The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Any good haream series in the last couple of seasons? I haven't really been keeping tabs to be honest (i think theres another season To LoveRU?)
Any good haream series in the last couple of seasons? I haven't really been keeping tabs to be honest (i think theres another season To LoveRU?)

I can't say that I've actually got around to watching any of the following but they appear to be the sort of thing you want ...

Currently airing:
ToLoveRU Darkness ... note that this is apparently being massacred on broadcast by censorship
Onii-chan Dakeko Ai Sae Areba Kankei Nai yo ne-

Previously ...
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!
Thanks, i didn't like season 2 of To LoveRu as there was no arc or storyline, i think because it stuck like glue to the manga. I hope the 3rd series is more like the 1st one
Finally up to date in the Fairy Tail manga :)
Also finished watching season 2 of Bakuman, can't wait for a release of season 3.

Also watched recently:
Tokyo Godfathers: Great film all around. Unique and interesting plot, great art, fairly moving.
Sword of the Stranger: Again really good. Nothing too original, but very well done.
Dragonball Fusion Reborn: I'm not sure if it was intended as a comedy, but we all found it really funny.

As always, Penguin drum keeps on getting weirder and weirder.
Might hold off on buying Code Geass for now, just saw Amazon (EU) has the first season on Blu-ray listed for Jan '13 at a cheaper price than the DVD boxset - can't wait!
I got a big Fate/Zero loot yesterday :D

Spoilered for huge pics



Here it is with the 1/8th version: (It's 1/3 scale)




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Wow ... I don't really know what to say other than wow! :)

I have to admit when I saw Fate/Stay or Fate/Zero stuff in Japan my immediate thought was to wonder whether you had it ;)
I know that was the Saber bike! I saw that listed somewhere ages ago for order.

Anyway, Fate/Zero stuff wise!

My Saber jacket arrived this week!


Also my Saber figure is in transport right now, should arrive in the next week or two. :p
That fate/stay bike looks pretty awesome, especially with the doll :)

after a weekend away I got round to watching some Desert Punk last night, I'm not sure what to think of it at the moment, it's not quite hitting the spot.
I also ordered Romeo X Juliet which as mentioned earlier is on offer at AOL.

Finally, in case anyone is interested Code Geass S1 and 2 are now up for pre-order on Blu :D (I kept forgetting to buy the old Beez release, so the Blu version is very nice :D).
It looks like things are going downhill at media blasters as three announced releases have been cancelled which includes the second season of squid girl, one now has no release date and several others have had their release dates changed.
Finally, in case anyone is interested Code Geass S1 and 2 are now up for pre-order on Blu :D (I kept forgetting to buy the old Beez release, so the Blu version is very nice :D).

Not a bad price at Amazon either! Funnily enough they seem to be cheaper than the DVD versions :P
It looks like things are going downhill at media blasters as three announced releases have been cancelled which includes the second season of squid girl, one now has no release date and several others have had their release dates changed.

That if true is a real shame, Media Blasters are about the last of the original US animé companies, and the last of them bar Manga who are still putting out stuff :(

They've put out some good, and some silly titles in the past, but even I must admit thought something was up with their release dates etc changing over the last while.
Sounds like business as usual with Media Blasters to me, they've been cancelling, or re-scheduling, releases again and again for a long time now.

Hopefully with Squid Girl they've realised that soliciting it on DVD first and then soliciting the BD release just before the DVD comes out just annoys everyone who might want to get the series.
That's actually tue, I forget how often MB tend to change release dates etc at short notice (and from memory, unlike most of the other anime publishers in the States, they run a general anime/manga/japanese store a bit like mvm and rightstuf so don't have all their eggs in one basket).

In case anyone is interested Anime-on-line have what I'm told is the rather good, Ergo Proxy on offer for a tenner at the moment.
I put off buying it when it was first out, and it then went OOP, so seeing it at a tenner is a must for me :p
Re-watched some sci-fi today ...

Firstly Infinite Stratos on the BD release ... ok it's a bit of a cheesy harem show and it's lacking in a great deal of plot but it's quite a good watch. Reasonable amount of action and the usual sort of misunderstanding based comedy.

And then AKB0048 ... I like the series including the music and it gets a bit better once you know a bit about the JPop group it's loosely based on.
In case anyone is interested Anime-on-line have what I'm told is the rather good, Ergo Proxy on offer for a tenner at the moment.

I honestly think it's a bit of a Marmite anime. It's not terrible, but conversely I wasn't that fond of it at all; it didn't feel all that cohesive at times, and seemed more like a jumble of ideas.

Which is a shame as I generally like sci-fi.

I'm currently relatively busy as of recent, but I've gone back to and been plugging my way through FMA: Brotherhood. This one I'm trying to get through to see how the ending differs to the original (although I admit my memories are hazy on that as it was probably the first/second anime I saw along with G.Wing) and to get it finished; a few of the more long term viewers of this thread may have picked up I hate not finishing something unless I really dislike it or just dont get on with something.

Brotherhood isn't bad, pacing is decent given it's rather impressive length for a modern production (over 60 episodes) that isn't an endless Shounen, and it does keep stuff happening, although I feel like the ending component of the show is perhaps not quite as well paced as the middle ground of the series [I only have a few episodes left now].

That said, as I first stated when I started the show; I do feel the early segment of the show is handled poorly compared to my memories of the original series.
The original series tried to invest you more emotionally in how the titular alchemist and his brother ended up the way they were, and in the origins of this; whereas Brotherhood sort of speeds through that section and it does leave me feeling that the emotional impact of some of the early events is hampered as such because of this.

That is a pretty long story to get through, so I can understand them perhaps wanting to trim...Im just not convinced that was the right place to trim; as it's the foundation for the entire journey.
I suppose arguably it's a case of what's more important; the journey, or the reason for the journey?

I also feel occasionally it decides to throw in something silly/jokey, when perhaps it would be better to stay serious for a minute!

8/10 so far. Good, but not perfect.

Finished...I'd stick with my score.
Good animation considering the overall length of the series, decent pacing for most of the series, and surprisingly minimal filler, just felt the handling of some segments of the story could have been better. Definitely a decent remake though, if not perfect.
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I honestly think it's a bit of a Marmite anime. It's not terrible, but conversely I wasn't that fond of it at all; it didn't feel all that cohesive at times, and seemed more like a jumble of ideas.

Which is a shame as I generally like sci-fi.

I'd agree with this, I've tried to watch Ergo Proxy several times and just can't get beyond the first couple of disks (of the singles release). Whilst I like sci-fi I just can't get on with this series at all, (in the same way as Serial Experiments Lain)
News from media blasters is that the squid girl season 2 release is still going ahead (if I've interpreted the information correctly) but there isn't any information on what they're doing and when, and the kite blu-ray is definitely cancelled for the time being since they're unable to do the release with the material they have at the moment.
Watched something completely different today ...

Re-watched AnoHana on NISA's BD release. Great little series (it's only 11 episodes) about a group of friends finally coming to terms with something which happened to them 10 years before. It's very much a drama series and is likely to have you blubbering like a little girl by the end of the last episode.

Has a nice ED as well (tries to resist the urge to order it on CD ...)
Haha, on the subject of CDs it reminds me that apparently my birthday present from my brother...well late as it's not arrived yet, is a Nana Mizuki album. No idea which one so that could be interesting.
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