The ASRock thread [support/feedback/etc]

@AsrockMB Any idea if there'll be an 'Extreme 4' AM4 board? I need something between the Taichi and the Killer with a white/black colour scheme :(
My flare-x ram turned up this morning. straight into 3200mhz cas14 just with XMP. CPU is also now stable at higher Mhz and lower voltage!
Thanks for that, my R7 1700 is coming tomorrow, feel like a kid lol.
Just got my R7 1700 delivered, DPD are the best out there. Now I see some of you guys are getting shipping emails for your Taichi motherboard, will that mean other Asrock motherboards have arrived also ie my X370 Gaming K4, no shipping email for me. :(
Should be more Taichi in Stock early next week. Hopefully then I do a bundle with this board. I do want oc profiles added to bios before I do this though. Otherwise board is strong.
As mentioned, there's more to come next week, as promised last week. The X370 Gaming K4 is among these.

@AsrockMB Any idea if there'll be an 'Extreme 4' AM4 board? I need something between the Taichi and the Killer with a white/black colour scheme :(
More boards will be coming, but we can't comment on what exactly.
Let us wish you all a good weekend with an infomercial - the static kind, not the kind with Americans who can't pour milk in their cereals:

Let us wish you all a good weekend with an infomercial - the static kind, not the kind with Americans who can't pour milk in their cereals:

Now that is just teasing when i am awaiting stock for the professional gaming board to come in with that feature....
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