The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I was watching fanatics stream where you though that guy was cheating on lockers. Apart from having a mav above you. There was 3 guys ahead of you outside C waiting to kill anyone running to there. They Also killed another squad just before josh then you.

Plus both teams had commanders

He has a ban on BF4DB.

Westie also said he was cheating.

He was dodgy as **** imo, also when Josh mentioned about spectating him, he didn't spawn in and left the game within a few minutes with a score of 0-2.

The part where I said I was going to back rage his team was at the E/D end (they had those flags), iirc, there was no MAV and no one outside apart from me and a couple of other guys, perhaps it was as commander UAV scan although don't the commanders usually spam those on C flag on lockers? :p
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Yeah they place them on C. But depends if u place it dead in center. if u place it just to the left of c then it can cover some of outside to i think. or place it northwest of c to cover outside and north doorways to c. If comm is smart enough :D He may of been cheater. Saw him kill fanatic at range with AEK with few bursts like a headshot kill.

I guess from a watching point of view its hard to say. Also didnt know he was banned before so i guess he was cheating then. Most the cheaters i seen lately been using invisable hack and just rage cheating not even hiding it, on lockers and on classic servers, no kill cam. But i saw floating gun moving around on top of a building near our spawn so blasted him with a sabot. Same guy was using littlebird to 1shot snipe kill.

Aint seen any cheaters on the DLC maps but Theres only a handle of dlc maps i like.
Pearl market nice map to be commander on. You could get like 8 kills from 1 missle nuking c as they caping it. Makes them rage so bad :D
Tony i've been reading the temp drops people have been getting using aio coolers with a nzxt g10 back plate on their various gpus, it's very impressive. I will be doing the same in the near future as I have a brand new h100i which was an rma replacement sitting here being nowt.

Thanks mate. I'm not on reference cards, the kraken wouldn't fit. And I don't think I'd have the room between the cards anyway.

I'm able to keep the top gpu below 80 so happy enough for the insane performance.
Thanks mate. I'm not on reference cards, the kraken wouldn't fit. And I don't think I'd have the room between the cards anyway.

I'm able to keep the top gpu below 80 so happy enough for the insane performance.

My approach for overclocking so far has been to keep my volts at stock and overclock from there. I've settled at 1310, 1900 for 24/7 and it runs super cool. What are you running your cards at?
Just stock kiwi, no need to overclock these beasts at the moment. I'm actually running them -30 on the core voltage at the moment and they are absolutely flying. I'm not even going to oc these I doubt, I'm already hitting some insane figures in games and benchmarks. Amazing bang for the buck, way cheaper than a Furyx and looking like I'm getting around 30% more fps looking at benches. Add to that freesync, and teabags is a happy bunny
Can anyone help me out with a little niggle?

Basically, during some games I get massive keyboard and mouse input lag, where I press "W" for instance and it takes a good 1-2 seconds to get moving. Does anyone get this at all?

Tried making sure origin ingame feature is disabled for BF4?

I've found the game will randomly screw up key input wise from time to time - sometimes left<>right or just one strafe key will stop working either for a few seconds or until I redeploy, etc. and occasional had all my movement controls invert while flying choppers.
Tried making sure origin ingame feature is disabled for BF4?

I've found the game will randomly screw up key input wise from time to time - sometimes left<>right or just one strafe key will stop working either for a few seconds or until I redeploy, etc. and occasional had all my movement controls invert while flying choppers.

Yeah, it's off, thanks anyway

It's really annmoying, basically means I can't play :(
I keep getting directx crashes, the only thing that fixed it was to down clock my GPU, but it was at stock clocks anyway. Could me GPU be on its way out?
Some interesting games yesterday. I suck at obliteration, and we weren't much better at CTF. Still no hackers seen which was nice. :)

Funny scrub telling kiwi and me not to take the tank as we would waste it. I think our tanking runs lasted longer and were more successful than his! ;)

Shame you left that sunken dragon round Westie, we won it in the end but could have done with some help against that damm LB pilot!
Yeh CTF and Obliteration can be frustrating! Think I had had enough by the time we thought about playing conquest! GG's though - dat RPK is totally HaX on maps like lumpi gardens
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