you have enough capacity to exceed that when Z number of exits are blocked (so if you can get 50 people out through an exit in a minute and the rules say you have two minutes to clear the building then two exits would be enough for 100 people as it would allow for one to be blocked).

**I went to a school once where the secondary fire excape route for one room (only 6 people) involved breaking a glass vial on the window lock to allow the window to open through 90 degrees, then onto a flat roof that had a sort of guideway, and down a ladder, or a jump if you were feeling energetic/in a hurry/stupid (as a kid in a drill).
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I've been watching Hellsing Ultimate (a few years later I know) and loving it:)
It's been fun going back to Hellsing although some of it was a bit :eek:
It seems much bloodier and more involved than the original Anime, with better character progressions, and goes so much further with the story and it pays off.

I've enjoyed the Dub (it's one of the titles where to me it makes sense to at least try the dub), and the commentaries have been fun, especially where they get into some of the background of some of the decisions on how/why they did certain things, there is a comment about how they almost lost the chance to dub the original because they pushed a query about pronouncing Alucard as "Arucard" and the Japanese Geneon execs were not happy, but when they spoke to the creator he was basically "I'm sorry if my English spelling is wrong, correct any mistakes and make it cool" :p (the dub director sounds like he did a massive amount of research both on the Manga/Japanese intent and source materials).

I think the main reason I haven't seen it before was because of the long time between volumes, and from memory it was being released at about the point the industry in the US and UK was falling over so I was unwilling to pay for 1 or 2 episodes at a time when it looked like it might not get fully released (I was buying several UK releases about that time that kept stalling - I think Tsubasa Chronicles and Witchblade both got mucked about as I ended getting about 3 copies of disc 1 of Tsubasa in different forms before the full set was finally released). are doing mystery deals again.

Two bundles of BD (6 each), two of DVD (I think each), apparently the Blu-rays have no overlap with their Christmas bundles, and the DVD sets have a total of 3 overlaps.
All are either complete series, or complete seasons.

Tempting as I don't have much of their stuff on Blu-ray.
I finally sat down and watch Mirai, which has been sat on the side since it's release.
It's great, you can tell it's by the same director as Summer Wars and Wolf Children, it started off a little slow but within about 15 minutes I was starting to sit with a grin and really enjoying it.
The art is really nicely done, and the animation tends towards extremely good with some excellent moments
when future Mirai, Kun and Yukku where trying to get the Girl's Day dolls in the box, and sneaking around the table for example
, and the music worked well.
If you haven't seen it, its definitely worth a watch.

I'm going to try and watch Maquia either tonight or tomorrow depending on how much time I get:)
My Anime-on-line mystery bundles arrived this morning.

Bodacious Space Pirates
Busou Shinki
The Familiar of Zero season 1
Girlish Number
Girls beyond the wasteland
Hakkenden eight dogs of the east
Kamisama Kiss season 2
Nurse Witch Komugi R
Photo Kano
Vatican miracle examiner

Although I'm not sure what was in what bundle, as both BD bundles arrived in the same box:)

Quite happy with that, as most of the titles were ones I didn't already have, and several were ones I'd been wanting to get for a while.
Whats your guys opinion on dubbed vs subbed? Is the Japanese or English voice acting better usually? I noticed in Demon Slayer even though i couldn't understand a word (apart from Goodbye and Thank you, I'm on my way to becoming fluent in Japanese lol), the voice acting seemed to be very good. Like some of the demons actually sound menacing, especially the ones with a creepy laugh. I watch a lot of foreign language horrors, so am used to reading subtitles, but it's also nice to be able to sit back and relax sometimes as well.
I'm fairly agnostic.

I will try both dubs and subs and decide what actually sounds better on a case by case basis* (you wouldn't decide that X version of a play was the all time best having never seen any other version), I do tend to watch slightly more stuff dubbed (especially on repeat viewings) as I can relax more/don't have to concentrate fully on trying to read the subs at the same time as watching the action.
Modern dubs do tend to be better than older ones, and it was very rare for a dub from the 90's to be good.

*Anything obviously set in the US or the UK is more likely to be a dub view if it is any good at all.
IIRC there is a Film of Kabaneri :)
Although no second season:(

If anyone is interested have Seraph of the End part 1 collectors edition blu-ray for £8 and part 2 collectors edition for a tenner.
Fingers crossed ... apparently might get a certain undine series actually shipped by the end of the year on BD. The original delivery date was September '18 but given what happened with the Kickstarter they can be forgiven from taking a bit longer (international orders are not partially shipped unless you pay more).
I'm still hoping there will be an EU/UK release of that on BD at some point as I'd love to get it on on blu-ray but I'm not getting a region free blu-ray player:)

Has anyone seen the new Ghost in the Shell trailer?
I'm very much in two minds as I want more GITS, but the trailer looks more like something from a game cut scene than an anime.
Hmmm ... All the Anime's 12 days of Christmas starting ... Looks at things on shelf from last year's which have not been watched ... :(
I know the feeling...

I think I've still got about 10 series from last year that I've not got round to watching (from both ATA and MVM), I've been struggling this year to get the time on my own to watch anime:(

Fortunately at this point I think I have a good percentage of ATA's output...
My wallet has taken a minor hit tonight, ordered a few things I'd forgotten they'd released in terms of Funi titles.
Todays ATA deals are collector and Ultimate editions.

Wolf's Rain £50
Escaflowne UE £40
Eureka 7 UE £40
I've ordered WR as i've been meaning to get it since release (the Escaflown and E7 are awsome).

They've got the Bebop UE in the case for £200, they also have Fuse, Aldnoah 1, night is short, and Tokyo marble chocolate for £10-20 each.
aye mvm have their first mystery bundle up today, which i've ordered.

Between the ATA and AOL/MVM mystery bundles I suspect I'll get some more doubles (already got some from previous boxes), but come next year I'm hoping to get round to sorting out my dvd and blu ray collections again and digging out the older versions/having a bit of a clear out.
Being rather behind on Monogatari that was rather expensive ...
I keep meaning to get into it, but the length of the series puts me off given I'm struggling to find good "anime viewing" time at the moment (especially for new and sub only stuff where I have to be able to pay full attention).
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