The Banter Thread

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Called him Negrito, means mate, Evra can interprut it whatever way he wants but at the end of the day it's whatever Suarez meant and I'd doubt hed admit to saying Negrito thinking it was racist.

See you totally ignored the Keane thing. Scholes is certainly in there too.

We'll see I suppose, if it is just 'mate' then fair enough, suppose Evra could easily misunderstand negrito too.

What Keane thing? Haven't really followed the last few pages if it was mentioned there.

My back is just screwed, about two years ago it started going funny and it's hurt ever since. The NHS didn't really help, physio hasn't helped either, I'm seriously worried about it as I'm only 24 and I'll never be able to play football properly again unless it gets sorted, I have to hobble around the pitch like an old man :(. Going to get some expensive treatment on it in the turn of the year and hope for the best.
Called him Negrito, means mate, Evra can interprut it whatever way he wants but at the end of the day it's whatever Suarez meant and I'd doubt hed admit to saying Negrito thinking it was racist.

I'm from Compton, I call all my friends "*****". I turn up in the UK to play football and start calling black people I'm playing against that word. I haven't got a clue why they keep getting offended. :confused:
We'll see I suppose, if it is just 'mate' then fair enough, suppose Evra could easily misunderstand negrito too.

What Keane thing? Haven't really followed the last few pages if it was mentioned there.

My back is just screwed, about two years ago it started going funny and it's hurt ever since. The NHS didn't really help, physio hasn't helped either, I'm seriously worried about it as I'm only 24 and I'll never be able to play football properly again unless it gets sorted, I have to hobble around the pitch like an old man :(. Going to get some expensive treatment on it in the turn of the year and hope for the best.

Was more your mention of Suarez's traits should have him kicked out of football assuming you're referring to the bite, handball and going over easy occasionally. Where as Keane ended one and tried his best to end a few other careers but I'm sure you didn't think he deserved a life ban.

Is your back stiff or bad pains or both? I have minor scoliosis, can't notice it unless through an MRI or X-ray but **** me does it ruin so many of my days, can't stand up straight for too long, get stressed or anything, physio nor anything else has helped. Been told to get a strong core but hardly going to maintain that my entire life, hope you get yours sorted, such a massive burden everyday a sore back.
I'm from Compton, I call all my friends "*****". I turn up in the UK to play football and start calling black people I'm playing against that word. I haven't got a clue why they keep getting offended. :confused:

So everyone outside the UK should have to adapt to our culture? Nevermind the fact Negrito is an actual word for mate in Uraguyian dialect and completely different language to English.

Suppose we should just throw him in jail instead of educating the guy that he may need to be more careful with his lingo
I'm from Compton, I call all my friends "*****". I turn up in the UK to play football and start calling black people I'm playing against that word. I haven't got a clue why they keep getting offended. :confused:

Well "*****" is an offensive word in the UK so to say that would cause offense. Is "negrito" (if that's what he's said) even a word in the English language/term used in the UK? If not, how can you automatically assume it's offensive?
Called him Negrito

He did?

It seems like a lot of people are confusing a newspaper article, reporting what 'top level Utd sources' say was the offending word, with fact. Unless I'm mistaken, there's no admission from Liverpool/Suarez that he said that.
Well "*****" is an offensive word in the UK so to say that would cause offense. Is "negrito" (if that's what he's said) a word in the English language/term used in the UK? If not, how can you automatically assume it's offensive?

He did?

It seems like a lot of people are confusing a newspaper article, reporting what 'top level Utd sources' say was the offending word was, with fact. Unless I'm mistaken, there's no admission from Liverpool/Suarez that he said that.

I was under the impression Suarez admitted to calling him mate (Negrito)
Was more your mention of Suarez's traits should have him kicked out of football assuming you're referring to the bite, handball and going over easy occasionally. Where as Keane ended one and tried his best to end a few other careers but I'm sure you didn't think he deserved a life ban.

Is your back stiff or bad pains or both? I have minor scoliosis, can't notice it unless through an MRI or X-ray but **** me does it ruin so many of my days, can't stand up straight for too long, get stressed or anything, physio nor anything else has helped. Been told to get a strong core but hardly going to maintain that my entire life, hope you get yours sorted, such a massive burden everyday a sore back.

