**The ASrock 939dual-SATA2 (ULi M1695) thread**

Xeon said:
The recommended settings for 200fsb or pc3200 memory is 166 with flexibility option disabled.

are you aware of any reason for the recommendation behind disabling the flexability option as i thought that was supposed to help with memory compatability etc when enabled ?

Ok I'm confused now, I've left everything to do with memory at default apart form I changed the speed to DDR400, now CPU-Z says my memory is running at 200mhz, so thats right.

Now are you saying that its not really and its running slower then 166mhz :/

Confused :(
smithy1983 said:
has any tired this with 4 x 512 ram?
i have - no problems with 2xsamsung & 2xelixer (nanya) pc3200. When clocking i use cas3.0 but can only use 2T with more than 2 sticks.

swanseajack said:
Ok I'm confused now, I've left everything to do with memory at default apart form I changed the speed to DDR400, now CPU-Z says my memory is running at 200mhz, so thats right.

Now are you saying that its not really and its running slower then 166mhz :/


At 200mhz it is only slower when the flexibility is enabled - with flexibility disabled it clocks at 1/1
lol I feel such a neewbie, turns out it wa set to disabled anyway :p

As you seem to know a bit about memory timeings, I saw someone say that there is an option to set it at 4 beats or 8 beats, and that 8 beats was better in dual chan mode?

Is that right, as there is some sort of warning about 64 must be set at 4 beats.

Not really up to overclocking ram, I just want to get the most out of my ram while at stock if you get my drift, I know about 1T and 2T but never heard of that beats thing.

Cheers ;)
i havn't played around with those so i cant help - my guess is leave it at 4 beats the lower the better.

Here are a few bios settings i've collected from thee web which are food for thought, especially the last one!!

#1 - Installed OCWB Beta Bios 1
#2 - Memory altered to DDR200 in BIOS(Async) use only for 1/1 clocking
#3 - CPU-NB Link speed set to 600Mhz
#4 - NB-SB Link speed set to 600Mhz
#5 - Cool and Quiet Disabled
#6 - CPU Voltage set to 1.45V
#7 - FSB set to 317 , in async with PCI Bus(100Mhz)

And Voila. 2853Mhz

Running a Venice 3000 E6. Bios 1.20. Corsair VS DDR400 (2x512mb), 6600GT 128mb AGP slightly clocked @520/950.

270x9 @ 2.43Ghz, HTx3, stock voltage, C'n'Q disabled.
RAM @173Mhz 133 divider 2.5-3-3-6 1T. Sandra Memory Bandwidth 4953/4962
3Dmark03 - 8411 (max from 3 loops)
SuperPI 1M test - 37.1s


262x9 @ 2.35Ghz, HTx3, stock voltage, C'n'Q disabled.
RAM @214Mhz 166 divider 2.5-3-3-8 2T. Sandra Memory Bandwidth 4969/4977
3Dmark03 - 8405 (max from 3 loops)
SuperPI 1M test - 42.38s
Have you dropped the HTT multipliers?
Stock ASRock BIOS all pretty much stop at 270-274 MHz.
The OCW Beta 1 and 2 will go over 300.
Set CPU/NB, and NB/SB to 600 (3X), or lower.

try ocwbeta bios 2, it helped me getting over the 260...

# normally the official bios blocks at 270, but mine did at 260, now 280 is reachable. Btw you are using async mode?

"Flexibility Option" seems to lock the RAM multiplier. I've turned it off, and now I get different multipliers for DDR200 and DDR266

Opteron 144 (1.8GHz standard, 9x multiplier. CABYE stepping, considered one of the better ones)

Advanced / CPU Configuration:
Overclock Mode: CPU,PCIE Async
CPU Frequency (MHz) 295
PCIE Frequence (MHz) 100
Boot failure Guard: Enabled
Spread Spectrum: Disabled
Cool'n'Quiet: Disabled
Multiplier/Voltage Change: Manual
Processor Multiplier: x9 1800 MHz
Processor Voltage: 1.45
Memory Clock 166MHz (DDR200)
Flexibility Option: disabled
Burst Length: 4 beats

