Does anybody know if the obstucted sound deadening made it in the patch?
It makes a big difference to pinpointing your friendly neighborhood camper.
zowiek fk1 > any macro
Many ESL teams use macros because they can't be detected by pb, maybe Joe can tell us if ESL Wire works differently.
Very easy to do with LUA scripts but where's the satisfaction in cheating?
If you can unload a full deagle into someone in 2.45 seconds* then hats off to you and your zowie sir.
* 220 RPM
Whos Danny? I'll track him down and give him a slap!
Is the l86a2 really a new gun?
Thought it ws already in the game.
Is the l86a2 really a new gun?
Thought it ws already in the game.
It's a good gun, just needs more rounds, 60 would be fine.
A 30 round LMG is pointless.
Use it like an AR surely.
Pretty beastly though from last nights play