**The ASrock 939dual-SATA2 (ULi M1695) thread**

My Opteron 144 is currently at 2.5Ghz, but the official bios will not allow a HTT above 275. (I am at 275 x 9 now)

So I am going to flash a beta bois tomorrow and try and get it up towards 300 HTT

Currently on 1.425v vcore
to the boy rob

i have exactly the same problem 275 everything runs fine 280 will not boot
raising core volts made no difference orderd new memory last night as i thought that could be the problem.
its a known problem with the official bios, asrock have put a lock in at anything above 275 htt. People are using one of ocworkbenches beta bios's and getting up to 300 with no problems.
Still cold bboot issues

Has anyone got any tips on how to get past the cold boot issues, I am running BIOS 1.30 and I still get the dreaded cold boot. What is the best way to get back to post, I've tried leaving the battery out and resetting the BIOS. Last time I had the machine up and running I then added a second HDD (IDE) to the machine for extra storage, rebooted, checked it in the BIOS, pressed f10 and rebooted straight into the cold boot issues. Disconnected everything and still cant get a POST. Have tried removing 1 stick of RAM as well, any ideas as Im reaching the end of my tether. Though not an electronics expert, Im no newbie and have build lots of machines and am pretty certain that the BIOS settings are fine, any ideas for resetting the board to get a POST

can someone please tell me how to overclock this board my cpu frequency is stuck at 200 my multiplier can go down not got a clue what the chipset page does

my first a64 setup with opty146
and it is doing my nut in

bios is updated to 1.30 btw
i use everest home edition, used to be called aida32. My cpu temp is 32c idle and 38c load :)

wish I had more vcore though, 1.45 ain't enough, can't get my opteron over 2.52ghz with that stable. tempted to do the 1.55 mod but hoping ocw will bring out a new beta bios with a higher vcore enabled.
theboyrob said:
i use everest home edition, used to be called aida32. My cpu temp is 32c idle and 38c load :)

wish I had more vcore though, 1.45 ain't enough, can't get my opteron over 2.52ghz with that stable. tempted to do the 1.55 mod but hoping ocw will bring out a new beta bios with a higher vcore enabled.

thx i'll try that :).

thought the ocw bios allowed for higher vcore ?

Robn, have you tried pressing enter in the fsb field then typing in the fsb (ie 205) ?

it only does if you do the vcore mod, which i can't be arsed taking my case apart and trying to solder between some tiny contacts!

Am sure the next release of ocw beta bios will have some option for more vcore :)
Getting somewhere now my 146 opty is now running at 270x10 i figuered out i had to type the numbers in to the cpu frequency instead of a menu every other option is a menu think that is why i didn't twig lol was doing my nut in

defo think there is more life in this opty (CABYE 0540FPMW) have hit the 275 celing in the bios tried both ocw bios's very dodgy max multiplier 6 instead of 10 ? strange coloured screens not even letting me into bios sticking with the offical ones just now after that
Just built a system around this board for a mate (some new and old bits). Everything has gone smooth and windows xp is now installed. But i'm just wondering about a few things in the bios, regarding sata 2 support.

1. The boot hd is an Hitachi sata 2 drive, and to make the htiachi 'feature tool' software detect the drive (to enable sata 2 mode), i had to switch the 'Sata II operation mode' from sata to 'IDE'. So, just wondering if there will be an advantage in switching this back to 'sata'?.

2. Underneath the mentioned bios option is 'Sata II Driving', currently set to 'normal', but it can be set to 'strong' - any ideas?.

3. On the motherboard cd is a sata 2 windows driver. Any benefit from this over the standard microsoft drivers?.


I picked up this board and a 3200 venice at the weekend but im having a few problems setting it up right.
I can get the fsb upto 250 so its running at 2.5GHz but my ram is only at 125, im a bit of a n00b to the athlon 64 so Im not too sure on the options in the bios but ive tried loads of different options but its not playing.
If I try disabling the flexibility option it wont boot, I tried changing the cpu-nb option up and down and it wont boot unless its on auto.
Will one of then un-official bios's help at all as i've tried 1.20 and 1.40

Full system
venice 3200 (with retail hs)
asrock 939 dual sata
2x512mb corsair 3200xms
samsung 200g sataII hd
ati 9500pro
enermax 465W
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darey , u're looking for the memory divider, cant remember which option it is, open them up and u should see 133/166/200, maybe try 166 first.
mp260767 said:
darey , u're looking for the memory divider, cant remember which option it is, open them up and u should see 133/166/200, maybe try 166 first.

I've just had a go with 166 and 133 and cpuz still shows it as 125MHz and cpu/20 which ever one I use so maybe its cpuz being funny?
I just took a ram stick out so its running single channel and cpuz shows it at 208Mhz so that looks ok but dual shows 125?
I was wondering. Does anyone know whether this board requires one of the newer version 2.2 ATX PSUs? It would be a deal clincher if it didn't because I could just literally swap the mobo and cpu in my sig for an opty 144 and ASrock mobo, without the need for anything else. Anyone know?

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