The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Personally I should have Sentai's first half of season 2 BD release waiting for me at work on Monday :)

I got my copy last week, but I haven't had a chance to watch it since I've been slowly crawling through the two season sets of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (I've only got the last eight episodes (the last blu-ray) of the second season to watch).

I'm hoping to watch Roujin Z today as my order from MVM arrived yesterday :)

I've had my copy for over two weeks now (manga were selling it at the London Expo) and I only paid £12 for the blu-ray (go me)
I was right and my first half of K-ON!! Season 2 had come. I do like what they have done with the disk art so that the case centers are worked into the cassette art. I'm not going to be able to start looking at this until the end of the week anyway.

Finished watching Maken-Ki! this evening. Ok this is a service series with lots of pantsu and quite a bit of oppai (particularly in the non-broadcast version). But looking last that I thought it was a pretty reasonable series.

It is supernatural/school based with people having powers and fighting but there is some other stuff involving other people which makes things more complicated. There were some fairly good characters and some amusing parts to the series (even though quite a bit of it is standard form love triangle type stuff). The main issue I had with it was that it seemed to keep on introducing new characters instead of really resolving things hence it really left itself open for more without much being sorted out.
A little be of good news for Spice & Wolf fans. The books are going to speed up release dates starting from Vol.7

As announced at Sakura-Con, beginning with volume 7, the Spice and Wolf novels will be released ever four months rather than every six!

Which means in 2013 we'll see 3 books released instead of 2! Woohoo!!
yay :D
Although I've still not read past book 2 (despite having them all so far).

I've got the UK S1 set on pre-order as well:)

I actually managed to watch some Anime the other night!
The new blu0ray of Roujin Z which was great fun to watch again, I think the last time I watched it was when I picked up the old CPM DVD which had pretty poor PQ.
I thought 7 was starting series 2 but I could be wrong, I've not been keeping pace with the manga as much as the novels :)
(Novel 6 for reference is just in at UP and should be with me in the next day or two, its technically not due out for another week or two...oh well :D)
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My Black Rock Shooter T-Shirts arrived today from AmiAmi by their new Air mail service, faster then EMS and avoids Customs. :D
I thought 7 was starting series 2 but I could be wrong, I've not been keeping pace with the manga as much as the novels :)
(Novel 6 for reference is just in at UP and should be with me in the next day or two, its technically not due out for another week or two...oh well :D)

I'm only going by the synopsis on Yen Press, but it seems like Vol.7 wraps up with the end of season 1. Pitty it's so slow as i doubt we'll see all the books come out as Mangas. I would have prefered to read the mangas but i just can't wait
yay :D
Although I've still not read past book 2 (despite having them all so far).

I'm not sure I've even got around to reading book 2 yet (and volume 6 is on it's way to me too at the moment ... along with the seventh Haruhi novel which I'm about as up to date with (and various other manga and Madoka vol 3)

I was hoping that they would have shipped Kimi ni Todoke vol 14 to but that didn't make the cut :(

edit: Yay, they did ship that today though. Also got my sets of slip covers for my Moekana cards today too.
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I suspect I will read volume 6 at some point during 2013 going by the current rate of things to read/watch ...

Finished a couple of things over the last couple of evenings ...

K-On!! (Season 2) - part 1 ... on Sentai's BD release. Pretty reasonable release from Sentai of the first half of the second season of K-On! I'd forgotten how fun this series can be with some very amusing parts in this collection of episodes (I particularly like the school trip till Kyoto). Ok the pacing is different from season 1 (the first season covers 2 years in one cour whilst season 2 covers 1 year in two cours) but it still move along fairly nicely.

Squid Girl season 1 ... on Media Blasters BD release. It's nice that MB managed to release this series on BD (given their problems with some titles). Squid Girl is a fairly average series for me though, the humour is a bit too repetitive and silly.


And also made it through:

Shakugan no Shana season 1 ... on the Funi/Geneon DVD release. On the whole I quite like this series which has a good mix of supernatural and action etc but I'm not the sure on the pacing at times. There are times when it seems to be dragging a bit and others when they could have spent a bit longer on them. Of course this series originally made me aware of the existence of melon bread ... of which I am, of course, thankful.


And finished off ....

Usagi Drop ... re-watch of the Siren Visual R4 DVD release. Great slice of life series which has a sweet story and is funny in places. I just wish that someone would license the live action film (as well as those for Kimi ni Todoke and Maria-sama ga Miteru)
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I would note, as it has been mentioned in the thread several times before, that it appears that PlanetAxel has closed down and filed for bankruptcy. There is further information on their front page including if you have outstanding, paid for, orders.
I would note, as it has been mentioned in the thread several times before, that it appears that PlanetAxel has closed down and filed for bankruptcy. There is further information on their front page including if you have outstanding, paid for, orders.

Just seen it myself, I had a £50 order in that hadn't been shipped, it's no longer showing on the order page so I'm hoping I get a refund going on the message on the front page, if not I'll have to contact paypal.:(
at long last i have caught up with Naruto Shippuuden.

very slightly annoyed at the amount of filler eps from 250 until they finally get stuck into the 4th shinobi world war.

on a side note, must finish Darker than black and Noein. and finally ordering Rosario + Vampire from UP1 next week hehe cannot wait :D
I would note, as it has been mentioned in the thread several times before, that it appears that PlanetAxel has closed down and filed for bankruptcy. There is further information on their front page including if you have outstanding, paid for, orders.

Another one bites the dust unfortunately.

They were the best option for importing bluray's.
Glad my order came when it did then for EF, shame as they were always good when I used them.

I'll have to get my brother to check his account though as he had Clannad BDs on order.
That's a shame about Planetaxel :(
I was starting to use them for some of my orders, with them gone most of the companies I used to use for reasonably priced US DVD's are now gone (Dvdboxoffice, dvdpacific etc).
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