The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Re-watched Welcome to the Space Space show yesterday ... nice film with a Ghibli-esque feel to it.

Currently re-watching the first season of Nodame Cantabile on the R3 release (which has English subtitles ... but whilst they are reasonable they don't quite meet the normal R1/R2 level of quality). Nice series though if you know anytihng about orchestras.

edit: BTW it appears that there is going to be a third series of Rozen Maiden made desu

I love the first season of Nodame. I felt that the second and third were somewhat rushed and don't live up to the first (and don't have nearly enough of the excellent music scenes), but were still enjoyable.

I agree with what you say, the first season was definitely the best and is one of my all time favourites (hence taking the trouble to get hold of the R3 release). It would have been nice if Sony were to stop sitting on the international license and allow it to have a proper release.

The seasons that came after that just didn't seem to have the momentum of the first season. I did like the two live action specials which act as a climax of the story though.

edit: Argh ... all the auctions I'm currently bidding on for stuff from Japan at the moment seem to send at about 3:30am UK time ... which as I'm bidding against people in the US I can't watch out for last minute sniping :(
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Anyone use Rightstuf much? Planning on buying a fair amount from them over the coming weeks but was wondering if there's an option to split orders into single packages? Or does that make no difference to customs? Just wanted to check before I make a large order and have customs tax the whole thing at once :p
With TRSI you can split things up, but it'll cost $10 for the first item of every package and $3 for additional items, and given the cost of many DVD's etc you'll still be liable for customs :(

It can be worth working out if it's cheaper to split an order with two or three items that will be over the limit to two packages under it, or to risk the customs charge.

Personally I tend to either order at under the limit if it's a bargain, or throw enough items in the order that the customs hit (mainly the handling fee) isn't too harsh.
Yep, the customs hit in itself isn't normally that harsh ... it's the high (in percentage terms) admin fee tacked onto it which can be a pain if you've only gone over a small amount so are charged. At least with a big ordertheadmin fee is a lesser percentage of the charge ;)

I tend to only order from TRSI if it's a massive sale bargain (normally due to a spring clear out or something) and order from elsewhere, which are more expensive but more convenient normally.
Still watching Naruto: Shippuuden, getting annoyed at the sheer amount of filler in the 4th shinobi world war thus far, especially as in world it's only been 3 days or there abouts!?!

Also noticed something on facebook about the Manga being finished? Haven't looked into it anymore to clarify but i wonder how far the anime is going to go before that finishes,
Still waiting for Naruto, Itachi & Killer B Vs Nagato :(
Thanks again for the help guys :) Managed to find one of the boxsets I was going to buy from them (Region 2 Ergo Proxy has appeared on Amazon now!), but can't seem to find some of the others elsewhere (such as the "Holiday" edition boxset of NGE) so I might just bite the bullet and buy them in largish orders then since it doesn't seem worth splitting them into separate orders :p

Edit: Nevermind, found most of the items I was looking for at UP1 and, might just order from them instead. They might be more expensive but it'll probably work out cheaper than the shipping costs from the US and possible customs charge.
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With TRSI you can split things up, but it'll cost $10 for the first item of every package and $3 for additional items, and given the cost of many DVD's etc you'll still be liable for customs :(

They've changed their charges to $13.50 for the first item and a further $3.50 for each item after that.
They've changed their charges to $13.50 for the first item and a further $3.50 for each item after that.

Aye, I just spotted that when I was ordering something, last time I used them it was $10/$3.

In case anyone is interested Anime-on-line have the Desert Punk complete set for a tenner at the moment.
Finished a re-watch of the IdolM@ster series yesterday ... I like this series which follows a small agency and it's idol's as the idols try and progress their careers. It's a nice mixture of music, drama and a little comedy.

It also has dance sequences which are properly animated unlike in AKB0048 (i.e. without the awful 3D method).
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Finished a re-watch of the IdolM@ster series yesterday ... I like this series which follows a small agency and it's idol's as the idols try and progress their careers. It's a nice mixture of music, drama and a little comedy.

It also has dance sequences which are properly animated unlike in AKB0048 (i.e. without the awful 3D method).

Yes, Lolim@ster was nice. I'm currently loving the IdolM@ster 2nd Remix. Awesome song.
... and I did. Re-watched Romeo X Juliet today (ok I was doing other stuff at the same time I didn't just sit there and veg out for 24 episodes all day).

A great romantic series with some drama and humour mixed in and some nice background music throughout. The characters and story are engaging and draw you in.
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