The Banter Thread

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13 Jan 2003
The road to erudition
Means Arsenal > Spurs though lolz

8 Jan 2006
Yeah, still above Spurs and that's how it'll finish tbf. Also I don't mean to sound bitter but Spurs were poor in the first half and not particularly good in the second, Arsenal just created their own downfall. The second and third goals were just incredibly poor goals to concede, the first goal was awful defending too, why oh why was that ball allowed to bounce :(

Don't often criticise Wenger as he does a good job, but he should have brought Walcott on while you were chasing the game, I felt it would have made you think twice about being so gung ho, and I will never forget that missed header by Koscielny, dreadful! Also, Chamakh! Why couldn't he run when he was clean through twice :(!? So many mistakes overall, it's boggling to figure out how Arsenal could cram so many stupid mistakes into 45 minutes of football
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13 Jan 2003
The road to erudition
So Spurs beat you when they weren't playing well, I wonder what the scoreline would have been if they had?

It was the same Arsenal we've seen the past few years, some nice intricate passing with very little to show for it. I'd say Arsenal are desperately lacking a leader on the pitch, because as soon as Bale got his goal you could tell the impetus had switched and the red belief extinguished.

Spurs might not be "quite" on Arsenals level just yet, but their character and squad unity pees all over L'Arse from a great height.
18 Oct 2002
Well I mentioned we should never in a million years treated Gallas so badly for acting like a captain, Arsenal were playing like crap, infighting at the club, bs on the pitch and Wenger making stupid decisions, Gallas stepped up, spoke out, Wenger made changes, dropped Gallas, big whooping, brought Gallas back in but not as captain and the team had bucked up their idea's.

Then we were cheap and wanted to short change him on a contract, lost him and he was huge for Spurs yesterday, only genuine winner we had in the defence at all and we lost him, another genius move by Wenger.

As for Benitez, 9 points off Milan already, laughably bad, another away loss to a not great team, taken one of the most dominant teams in any league for years and turned them to utter crap. Hilariously bad manager, I'd now be surprised if he lasted till January.

The thing thats almost sickening, how much will he get paid off to be fired, how much did he get from Liverpool, how rich is someone not very good at his job going to be :(
8 Jan 2006
Something isn't quite right, I'm personally starting to dislike the fact that Arsenal just play the same way minute 1 through 90. At 2 - 0 up at half time, you sit back, defend well and get bodies behind the ball, not charge forward and leave yourself open to the counter attack 4 minutes into the half. The naivety that makes them attractive to watch is probably the thing which will mean they won't win the league this year.

It's so bizarre as basically the same team did exactly what was required at Everton, and pretty well, a few weeks ago, yet on Saturday it seems as though they'd completely forgotten how to do it. At Everton the midfield had a bite, were aggressive and protected the defence well and eventually held out for a good win, yet that was nowhere to be seen against Spurs. Very, very puzzling how they can put in two polar opposite performances in the space of a few weeks. In fact, in the space of an hour, in the first half Arsenal were pretty good, carved Spurs open quite easily and didn't really concede much defensively, then just fell to bits 15 minutes later. Fabregas especially, in the first half he played well, the second he was so poor, he didn't even play mid week either I don't think.
18 Oct 2002
So Spurs beat you when they weren't playing well, I wonder what the scoreline would have been if they had?

It was the same Arsenal we've seen the past few years, some nice intricate passing with very little to show for it. I'd say Arsenal are desperately lacking a leader on the pitch, because as soon as Bale got his goal you could tell the impetus had switched and the red belief extinguished.

Spurs might not be "quite" on Arsenals level just yet, but their character and squad unity pees all over L'Arse from a great height.

DAft thing to say, firstly it wasn't the same intricate passing, Song, Denilson were on the pitch, incapable of good passing, Theo Walcott, can't pass, it was rubbish by Arsenal in the second half, and only half decent in the first half, take Fabregas's brilliant passing in behind out of the equation and Arsenal would pretty much not have had a shot in the entire game.

Chamakh was pitiful, Nasri actually made a massive meal out of his chance with a very poor first touch, made up for with a neat finish from a stupid angle, should have been a simple touch to bring down and then finish though, he was completely useless for the rest of the game. Terrible performance, the difference was Spurs were woeful first half and just semi decent in the second half.
8 Jan 2006
Yeah, that's exactly what I meant, your logic is fascinating. I'd rather he got substituted at half time, Arsenal would have had a better chance of winning.
11 Oct 2004
On an aside Stag/skip, is this talk of you going for the Olympic stadium actually serious?

Wouldn't be right not having you lot so close to us.

