So is he banned for this weekend?
Love to see this evidence which no one else seems to have seen/heard bar evra
It's shocking, when there's no evidence, so far? I always thought people were innocent until proven guilty.
I don't think anyone on here would defend Suarez, if genuine evidence came to light.
Wasn't the Chelsea/Evra incident when he claimed a groundsman had been racist towards him, but no one else heard it/there was no evidence? Given that past event, and the fact there's no evidence (so far) this time, surely you can understand people defending him?. To call it shocking is... shocking!
Thats the thing, the statement from the FA not once says "he has done this" its entirely based around "Allegations he has done this" which means one of two things.
1) The FA worded it badly.
2) The FA are useless
Pick one.
Based on the history of the FA, it can only be option 2!
Surely at some point the FA have to release the evidence, whether it's from the ref's match report, from one of the other officials, or something the microphones or tv cameras picked up? I don't see how they expect fans to understand or accept the decision otherwise. I guess if Suarez loses his appeal and personal hearing then it means he did it, but even that isn't the conclusive proof that we want.
I'm pretty sure if there is sound/visual proof sky would have it plastered across their news channel.
The FA's statement, published on its official website on Wednesday evening, said: "It is alleged that Suárez used abusive and/or insulting words and/or behaviour towards Manchester United's Patrice Evra contrary to FA rules. It is further alleged that this included a reference to the ethnic origin and/or colour and/or race of Patrice Evra."
Pretty ridiculous you can be charged on the basis of 'alleged', couldn't people be charged left right and centre if players just make up ****?
Surely they mean that they, the FA, are alleging that Suarez has done it. Like in law, the prosecution in a case will say they allege that the defendant has done whatever it may be they are accused of. If that's not the case though, I agree it is ridiculous.
An allegation is made, an initial investigation is undertaken, if it decided that there is some evidence that there may be a case to answer the player is charged and a formal investigation and hearing take place, the accused is given the chance to plead guilty/not guilty and both parties given a chance to put forward their side of the argument.
he's been charged on the basis of 'alleged' because it's not a proclamation of guilt. The FA have reviewed the evidence and consider that this merits a more formal investigation, guilt has not been established.
I don't see how that's odd?
So it isn't 'alleged' just based on evras word?
So it isn't 'alleged' just based on evras word?
Alright, chill. But,
Herp derp.
no one knows how much evidence there is/isn't. They've simply decided that there is enough for their to be a case to answer. What their criteria for that was isn't open for public consumption and correctly so.
They haven't said he's guilty.
You can draw parallels to a criminal case, someone accuses you of something the police conduct intial interviews and get statements, they then make a decision based on the evidence if there is any case for you to answer. At that point they either charge you/don't charge you. If charged that's when the opportunity is given to prove innocence/guilt and the case progresses from there.
So if proven innocent Evra can be done for damaging his image?
So if proven innocent Evra can be done for damaging his image?
So if proven innocent Evra can be done for damaging his image?
If he is cleared then I think they would have no choice but to charge Evra with bringing the game into disrepute or similar