The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Been playing some Gun Master the spawning supposed to be a joke? And the horrific lag when you're about to be stabbed, so that you can't counterattack until it's far too late...and every other bug.
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bunch of C u next tuesdays on BF4 the intelligence levels astonish me sometimes...and I'm not talking about Mynight here either ;) just so many retards around. The future of mankind is doomed I tell ya.
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I just seen the Mare's Leg (first time I've fired up the game at all in ages)... where was that when I was running and gunning with a sniper... being able to quickly swap to that for extra single shot goodness without waiting on reload on the sniper rifle would have been waaaay overpowered.
That game of parcel storm was funny. the disbelief as the OcUK overturn a losing round to win by 1 ticket. Priceless :D

I was playing BF3 but listened to it as it happened. Smartka believed whilst Mynight had some doubt :D

Goes to show if you know how the ticket bleed works then you can pull a game around just by not spawning. That was incredibly close though. :p
Below, we’ve gathered some of the most common Spring Update questions from the community.

How come roof access/ladders were removed from some infantry game Modes?

We are currently monitoring how the Maps and Modes play at the moment, and how these changes affect gameplay and flow of these infantry-focused Modes. So, keep your feedback coming.

How come some details were missing from the Spring Patch Notes?

The SRAW changes were made very early in the process, and therefore was missed. We apologize for the oversight, but will be sure to include all highlights/notable changes in future patch notes.

What’s up with the UCAV and Mortar deploy time?

Changes were made with the best intentions. We want to revisit this to optimize its functionality on the Battlefield.

How come the visuals on the Tracer Rounds are very prominent?

The intentions of Tracer Round visuals were to make them noticeable, but we will be toning them down due to your feedback.

How come kit specific perks/loadouts reset?

We are aware of this issue and looking into a solution. In the meantime, use the in-game Loadout menus which should work perfectly (per Faction).

How come we are still seeing “netcode” issues?

We are seeing server performance issues on some Platforms in some Regions and are working on a solution, with a server patch release in the future. If you experience this issue, please try to find another server.

Why has my favorite weapon been changed so much?

We are fairly happy with the weapon balance at this point, but we are always open to feedback. We suggest trying all of the weapons and providing your feedback on the forums.

Why has Zeroing distance changed?

Zeroing has changed slightly due to a resolved headglitch issue and sniper rifle bullet speed changes. The 100M reflect the actual zeroing distance. Previously it did not.

How come the Mare’s Leg seems very weak? I’m not inclined to use it.

We wanted to make sure it’s not OP when you use it at a distance. We are continuing to balance this weapon.

Why has air weapons been changed?

We felt the weapons needed to be changed to provide a better balance against other vehicle types and infantry. We may have changed a bit too much on Conquest, and are continuing to look at your feedback to optimize them further.

Remember that we’re always listening, so if you want answers you can’t find here – let us know in the comments below or on the forums.

David Sirland & Thomas Andersson

Glad the UCAV and Mortar will get looked at, it's completely useless now. Also please do something about those OP shotguns and make using grips viable again.
Id have thought that on lowered settings 120fps would be fine? With sli 780 @ max settings on 1920x1200 I was averageing 115fps iirc. Could ne a xfire driver issue though as there's a lot of posts in gpu forum lately about poor xfire support.
try rolling back to maybe 14.12's Smrtka and see what happens. Just an idea. You should be banging well over 150fps at ultra with that discussed if im doing 90 to 120 @ 1440p and rocking Ultra, you should be double that at 1080p and medium settings like you said you have been trying.

Makes no sense dude.
Finally found a game to justify the 6gb 780 I bought. Shadows of Mordor. It's fun too! Brief play session on BF last night but so, so rusty and loadouts still not sorted out!
try rolling back to maybe 14.12's Smrtka and see what happens. Just an idea. You should be banging well over 150fps at ultra with that discussed if im doing 90 to 120 @ 1440p and rocking Ultra, you should be double that at 1080p and medium settings like you said you have been trying.

Makes no sense dude.
This is my drivers

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