It's a serious bid. Tottenham's transport infrastructure can hardly handle 36,000 people let alone 56,000+.

Harringay council have backed Tottenham's new stadium at WHL but the London Assembly isn't willing to invest in the transport side of things. TfL told Spurs that it would cost the club £300 million to extend and run the Victoria line to Northumberland Park. That's a crazy amount considering: (a) it would all be above ground and (b) there's already a Victoria line train depot at Northumberland Park. Very little new track needed and no distruption to existing services.

So, it sounds like Spurs want to take over the Olympic Stadium and then demolish it. It's not fit for purpose and the real value in moving to Stratford is the infrastructure around it.

Personally, I'm in two minds. I don't want to see Spurs leave Tottenham. However, I live in Stratford so it would be dead convenient for me. :D
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Difference on Sat and i know the Spuds fans cant handle that Arsenal just gave you the game in the 2nd half...we got far too complacent and made stupid mistakes ie mis-timed tackles especially the one Song gave just outside the box then Captain Fabulous gifting you a penalty....then the 3rd goal, well i could see that coming a mile off....our defence just cant defend against balls popped into the box.

So yeh well done took you 17 yrs to beat us at home...just like last yr it took you a stupid amount of yrs when you beat us at WHL...but nevertheless well done to Spurs for beating us...the way we have been playing at home this season is beyond terrible....i wouldnt be surprised if we lose to Aston villa on the weekend.
12 Mar 2009
LOL! Spawn that is anything but gracious in defeat. We were better in the first half, they were even better in the second half, end of. No need to say we gave them the game or anything like that, we lost, they won, they have 3 more points than they did before that game and bragging rights until next time we play them. There's more important things to concentrate on now, like not completely capitulating like we always seem to do.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Does. Not. Compute.

Of course simple minds and all that:).

And fair enough killswitch...i see your point but from what i saw on Sat when watching the game...we gave it to them on a plate in the 2nd opinion and one ill stick to thanks:).

Was a bad weekend for us...hopefully we can put things right tommorrow night and on the weekend and hope that other results go our way ie Utd and Chelsea losing.
18 Oct 2002
So Arsenal are a one man team? I guess it makes sense they fell apart with Fabregas looking knackered.

No, I said IN THAT GAME the only person playing well was Fabregas, in the first half we were a one man team, if Fabregas hadn't picked out passes that pretty much only 3-4 other people in the world are capable of on a consistant basis as he provided in the first half, we wouldn't have got our 2 goals.

That doesn't somehow magically become, in no other game ever is anyone else ever any good, so if you manage to take that from what I said, you're very special.

7-8 players for Arsenal were rubbish throughout, Arshavin was actually good but for all his good work around the box, when he passed to Chamakh or someone else in the box, nothing happened. I really don't know what Chamakh was on, given the chance to shoot, he turned and looked for a pass, he'd run onto a perfect pass, then hold it up when 5 games ago he'd have gone shoulder to shoulder with a defender and shot on target, Chamakh was worthless in that game, as Theo usually is, when Theo doesn't have a clear chance on goal, or a clear run through on goal, he turns back and delegates responsibility to others, he just doesn't bother.

Nasri is starting to do that, if he thinks he has a chance he'll hog the ball run and shoot, he had loads of chances to knock the ball in, with more than one Arsenal player in the box but as with THeo so often he often decided not to cross, pass back to midfield and run into the box, his more selfish attitude of late has cost us more points than its won us. He's kind of becoming Ronaldo, shooting more and being less willing to create, but he doesn't have the ability to back it up.

Denilson, I honestly forgot he was on the pitch at points, in the first half he just wasn't involved, and same goes for the second half, lazy when it comes to tracking back, worthless going forward, can't see the point in him being at the club. Song, consistantly, against the Derby's of the world and the Chelsea's, giving away freekicks with no reason that costs us goals, problem is against the Spurs/Chelsea/Utd/anyone half decent, it costs us points every time, against the crap teams its not generally having an effect on the games.

Wengers absolutely convinced Denilson/Diaby/Song/Sagna/Theo are good enough to take Arsenal to a title, meaning until they retire or Wenger goes, we aren't going to win a title....... unless everyone else capitulates aswell, which does look possible at the moment.
13 Jun 2009
There was a bit of trouble at the WBA vs stoke game some idiot chav stoke fans aged about 14-18 decided it was hilarious to smash up a pub and do racist chanting around the town :(

Since getting promotion i see more and more of this young mob culture appearing at away games,

Just got my wigan away tickets no doubt i will meet more chav stoke fans
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