The Banter Thread

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"OMGZ PANIC BUY" would be over the top but it was hardly a great, thoughtout signing. He's a decent player but not close to the level of player he was being signed to replace and he'll soon be 30. As I said in the summer, Wenger should have signed Arteta (or similar) as a 26/27 year old to supplement Fabregas, not to replace Fabregas with him as he's approaching the end of his career.

It wouldn't be over the top because that is exactly what most people were thinking, the fans, the press etc.

He wasn't a thought out signing? You do realise they had to replace a 30-40 million pound midfielder? They needed someone who could pick a pass and keep the ball moving, 10 million piound for a proven premier league passer, not bad business in my opinion.

I don't think Wenger wanted to sign another midfielder of 26/27 when he has Wilshere and Ramsey, the way you wrote that out makes it sound like an easy job to go and get a replacement for Fabregas, I happen to think he pulled off a masterstroke getting Arteta to do the job on the cheap, he's no Fabregas but who is apart from Xavi and Iniesta :)
It wouldn't be over the top because that is exactly what most people were thinking, the fans, the press etc.

He wasn't a thought out signing? You do realise they had to replace a 30-40 million pound midfielder? They needed someone who could pick a pass and keep the ball moving, 10 million piound for a proven premier league passer, not bad business in my opinion.

I don't think Wenger wanted to sign another midfielder of 26/27 when he has Wilshere and Ramsey, the way you wrote that out makes it sound like an easy job to go and get a replacement for Fabregas, I happen to think he pulled off a masterstroke getting Arteta to do the job on the cheap, he's no Fabregas but who is apart from Xavi and Iniesta :)

I don't recall anybody going that overboard regarding Arteta. The likes of Benayoun? Yes.

And yes, I do realise they were replacing Fabregas. That's why I said I didn't think it was well thought through. They had over a year to plan for Fabregas's potential departure and the best possible replacement was Arteta? Arteta's not a bad player, far from it but he's not a top class player and he's not a long term solution to Fabregas's departure. And £10m for a 29 year old is a lot more expensive than it looks.
I don't recall anybody going that overboard regarding Arteta. The likes of Benayoun? Yes.

And yes, I do realise they were replacing Fabregas. That's why I said I didn't think it was well thought through. They had over a year to plan for Fabregas's potential departure and the best possible replacement was Arteta? Arteta's not a bad player, far from it but he's not a top class player and he's not a long term solution to Fabregas's departure. And £10m for a 29 year old is a lot more expensive than it looks.

I think it was more to do with the fact that he is a proven, accomplished passer of the ball with masses of premier league experience for 10 million pounds.

If you can name someone better at that price with the same attributes then good on you :)
his better then nasri. Nasri is pants this season. could have become a legend at arsenal but instead chased ££££.
7 goals and 3 assists isn't bad for your first season. Took Silva a year to adjust to the team and likewise with others like Dzeko and Yaya.

Chased the ££ and trophies ;) who wouldn't?
I think it was more to do with the fact that he is a proven, accomplished passer of the ball with masses of premier league experience for 10 million pounds.

If you can name someone better at that price with the same attributes then good on you :)

As I said, £10m for a 29 year old is a lot more expensive than it first looks. How long has he got before his performances start to tail off? Some Everton fans will tell you that his performances have already started to tail off if you compare them to 2-3 seasons ago. He might have another 2 seasons after this before his performancesr really tail off and Arsenal are looking for a replacement.

I don't believe Arteta's good enough to be Arsenal's most creative CM if they want to challenge at the very top of the table but he can do a good support job and/or squad player. Either way though, whether he's a first team player or a squad player, £10m for 3 seasons out of a player that will have little to no resale value is expensive.
Well, lets look at two things, firstly, A2M is suggesting a panic buy can't be a good player...... that is completely ridiculous in the first place. OMG last second of the transfer window, offer 300mil for Messi...... panic buy.... and he'd be awesome.

Aside from that, we bought Mert, crap, Benny, utterly useless, Park, our one makes Utd's one look good...... we're paying him and he'll leave in 18 months now whatever we do, Santos, cack, Arteta. They were all panic buys, whoever you could get in the last day or two basically, whoever was available, not first choice, not the best choice for the team or positions we needed, just whoever we could get.

THen the fact that, Arteta isn't playing the same position as Fabregas, we've basically bought an out of form attacking central mid to play as DM to cover Song who pretends to be the DM but goes forward a lot and like the other day, without Arteta covering him showed what a useless idiot he is defensively.

He has no idea what is going on around him, NEVER looks behind him to check for danger and always reacts late to everything, usually resulting in a foul when chasing someone.

We bought the wrong player for the wrong position because he was all that was available. The fact that he is both a better DM than Song, and not an awful player is neither here nor there.

