The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Well that is out of date now though. Minimum and maximum damage both less than before patch. Damage drop off starts further away though.

AFAIK those are the up to date stats as symthic has been updated. Would be great to compare pre and post patch
This game has just been one big early access with the final product being ready for the summer patch. With so many changes, fixes, new game modes, maps, balances I am going to start taking it seriously after summer. It's nice to see DICE fixing stuff but I don't know if I am coming or going atm.
My tip as a (non pro BF4 player - actually pretty poor :p) is the AKU12..

It allows me to dominate others on hard core servers.

On normal game modes it can lack a little bit of stopping power. But hard core mode gives it the boost it needs.

It's accurate and fast rof with little recoil. Add hc mode and it gains the ability to put you down like an elephant gun and remain accurate whilst doing so.

As I play engineer 70% of the time this is my go to gun more often than not.
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Well after sleeping on the changes made and my initial disappointment with the patch:

Overall I think the decisions are good tbh as when you think about a lot of the stuff i.e. firing 2 tv missiles at once, it made it very easy to take out boats etc. in less than 2 seconds, likewise with the attack jet 30mm cannon, before the patch, you could easily take out a boat in one strafe (at least I think the 30mm cannon has been nerfed, hard to say as my aim has gone to ****)

Infy play felt fine for me last night, if anything I felt I was able to do better against more than 2 people i.e. on locker holding down the outside between c and b when being pushed from both sides, either that or they were just **** players :p

Don't like the ucav, mortar etc. changes for when you first spawn in, pretty much what dg said, just introduces more camping and makes the ucav pointless unless you are happy to sit at the back for 45/60 seconds (?) and allow the enemy team to push up even further.

Essentially I think the patch has made the game more skilful and rewarding so it will take some time getting used to it.

You will really need to use quick TTK weapons now.
- Passive spotting distance reduced from 1200m to 100m * Spotting cone angle reduced from 3 degrees anywhere to starting at 3 degrees and narrowing down to 0.15 degrees at 1200m

Noticed that in the patch, thank God. It was like doritos everywhere before and you didn't even need to spam Q as it was passive spotting.
Infy play felt fine for me last night, if anything I felt I was able to do better against more than 2 people i.e. on locker holding down the outside between c and b when being pushed from both sides, either that or they were just **** players :p

Don't like the ucav, mortar etc. changes for when you first spawn in, pretty much what dg said, just introduces more camping and makes the ucav pointless unless you are happy to sit at the back for 45/60 seconds (?) and allow the enemy team to push up even further.

Essentially I think the patch has made the game more skilful and rewarding so it will take some time getting used to it.

You will really need to use quick TTK weapons now.

I still think the ucav and mortar reload time on spawn is not a bad idea but that the time is a little excessive (like the old grenade reload on ammo box). There was something a bit wrong with the way you could be at your team's gimme flag capping it 20 secs into the beginning of a round and get hit by a UCAV from the other team's red zone. :eek:

Mind you I'm bias as I haven't unlocked the UCAV cos any fule no Haz dont fly. ;)

Infy play seemed fine to me, it's just that the weapon balance has shifted. Hit reg with the deagle in a pistol only server was very good.
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This is basically what xfactor said. I'm a big fan of raising the skill ceiling at this point in the game's life cycle.

@Hazard: Might be that we are more used to the changes because we've been playing more CTE.
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Maybe I just didn't die enough to notice the mass an-94 users :p But yeah, I fully expect to see a lot of people using it and a macro now :(

There was one guy on lockers who kept getting me over and over with it!

That was only really an issue in chain link and rush game modes hazard, screw those game modes! :D :p I have replaced the ucav with c4 now, cba sitting at the back for 45+ seconds and miss out on precious kills!!!!

I will have to test a few weapons out and see what to use now, aek seemed still as powerful as ever from last nights play, acwr feels bad, so gone back to the ace 52 for now and mg 4 still seems pretty good, didn't play too much with the magnum but it seems the same, did the deagle get nerfed/buffed this patch?
the thing is how has it made it more skillful ?

guns arnt that bad as they wernt before but its just changes for changes.

they done the exact same with bf3. i think they just do it so you try new guns not for the reasons they say so.

if you look at the gameplay side of it it hasn't made the game better or more fun.
the thing is how has it made it more skillful ?

guns arnt that bad as they wernt before but its just changes for changes.

they done the exact same with bf3. i think they just do it so you try new guns not for the reasons they say so.

if you look at the gameplay side of it it hasn't made the game better or more fun.

less damage for most guns in terms of chest shots, leg shots etc. so having good aim and going for the head is a lot more important now, previously it didn't really matter that much if you shot people in the chest or head, at least from my experience.

But yeah, there wasn't really anything "wrong" with it before.

The suppression changes are nice too.

BF 3 was **** for gun balance, every man and his dog just used the m16, m416 or aek.

In terms of the tv missiles, you have to be more careful with your positioning, choose your targets more carefully etc. Essentially you got to be more tactical.

zowiek fk1 > any macro


Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about macro users, you can't detect it, only way is to spectate the player and even then, it could just be down to them being good players.
many people have silly mice that do all this stuff now. lower recoil and crap.

Many ESL teams use macros because they can't be detected by pb, maybe Joe can tell us if ESL Wire works differently.


Very easy to do with LUA scripts but where's the satisfaction in cheating?
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