The Banter Thread

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Joey7Barton Joseph Barton
I actually despise the whole of that firm, mentally deficient, turn up at the opening of an envelope, fame hungry, prized ball bags. #TOWIE
Was what he posted yesterday regarding the MW3 Launch....

LydiaRoseBright Lydia Bright
Your signed copy of the Towie calendar is on route @Joey7Barton xmwahx

Someone from TOWIE posted this back just now...

I honestly think we will look back in 100 years and be ashamed (not that we aren't now) of some of the crap that existed in our society....who is to blame? ITV2 and MTV!!!
Had to laugh at Barton even giving that tv show stars the publicity, thought he was sophisticated.

Little rumour TOWIE are in Aura, shall I head over, see if there just keyboard warrior. #helmets #giveme15mins

@Joey7Barton I'll have a Bullseye with u that @MarkWright_ irons you spark out. Then he'll get Harry to tea bag u while you're on the deck.
14 hours ago

I have a twitter account but never use it, people need to stop using it, they look like retards when they have a slanging match

I honestly think we will look back in 100 years and be ashamed (not that we aren't now) of some of the crap that existed in our society....who is to blame? ITV2 and MTV!!!

So true, just shows you what they are really like.
It seems Barton and a girl from the cast have got into a bit of a slanging match.

Mainly revolves around the girl being an ex prostitute (shocker). To be fair he is quite funny.
Probably not all real but who knows.
Kolo Toure fined 6 weeks wages which equates to 360k according to media. 100% been fined 6 weeks wages though.

Bit of a harsh fine i think but i suppose we want to make an example of him like we are with Tevez.

Cant see him being here past Jan, possible loan with view to buy in summer.
Whats that?

Kia doesn't have any evidence to prove Mancini wrong? No players want to back him up? Shame.
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Wow, you two, having backed yourself into a corner minutes after the incident can't change your story now can you.

For the record, the sequence of events was, losing to Bayern having picked the wrong team, he bought off Dzeko, which caused argument number 1, he then insisted Tevez warm up, again, despite him being ready, then insisted he spoke to him in Italian and Tevez refused to come off, he then got in an argument with Tevez, and his assistants tried to sort it out, he then argued and shouted at Zabaleta.

After the game Mancini went and accused Tevez of refusing to come on, said they spoke in Italian, and said he was basically done at the club.

Now, Tevez doesn't speak Italian, and didn't refuse to come on, these were COMPLETE LIES of a desparate manager wanting a scapegoat for a thrashing, wrong choices and woeful performance.

THEN and only then Tevez tried to defend himself.

Tevez has since been done for, refusing to come on essentially, which was reduced to refusing to warm up, which he had already done, for bringing the game into disrepute and some other bogus charges.

Now, did Tevez bring the game into disrepute, or Mancini, considering Mancini went on camera first, lied, and it was also Mancini having shouting matches and acting like a petulant child on the bench. You might notice, Zabaleta, Tevez, and Dzeko were sitting down watching while Mancini stomped around like a child having a fit.

So Tevez is at fault, for Mancini going on camera, lying, and creating the entire scenario? He could have spoken to Tevez behind closed doors, infact every part of it could be dealt with behind closed doors, it was ONLY Mancini that made it public and it was ONLY Mancini out of control on camera.

But you're sticking by this being Tevez's fault......... sure.

As for the ridiculous notion of everyone backing Mancini, no, at first, and only at first, assuming he wasn't lying, it was considered Tevez was at fault.

Its since turned out that the majority of what Mancini said, was lies, and none of his staff back up Mancini's version of events...... the only people still backing Mancini, are those who blindly assumed there was one side to the story and can't bring themselves to back down from the things they said about Tevez shortly after and admit they are likely wrong.

Lol, a novella, what a surprise. I'm not going to argue with you DM, it's a war of attrition with no end. You don't win debates, you just carry on and on until the other person gets bored, which is always as you seemingly never get bored and have endless free time to write massive blocks of text. We'll see what the outcome is in due course and at that point either one of us can admit to being wrong :) Though I somehow doubt it will be you, even if you are ;)

Biz.Kid09 said:

Now who thinks we will either a) See DM admit he was wrong, or b) Another wall of text about how despite official evidence to the contrary, he was and still is right? Go on, surprise us for once :)
I see FIFA have rejected the FA's request to put poppies on the England shirt which I personally think is the right decision. I really don't see the need for it tbh. I'm all for people paying their respects but I'm not keen on the need for them to be plastered over everything and end up in a situation where it becomes an outrage not to wear one, rather than an individual's choice. I personally wouldn't be happy if my employer forced me to wear one because it totally dilutes the gesture.
Now who thinks we will either a) See DM admit he was wrong, or b) Another wall of text about how despite official evidence to the contrary, he was and still is right? Go on, surprise us for once :)

Except the fact, you're wrong as per usual. He was fined 2 weeks wages, all clubs are allowed to fine a player two weeks wages, they wanted to fine him 6 weeks, and City were told they couldn't, mostly because their case was BS.

What is Tevez supposed to do, not accept it, fight the club to the end of his career, or move on with his career?

Do you know how many threads there are in GD about people being given disciplinary hearings at work, that are total bogus, and the only real course of action is to accept it and move on, kicking up a fuss helps nothing.

Had he been fined 6 weeks, he might have appealed of whatever, please tell me, after being fined an amount the club are legally allowed to, what fighting it and not accepting it(which would have made no difference to the fine) would have done him?

You can't........ oh wait, so your proof, or should I say Biz's proof is that given one reasonable course of action Tevez took it? Wow, stunning proof, I'm totalllllly wrong :sarcasm smilie:

Again, read what I said, Mancini came out after the game saying amongst other things, Tevez refused to play, he spoke with Tevez in Italian and that he'd never play for the club again.

Since then, no one, literally no one has corroborated Mancini's story, Tevez can't speak Italian at all so that was a complete lie, the refused to go on the pitch, was a lie.

This is all I claimed, Mancini started this AND the club didn't back Mancini's story, AND Mancini has now said Tevez can play if he apologises, which was the last thing Mancini said on that night that was complete BS, that if it were up to him he'd never play at the club again, changed his mind on that as well.

Mancini started the entire situation, Mancini seemingly misunderstood Tevez, and Mancini backed the club into a corner, the club half heartedly backed Mancini..... by reducing the charges and not charging him for ANYTHING that Mancini claimed he'd done.
So the answer is B

Gordon Taylor says he is "disappointed" with Carlos Tevez after striker returns to Argentina
He thought he would do different? i cant believe he actually made City drop his fine down, the man is a disgrace and everyone knows it.

Please Corinthians or anyone take him!

What i also find interesting is that he has flown to Argentina to see his family this coming a week after Kia says his family is living happily in England and so is open to another prem team. So are they here or in Argentina?
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