I pray Wenger will drop Song if Wilshire ever gets fit again, with Ramsey/Wilshire attacking and Arteta covering their ass, with Wilshire, another player who spent a season covering Song's ass, also helping out defensively when needed.

Overall 10mil for an older player who hasn't looked great for 2 years at least, who we're playing out of position, when we could have got a better attacking central mid OR a better DM had we gone out earlier and got one before it was too late.

End of the day, that 10mil could have gone on Hazard instead, or on Diarra, or Gotze, or a bunch of better players. It's STILL 10million and we still need a long term creative central mid who is better than Arteta and we STILL need a DM who is better than Arteta. It's not horrendous business by any means, its not good business though.
7 goals and 3 assists isn't bad for your first season. Took Silva a year to adjust to the team and likewise with others like Dzeko and Yaya.

Chased the ££ and trophies ;) who wouldn't?

According to that Nasri has 2 goals and 7 assists?

more tellingly, his goals/assists as far as I can see came against, Wigan, Wolves, Norwich, Stoke, Blackburn and one hatrick of assists against Spurs who started the season late, and badly, without a striker.

That was his problem at Arsenal to a degree, when the opposition was having a bad game he got goals.... but he still mostly put in 80 minutes of crap and a few minutes of finishing off others work. He was anonymous in so many games last season, and even in the games he was good, it was for short spells.

He's can be ok against weak opposition but almost universally he's been crap for City against the bigger teams in the bigger games..... for a 20+mil player, that is really exactly what you want out of them, not the ability to help run over a bottom of the league team. Sure you need players for that too, especially if you can rest the best players and have back up good enough to rip apart Blackburn, but that is really what your 5mil Johnson's are for, not 20mil + transfers.

He's not bad, just not nearly good enough, lazy, petulant and selfish to boot.
From what I've seen of Nasri in 2011 you wouldn't think that was the case :p

True, makes it all that more sweeter than since his move he hasnt been all that good....****ing french mercenery:p

7 goals and 3 assists isn't bad for your first season. Took Silva a year to adjust to the team and likewise with others like Dzeko and Yaya.

Chased the ££ and trophies ;) who wouldn't?

LOL didnt your manager say that he needs to pick up his game a few mths ago as hes been pretty unimpressive so far;).

Only players who dont know the value of loyalty...meh it didnt bother me much when your greedy manager and owners poached him off just satisfied thats hes having a torrid time since his move...i suppose all that money hes making is helping him sleep at night.
Whether it's 3 assists or 7 I'm pretty sure the majority came in his debut against Spurs (I remember this specifically because I wished afterwards I'd put him in my FF team :()
I wouldn't.

Yeh of course you wouldn't, rather than progress in your career you would rather stay at a team that doesn't capable enough to win trophies then go to a team which has a real chance of challenging for every trophy for the foreseeable future.

Depending on situation. I wouldn't.

Well Nasri's situation was being in a team that was being overtaken by Spurs and City with no look as though they would come back so of course if the chance came you would take it and move to a club that will pay you more and has a good chance of giving you trophies.

I counted his CC goal as well.

No matter who is goals or assists came against he has still got them at the end of the day.

I will admit that he has struggled this season but so did nearly every new player we brought in last year. If he is still struggling next year then i will admit that i was wrong but i think he will go on to become a very good player for us.
Well Nasri's situation was being in a team that was being overtaken by Spurs and City with no look as though they would come back so of course if the chance came you would take it and move to a club that will pay you more and has a good chance of giving you trophies.

You make it sound like Nasri was playing for a bad side on no money.

Arsenal are a great club and have history and stature (the former City don't have and their stature has 'only' increased due to a eye watering amount of money).

If I was playing for a club that I was 'happy' at, I was well paid (Nasri certainly was) and I had friends there, I'm playing in Europe and I'm challenging for things. Why would I move for what was ~ essentially more money?

Arsenal do well in Europe, they've lost out in a fantastic game against Barcelona and it's only a ~few year since they were playing against Barcelona in the final.

They regularly challenge for a top 3 finish and have only quite recently won the League.

Don't take this personally but you seem to be living under the impression that all that matters in football is there 'here and now' you're wrong. Liverpool fans are a ~little deluded about their history and role now, but they're still a more historically better and bigger club then Manchester City and Chelsea and Arsenal.

I'm not sure I'd want a player moving from somewhere like Arsenal to City for what is essentially a pay bump. Yes Manchester City are on the up, but personally, I'd rather buy younger players with more to prove and more hunger. Not mercenaries, and mercenaries that only play half a season at that.
I'll just point out that City weren't actually Nasri's first choice but were the club that was willing to pay him the most....
nasri is crap. wilsher > nasri any day of the blooming week

And some of u lot make it sound as if its easy to replace fabregas the best midfielder on the planet alongside xavie and iniesta.
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