A collection of skilled players from across the world who, despite previous differences, have united against a common enemy: casual baddies.
Casual: A reference not to the hours an individual devotes to a given activity, but rather their mindset whilst engaging in said activity.
Within the context of Battlefield, this refers to the type of player who is generally incapable of coherent thought, and who willingly refuses to recognize their own ineptitude as well as improve upon such ineptitude.
In doing so, they ultimately impair not only themselves, but any team they find themselves on, which is why they are the embodiment of all that is wrong with the current generation of Battlefield.
Thus, we have set out to perform the only duty we can assuredly provide to the Battlefield community at large: prove that the only purpose a casual mindset serves is to relegate yourself to a caste of players whose only purpose lies in being farmed.