Memory timings - will vary with RAM. Start with 3.0 / 4 / 8 / 4 and lower if running OK:

CAS 2.0
TRCD 3 clk
TRAS 7 clk
TRP 3 clk
MA Timing Auto
DRAM Idle Timer: Disabled
User Config Mode: Auto

Advanced / Chipset Settings

CPU - NB Link Speed: 600MHz
CPU - NB Link Width: Auto
NB - SB Link Speed: 600MHz
NB - SB Width: Auto
HTTtoPCI Bridge Decode Scheme: Auto
DRAM Voltage: High
Gated Clock Function: Disabled
PCIE1 Turbo Mode: Normal

Overcloking Async
HTT 394

Boot guard Disabled
CnQ Disabled
Third something disabled

VCORE 1,45
CPU divider x8
RAM 100
Flexibility disabled
Timingi 2,3,10,3
Command Rate 1T
Last something Disabled

LAN ENabled
Audio Enabled

CPU - NB 600
NB - SB 600
Memory Voltage High
Everything else on Auto
Great info cheers, i'm not really into overclocking, had a bad last week or so with my old mobo with bits failing etc, I just want it to run stable but at the max its ment to do before overclocking.

Does anyone else find this board runs warm?

My case is at 24c right now and cpu 30c idleing, with my old mobo it was about 13c for case and 22c for cpu.

Nothing to worry about I know.
Hi folks,

I bought an opteron 939 CACJE but I still looking for a mobo with AGP. This one looks ok but i am not convinced yet due to the low memory voltage and the problems with SATA 2 drives.

Has anybody tried with OCZ 3500 EBPE ? I know the memory is happy with 2.6V @ 200Mhz but it needs 2.8v to go to 230Mhz on my soltek nforce 2 ultra (the memory is rated 217Mhz @ 2.8v but I read it can reach 260Mhz with a bit more than 3.0 volts)

If I buy it, do you recommend SATA 1 or SATA 2 hard drive? (I will buy a new hard drive for my new rig)

Thanks in advance,

i have had no problems with my samsung sata 2 drive, either installing or running. I'm thinking of getting the ocz ddr booster fro more volts on ram side
Xeon said:
Dought if its your p/s causing the problem, with the asrock the bios labels are wrong (see earlier posts in this thread)
The recommended settings for 200fsb or pc3200 memory is 166 with flexibility option disabled. Make sure your bios mem voltage is on high and use CPU-Z utility to check your true memory clock.

nope I've been through all those systems time and time again. If I OC it wont boot at 166mhz I have to use 133mhz. On default my mem according to CPU-Z and A64info is 166mhz.
ironhorse said:
do you not get any cold boot issues with the beta1 bios?, yeah it let me go over 300htt with everything stable but everytime i came to switch on the screen would be blank then restart and the bios goes back to default and i had to set everything up again, couldn't be bothered with this so now using beta3 bios which fixes the cold boot issues. I think the original 1.1 asrock bios suffered from the same issue.
No problem with any cold boot issues here at all, boots from keyboard power on straight away using a SATA drive as the boot drive.

Has anyone worked out the temp sensors on this yet, in that sysinfo programme I have 3 of them, one says external cpu temp, internal cpu temp and case, but the external cpu temp is hotter then the internal :/
Got mine to hit 3026Mhz last night using systool, passed multiple 1m SuperPi (32s) and also multiple 4m SuperPi (2m46s). Will apply settings to BIOS tonight and see how it goes.
MeddlE said:
Got mine to hit 3026Mhz last night using systool, passed multiple 1m SuperPi (32s) and also multiple 4m SuperPi (2m46s). Will apply settings to BIOS tonight and see how it goes.
Which bios did you use to do that with?

The one in my sig, unfortunately it wont boot at anything above 255htt. Systool allows on-the-fly overclocking from windows.
The 1.20 bios has the HTT lock and won't boot properly at and around 274Mhz. In my tests it's also unstable at speeds above 255Mhz.
hi all, my pc is randomly rebooting so i mdoing some checks. i need to install motherboard monitor but in the setup, which model of asrock do i choose. i hope this aint a daft question !!

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