Hi all ....
I am sending my PG279Q back ? WHY!
This monitor is amazing in allot of ways but for me fails in other ways ,I see that allot of people are bothered by the back light bleed i see next none on this monitor and on blacks it don't really worry me any ways ,
The newer model for me as allot to offer when it comes to monitors ie better color, higher refresh rate ? hmm, better view angles ,
But fails in other things ,From doing some homework online and reading reviews and testing sites found out that the higher refresh is in fact slower then the 144hz so higher means nothing its just a gimmick .
But my main reason for sending this back is due to noticeable ghosting on the desktop ,when moving the cursor. so if i can see it that there then I can see it ingame >?
The PG278Q I get no ghosting that i can see nor pickup on which is great and will be sticking to this monitor until IPS panels get better MS counts ,Asus and monitor companies have moved on so fast in one year so this time next year we should see a 1ms IPS ..
1ms vs 4ms I can notice it, some will say you cant but after using a monitor with 1ms for so long then changing to a higher one it stands out ... The only thing i will miss on the newer model is the better color and the screen just look some what sharper & clearer .But all so the PG278Q as an amazing image for a TN panel the best out there I would say at 1440p .
But too overcome the color matching on my PG278Q I have just made the Nvidia Digital Vibrance to 70 and now looks pretty close to the PG279Q color..
Not saying that PG279Q is a bad monitor because its not ,its an amazing monitor if you do more then just game this is the monitor for ,But if you don't all ready own the PG278Q then I would go for the newer model forsure .
Happy days ...