In case anyone is interested Anime-on-line have what I'm told is the rather good, Ergo Proxy on offer for a tenner at the moment.
I honestly think it's a bit of a Marmite anime. It's not terrible, but conversely I wasn't that fond of it at all; it didn't feel all that cohesive at times, and seemed more like a jumble of ideas.
Which is a shame as I generally like sci-fi.
I'm currently relatively busy as of recent, but I've gone back to and been plugging my way through FMA: Brotherhood. This one I'm trying to get through to see how the ending differs to the original (although I admit my memories are hazy on that as it was probably the first/second anime I saw along with G.Wing) and to get it finished; a few of the more long term viewers of this thread may have picked up I hate not finishing something unless I really dislike it or just dont get on with something.
Brotherhood isn't bad, pacing is decent given it's rather impressive length for a modern production (over 60 episodes) that isn't an endless Shounen, and it does keep stuff happening, although I feel like the ending component of the show is perhaps not quite as well paced as the middle ground of the series [I only have a few episodes left now].
That said, as I first stated when I started the show; I do feel the early segment of the show is handled poorly compared to my memories of the original series.
The original series tried to invest you more emotionally in how the titular alchemist and his brother ended up the way they were, and in the origins of this; whereas Brotherhood sort of speeds through that section and it does leave me feeling that the emotional impact of some of the early events is hampered as such because of this.
That is a pretty long story to get through, so I can understand them perhaps wanting to trim...Im just not convinced that was the right place to trim; as it's the foundation for the entire journey.
I suppose arguably it's a case of what's more important; the journey, or the reason for the journey?
I also feel occasionally it decides to throw in something silly/jokey, when perhaps it would be better to stay serious for a minute!
8/10 so far. Good, but not perfect.
Finished...I'd stick with my score.
Good animation considering the overall length of the series, decent pacing for most of the series, and surprisingly minimal filler, just felt the handling of some segments of the story could have been better. Definitely a decent remake though, if not perfect.