DM you're mixing up shirt sponsorship deals and kit manufacturing deals. The Warrior deal is to manufacture our kits. Arsenal's deal with Nike is worth just under £8m per year.
As for your general complaining about your shirt and stadium deal with Emirates. In isolation when you look at the £6m per year you're getting for your shirt sponsorship (and a further £2.8m per year for the stadium) it's embarrassing. You're getting half of what Spurs are earning, let alone the likes of Utd and Liverpool. You can't look at it like that though. Emirates front loaded their deal which was crucial to building your new stadium. How long would the stadium have been delayed without that injection of cash? How much would have any delay in moving to the new stadium cost you in lost gate receipts? How much more would have the stadium cost to build if it was delayed by 1,2 or 3 years?
Just looking at that last question. When Liverpool were looking to build our new ground in 2003, it was supposed to cost us around £80m. A year later and they were talking about £120m and now it's £300m+.
hehe, it was likely never in a million years going to cost 80mil, probably just sounded better to potential Liverpool buyers "buy the club and we've kinda got plans for a 80mil stadium that will make you 8 bajillion quid a year once built, how good is that, all for a one time low low price of....."
But they also likely realised the difference between Highbury, a stadium without anything else, and Emirates, a stadium with restaurants, a massive executive focus, many more facilities, offices, conference facilities and the long term profit that can generate.
Thing is Arsenal, embarrassingly, had an X-factor auditions thing there one year(every year, no idea), have people come in for the conference rooms, have rich people not only pay 3 times as much for a basic seat, but sell them an overpriced meal, and 5 overpriced drinks, etc, etc, etc, but because its all "in the stadium" it all counts as income and profit on Arsenal.
You can build a bog standard stadium with basic stands and no facilities underneath, for very cheap still, building a stadium that is also a business centre costs 2-3 times as much, but increases income dramatically.