Of course Keane deserved a life ban! Why would I say otherwise? What he did was an utter disgrace.

Mine isn't actually as bad as yours sounds. I have no bother with mine in regards to every day life, I can walk around, climb stairs, crouch and jump ok etc. (basically a full set of movement I can do without pain at low intensity).

My problem comes with intensity, e.g. I cannot turn and sprint as it relies on using my back muscles, so that's out, I can't shoot unless my body is set and I can generate power from my legs and not my back, I can't change direction quickly etc. so basically football is all but unplayable, but I've adjusted my game that much that I might only get an intense stabbing pain a few times per game, it means I play way below my ability, but I can play at least. That is until I properly pull my back, which means I can hardly walk for a week, but I haven't done that in 2 or 3 months now. So basically my back is constantly injured, but the pain is only triggered by certain stretches and movements which I've now learnt and can usually avoid doing.

I got the same core strength advice too from the NHS, but I got the impression they didn't really know what was wrong with me and just gave me the bog standard answers. I think I need specialist help, just need to set aside the cash and time.
Well "*****" is an offensive word in the UK so to say that would cause offense. Is "negrito" (if that's what he's said) even a word in the English language/term used in the UK? If not, how can you automatically assume it's offensive?

According to Wiki it can mean mate in some South American dialects but Evra, even as a Spanish speaker, would probably not know that and only get its literal meaning which basically seems to be "little black man". In that sense, I can understand why both Evra is upset and Suarez is pleading his innocence as it can be attributed to a "misunderstanding".

If that is the case, and that is Suarez's excuse, then fair enough, but he's still a ****ing ignorant/insensitive idiot for saying it and putting himself in this position.
What gave you that impression?

Some article where he said he called Evra what his team mates called him

@jakake I'm fine with movements high and low intensity, mines just very prolonged pain that flares up, playing football and moving about a lot helps, being idle with stress on it is awful, eventually get like a burning sensation.

Hopefully get another MRI soon vertically as opposed to lying down see if there is a difference.
According to Wiki it can mean mate in some South American dialects but Evra, even as a Spanish speaker, would probably not know that and only get its literal meaning which basically seems to be "little black man". In that sense, I can understand why both Evra is upset and Suarez is pleading his innocence as it can be attributed to a "misunderstanding".

If that is the case, and that is Suarez's excuse, then fair enough, but he's still a ****ing ignorant/insensitive idiot for saying it and putting himself in this position.

Why If he didn't realise rofl?
Some article where he said he called Evra what his team mates called him

@jakake I'm fine with movements high and low intensity, mines just very prolonged pain that flares up, playing football and moving about a lot helps, being idle with stress on it is awful, eventually get like a burning sensation.

Hopefully get another MRI soon vertically as opposed to lying down see if there is a difference.

Good luck. I'm gonna try and push for an MRI or at the very least an x-ray as what I've been offered from the NHS so far has just been useless tbf
According to Wiki it can mean mate in some South American dialects but Evra, even as a Spanish speaker, would probably not know that and only get its literal meaning which basically seems to be "little black man". In that sense, I can understand why both Evra is upset and Suarez is pleading his innocence as it can be attributed to a "misunderstanding".

If that is the case, and that is Suarez's excuse, then fair enough, but he's still a ****ing ignorant/insensitive idiot for saying it and putting himself in this position.

Wasn't your argument that we're in England and the word's meaning in the country/language it was said, is what matters?

Why then would Evra take the literal meaning in Spanish when he's in England and being called (if he did of course) it by a South American? And would Evra even know the literal meaning of the word?

If Suarez said it and if it means/was intended to simply mean 'mate' (I have no idea whether he said it, what the word means or what his intentions were) then he can be accused of being naive for not accounting for other peoples ignorance.

edit: It would also appear that the term negrito is not just used as a matey term in South American dialects but also in Spain. Dani Pacheco (a Spanish Liverpool youngster) used the term when talking with Thiago Alcântara on twitter.
Some article where he said he called Evra what his team mates called him

And from that you came up with the word Negrito and not Paddy?
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