Again, whose freedom, whose suffering etc? There are at least two sides in any argument, what if both want freedom, if both are suffering? Should the UN be the single entity to decide and enforce laws which say "your peoples suffering and freedom doesn't count, only the other sides"?
In the real world where things are not a simplistic Good vs Bad and issues aren't black and white but shades of grey, there is no single "answer" or international law created which is fair to everyone, and there certainly never can be if unelected, unaccountable creations are allowed to create new laws with no recourse. Yes those laws may benefit someone you like initially so you think everything is fantastic with zero problems and "The Bad Guys" got what was coming to them, but those same laws can also be applied to your country too in ways you never thought about, then suddenly you're "The Bad Guy" only you don't think you are, and now those same laws you championed earlier are now effecting your freedom, making your countries population suffer and there's nothing you can do about it.
The only way these conflict resolve themselves is either violence or negotiation but most frequently a bit of both and thats the position currently held by those in power on all sides here and thats not changing anytime soon.