The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Completed Haikyuu, good show, but damn I thought it had ended, and it definitely hasn't. 4 seasons in and it's not really at a definitive stopping point.

Finally got to finish Isekai Ojisan as well, but that long gap and breaks in the episode releases have really hurt it imo, loses a lot of momentum.
Still slowly watching my way through A ria, loving it, I think it must be 10-15 years since I last watched it so i'd forgotten a huge amount of it, especially seasons 2 and 3. It's such a peaceful and fun story, and I love the music and visual styles, especially the end song for season 3.
I'm hoping that the new season that IIRC is due this year will make it to the UK a little bit faster than the original 3 did.

I've also almost finished Spy X Family season 1 now (on episode 25) which i'm enjoying, and Reincarnated as a Sword which is silly but fun.
I'll probably start on Irresponsible Captain Tylor once I finish the A series.
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That's good news.

Another weird one that i'm looking forward to is the Vending Machine one, I remember reading the light novels (only 3 of them IIRC) when a friend suggested it and it was really daft, but also seemed well thought out and was very fun (how does someone who can't move and can't communicate with words not only stay "alive" but do well).
I'm hoping that the new season that IIRC is due this year will make it to the UK a little bit faster than the original 3 did.
Been out of the loop for while and my googlefu is failing
Do you mean there is a NEW season coming up?link please :)
Been out of the loop for while and my googlefu is failing
Do you mean there is a NEW season coming up?link please :)
My mistake it looks like there were/are two films released in 2021, for some reason I thought it was a new series :(
It looks like they revolve around Orange Planet and Himeya company (so Alice and Aika)
Aria the Benedizione
Aria the Crepuscolo
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Picking up on Vinland Farming this week. :D
I don't watch much Anime but I did enjoy season 1 of Vinland Saga, Season 2 is quite a different beast but the episodes are short and I'm still enjoying it. Canute is a nice complex character and I'm interested to see how Thorfinn's arc progressses.

I've read Attack on Titan which is a really good Manga with a very satisfying conclusion and I'd like to watch that at some point it's just a case of the right subscription at the right time.
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Blue Lock is intentionally OTT and its pretty crazy but really makes the characters stand out. I did watch the first few of Ao Ashi and it was alright nothing special imo but i am a bit bias :D

I finally watched Blue Lock, I enjoyed it, had some ropey CGI bits with some of the plays, but they put in the effort with the hand animated stuff so I can appreciate they have to cut some corners.

Looks like we have a movie and a 2nd season announced.

This reminds me a lot of when I got bored playing Fifa normally with my friends, so we started making up stupid rules or putting strikers in goal etc. This is the same thing but "what if the entire team were forwards?".

I'm looking forward to new seasonal shows starting!

Just finished Aquatope on White Sand, which is about two girls and aquariums, very loosely put anyway. Nice to have anime not set in schools sometimes.

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