Wow, you two, having backed yourself into a corner minutes after the incident can't change your story now can you.
For the record, the sequence of events was, losing to Bayern having picked the wrong team, he bought off Dzeko, which caused argument number 1, he then insisted Tevez warm up, again, despite him being ready, then insisted he spoke to him in Italian and Tevez refused to come off, he then got in an argument with Tevez, and his assistants tried to sort it out, he then argued and shouted at Zabaleta.
After the game Mancini went and accused Tevez of refusing to come on, said they spoke in Italian, and said he was basically done at the club.
Now, Tevez doesn't speak Italian, and didn't refuse to come on, these were COMPLETE LIES of a desparate manager wanting a scapegoat for a thrashing, wrong choices and woeful performance.
THEN and only then Tevez tried to defend himself.
Tevez has since been done for, refusing to come on essentially, which was reduced to refusing to warm up, which he had already done, for bringing the game into disrepute and some other bogus charges.
Now, did Tevez bring the game into disrepute, or Mancini, considering Mancini went on camera first, lied, and it was also Mancini having shouting matches and acting like a petulant child on the bench. You might notice, Zabaleta, Tevez, and Dzeko were sitting down watching while Mancini stomped around like a child having a fit.
So Tevez is at fault, for Mancini going on camera, lying, and creating the entire scenario? He could have spoken to Tevez behind closed doors, infact every part of it could be dealt with behind closed doors, it was ONLY Mancini that made it public and it was ONLY Mancini out of control on camera.
But you're sticking by this being Tevez's fault......... sure.
As for the ridiculous notion of everyone backing Mancini, no, at first, and only at first, assuming he wasn't lying, it was considered Tevez was at fault.
Its since turned out that the majority of what Mancini said, was lies, and none of his staff back up Mancini's version of events...... the only people still backing Mancini, are those who blindly assumed there was one side to the story and can't bring themselves to back down from the things they said about Tevez shortly after and admit they are likely wrong.