Yeah I noticed issues too Josh, my ping was going from 20-90 at times, definitely makes it harder to do well especially as infy although I think it may have saved me a few times as I was engaging a sniper and he hit me twice in the head, I saw the flinch and blood but no damage
I helped you with a few of them but the problem was that we couldn't get the last one, which was on their side, however, I found out that... you don't need to be on the RU/D/E flag side to get the other support base, just go to the water edge near your US base and you can just about hit it
Siege went Ok for me
It wouldn't let me switch honest!
Might be on later on this evening.
It was the worst I have ever seen for roof camping, couldn't get past B flag because you literally had at least 6 scrubs firing rockets down at you.... and then you couldn't get the tank on the burn at b otherwise you just died in seconds, grrrrrrrrr.
Plus their attack heli was decent (which is why I took the building down, makes it harder for them although it was too late

) so we couldn't use ours to clear the roof and it also made it hard for tanking.
I became a stinger warrior and got them though

Well when I say got them, they lost control and went plummeting into the water muahahaha
It puzzles me at times when your team is getting raped by a heli on maps that they can't equip aa mines and place them around the map, granted, it is hard on siege anyway but other maps like flood zone, you can lock the heli down easily, might not get any kills with it but at least you don't get raped as much.
Some GGs last night, lots of LOL moments too.
Me and Patsy were raping it up so hard in the transport heli we were HVT...I couldn't stop laughing
The problem on Siege was the attack heli, no one was bothering to take it out and no one took out the we were all in tanks.
Nexus, I can try and upload that jet shot if you want.
Yeah those last few games were much better
"any tips for me xfactor"
Yes please! Not sure if it is quite as good as the one Josh got in terms of height/distance but this was trickier due to the angle.