The anti Israel = anti semitism agenda

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A nation cursed by God, history bears witness to this (the persecution of the jewish people) can not change its spots just as a leopard can not.

Israel is constantly kicking palestinians from there home, they are dirty thieves. It's a shame no one in the region has similar military power.
Amazing insight here.
Who created these laws? What laws are they supposed to follow, ones made a single country, ones made by a committee of members, ones made by an apolitical organisation or are they supposed to create new laws? In my country I vote for a party and the party creates a law and if I don't the law I can vote to remove the party for a party which will remove the I don't like, which provides a form of checks and balances - who would do this for the laws the UN create, seen as out of 164 UN members only 57% are actual democracies, with the rest being a variety of one party states, monarchy or autocratic in nature. What if the conflict is religious in nature - as the majority of UN members are Christian what if an autocratic Muslim member attacks a democratic Christian member because they claim the Christian nation is a threat to their freedom, what about the reverse etc?

All valid points. There could be different paths to take, and the fact that we're constantly 'evolving' could mean that it's a process that takes decades or even hundreds of years to actually result in a truly fair and effective system that results in global - and individual - safety and security. Perhaps a 'might is right' approach might be a more short term solution, but that leads to potentially far more problems if as it usually is the main power ends up dictating what should/shouldn't be done for it's own benefit. There is of course a more Imperialistic approach, based on liberty and global security rather than self serving, that could force peace through conquest and establish global stability e.g. Pax Romana.

Again, whose freedom, whose suffering etc? There are at least two sides in any argument, what if both want freedom, if both are suffering? Should the UN be the single entity to decide and enforce laws which say "your peoples suffering and freedom doesn't count, only the other sides"?

In the real world where things are not a simplistic Good vs Bad and issues aren't black and white but shades of grey, there is no single "answer" or international law created which is fair to everyone, and there certainly never can be if unelected, unaccountable creations are allowed to create new laws with no recourse. Yes those laws may benefit someone you like initially so you think everything is fantastic with zero problems and "The Bad Guys" got what was coming to them, but those same laws can also be applied to your country too in ways you never thought about, then suddenly you're "The Bad Guy" only you don't think you are, and now those same laws you championed earlier are now effecting your freedom, making your countries population suffer and there's nothing you can do about it.

The only way these conflict resolve themselves is either violence or negotiation but most frequently a bit of both and thats the position currently held by those in power on all sides here and thats not changing anytime soon.

Absolutely. Yes I dumbed it down but the main points remain regardless of their side, my side, and the truth. I certainly don't think it's a simple problem needing a simple solution, but it does need a starting point. In some cases, it's easy to figure out who the 'bad' guys are and who the 'good' guys are. This mess wrt the Israelis and Palestinians isn't as simple as some make out as both sides are guilty of inciting violence, but perhaps not equally.
Seems like some provocateurs out there trying to make this situation worse - stuff like trying to bait Israeli police/military into conflict while careful to keep themselves out of trouble, etc.
Seems like some provocateurs out there trying to make this situation worse - stuff like trying to bait Israeli police/military into conflict while careful to keep themselves out of trouble, etc.

Of course, that's just the way. It does seem that the Israeli military is more than keen to respond in force, albeit "restrained".
Seems like some provocateurs out there trying to make this situation worse - stuff like trying to bait Israeli police/military into conflict while careful to keep themselves out of trouble, etc.
Where have you seen this? Many are reporting that this wave of attacks was completely unprovoked.
It began calmly. As the sun went down and the Ramadan fast for the day came to an end, Palestinians gathered on the steps down to the gate itself.

For generations it has been a tradition for families to mingle, eat, drink and smoke. For a little while, the Israeli police watched on from the top of the steps. But then, with no warning and no initial provocation from the Palestinians, the mounted officers arrived followed by the water cannon.

I mean on the one side you have mounted police, stun grenades, actual weapons.

On the other you have stones and plastic bottles.

When Israel start bombing Palestine is it not the right of the Palestinians to try and defend themselves?

Israel has, in iron dome, one of the most advanced protection systems in the world.

And then they say they are doing the Palestinians a favour when they send a warning missile known as a 'knock' to a civilian block before blowing it completely away.

Its an absolute disgrace that this is allowed to happen in this day and age tbh
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Where have you seen this? Many are reporting that this wave of attacks was completely unprovoked.

My comment isn't about whether these attacks are provoked or not - but there seems to be people out there trying to make it worse (i.e. shooting over, seeming purposefully not at, the heads of Israeli military from a position behind a crowd protesting non-violently) - my usual sources haven't verified them yet so I'm a little leery linking.
My comment isn't about whether these attacks are provoked or not - but there seems to be people out there trying to make it worse (i.e. shooting over, seeming purposefully not at, the heads of Israeli military from a position behind a crowd protesting non-violently) - my usual sources haven't verified them yet so I'm a little leery linking.
And yet it wouldn't have happened had they not been provoked in the first place...
What relevance does that have to my post?
You claimed there are individuals trying to make the situation worse.

Yet the situation would not have escalated to this level had there not been unwarranted and unnecessary provocation in the first place.
Physiotherapist Ahmad Farrah tells me: "It would not be like this if they were not here. When they stay here, the problems will continue."

"So if they stay in West Jerusalem, there would be no problem?" I ask.

"Yes," he says.

Ahmad has two black and bloodshot eyes. He shows me photos of the police pushing him to the ground four days earlier.
You claimed there are individuals trying to make the situation worse.

Yet the situation would not have escalated to this level had there not been unwarranted and unnecessary provocation in the first place.

That is as maybe but not relevant to what I was saying - you seem to be responding to my post as if I was appropriating blame or something.
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