The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

I have been to Manarake and Animate in Akihabara, just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any big ones! I didn't notice anything about the aircon in Animate though?
I have been to Manarake and Animate in Akihabara, just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any big ones! I didn't notice anything about the aircon in Animate though?

It was a case when I was last there of them being open earlier than most of the other stores and their aircon running colder than most of the others too :)
I must say I found the selection in Robot Robot very good though, and thats only just next to Mandarake in the new Akiba Culture Centre (where Good Smile Cafe is).
Well, had a remarkably anime free weekend due to being away on a family related thing so only manged to watch a couple of episodes over the period off the netbook.

When I got home yesterday though I did watch though the FMA Sacred Star of Milos movie on BD. Overall I thought that it was a pretty reasonable film with plenty of action and the usual sort of high-jinks we expect to see from this franchise. The movie is new material, i.e. not a rehash of what has gone before, and is a stand alone adventure set within the FMA:B timeline rather than something which really moves the overall plot forward.

You do need to have seen the FMA:B series to understand some of what is going on (and why it is doing so) but if you have that then it is a pretty good watch.
Hmmm .... Not heard of Robot Robot, I'll have to remember to check it out ....

It is a fairly new building, I think sub year. Ended up being dragged into a maid cafe (by the maid on the outside, was only asking about prices!) but then the people I was with wasn't willing to pay the prices they wanted for a meal, shame as I'd have gone along with it. :p
I was reading up on the Akiba Culture Zone where it is this morning (after a quick Google). Sounds like an interesting place to take a look so I will be adding it to my list :) I also see that there is a RobotRobot store at Nakano Broadway too so I'll probably have a look in that one too when I go there.

I do find it annoying that most of these places don't open until 11am ... means that you have an awkward amount of time to fill before going to them.

Personally I've never attempted a Maid Cafe, (due in part to the probable language barrier) ... I'm tempted to give somewhere like the Goodsmile Cafe a go this time (although I may just chicken out and eat at the UDX building).
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Seriously they could speak English! She was talking to us when we were going up the lift etc. It was some of the best English I had come across, the cafe was 'popopure animation studio & maid cafe' with the popopure being hiragana. If you go from Mandarake and head towards the river (going onto computer street) you will find it on one of the corners there. Drink is 700 yen, chu-hai is 1600 yen with a single free drink refill.

To be honest I just went somewhere else in the morning so it wasn't an issue with the opening times.
I was reading up on the Akiba Culture Zone where it is this morning (after a quick Google). Sounds like an interesting place to take a look so I will be adding it to my list :) I also see that there is a RobotRobot store at Nakano Broadway too so I'll probably have a look in that one too when I go there.

I do find it annoying that most of these places don't open until 11am ... means that you have an awkward amount of time to fill before going to them.

Personally I've never attempted a Maid Cafe, (due in part to the probable language barrier) ... I'm tempted to give somewhere like the Goodsmile Cafe a go this time (although I may just chicken out and eat at the UDX building).

Can't see it being impossible as long as you know how to order food/point stuff out on the menu.

The Goodsmile Cafe looks pretty funky from what i've seen on Danny Choo's site.
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I had a look in the Good Smile Cafe when I was in the building, looked good so probably worth visiting that too. The main thing I have found is everyone tries their best to help you out if you are struggling with the language so I have always got by with any restaurant I have been to, and that includes some very local places as the house is in a residential area (Just near Nishi-Nippori).
I do agree with that ... We had quite amusing times in some shops and restaurants where the language barrier was causing confusion ... Usually they try to help you (sometimes even it you don't need help!). My dad in particular is very good at causing complete confusion with shop assistants (particularly in book shops for some reason), I normally go off a little way when it happens and collapse with laughter.

My problem is that I am quite a shy person so place which require maybe a hire level of interact, say a maid cafe, are a bit intimidating for me personally.

Only just over 4 months before I go again :)
Watched Waiting in the Summer last week, really liked it and certainly one of the better harem animes out there. Liked that you noticed that there are two guys to three girls so someone is going to get hurt and it doesn't shy away from that, brave. Also i liked that it doesn't wait until the last 5 seconds after the credits of the last episode for the two main characters to get together, they give them a couple of episodes for the relationship to flourish.

Any recommendations for harem animes this season?
Yep, AnoNatsu was a pretty good series overall ... but I'm struggling to think of harem animes this season. There are several good series currently airing but none of then I would really class as harem.
Yeah, I'm completely into harem/romance animes, especially if they have a sci-fi twist. I think I'm pretty much up to date with all of them now so it's a case of waiting to see what's new
Bodacious Space Pirates and AKB0048 are both currently airing and have good sci-fi elements but no harems.


Received a couple of things today; the second bilingual volume of the Chihayafuru manga and the 2010 5 volume re-release of the Maria-sama manga (in Japanese, the same place as I got this from also had a set of all of the novels in Japanese which I would have really liked to pick up but I can't justify the price ... at the moment at least).
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No, (and god I don't like TRSI's site makeover)

I did order a few more canvases though the other night ;) ... now I need to hang them next week when I'm on leave, if I can fit it in around the anime ;)

Finished a quite re-watch of Manabi Straight this evening. Lovely little series which is one of my all time favourites. It shows that you don't need fancy animation and a massive story if you have good characters and a simple clear premiss. As a series it shows that working together towards a common goal can be fun. The animation style, particular the character design, can take a bit of getting used to but it's worth it ...
Yech, no I don't like that makeover either...reminds me too much of the fake advertising websites etc.

I've not been watching too much recently, but have been making my way through Kamisama Dolls recently. Nice series with just enough depth to keep you interested, and the intro is a bit different than what I'm used to :)
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