The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Does anybody know if the obstucted sound deadening made it in the patch?

It makes a big difference to pinpointing your friendly neighborhood camper.
Many ESL teams use macros because they can't be detected by pb, maybe Joe can tell us if ESL Wire works differently.


Very easy to do with LUA scripts but where's the satisfaction in cheating?

The only real uses of macro's I've seen in the BF comp scene were mainly for BF3 Atk Heli Gun and AN-94 burst fire but while the heli gun was used by most of the top gunners in 8v8, the AN-94 macro was rare.

In BF4 there might have been a point to using a Heli gun macro at the start but mostly pointless as there is no real benefit. I guess some people use mice macro and stuff for lower recoil but there isn't any issues with recoil in BF4 that and they wouldn't work well with the way suppression affects recoil.

Dunno about wire, guess it doesn't detect BF3 Atk Heli gun macro's as I know of loads that used them even in ESL matches.
Agree with Nexus. Lower damage model and reward headshot Will increase skill ceiling. Hardline have reversed this to cater for tye call of duty generation / console noobs.
I'm just annoyed with the SRAW nerf everything else I can get over. Everyone will be using no talent stingers now so I'm well and truly ****** in the lb just when I was getting good.

Being taken out by a SRAW or SMAW/rpg is a good shot and worthy of a "nice one". Stingers are just irritating low skill weapons. For some reason I get raging much quicker when I'm taken out by stingers rather than the others :(.
Is the l86a2 really a new gun?

Thought it ws already in the game.

l85a2 was already in the game (assault rifle) l86a2 is an LMG. It's based around the same gun but it's a different SKU for a different job.

It's like the new Galil weapons which are Israeli designed guns based originally on the AK47 (or derivatives like the AK5C), further developed into the ACE 21, 23 52, 53 family.
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