The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Nice list of potential changes coming up - some are quite old but really cool like this gem...

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Some good stuff, hopefully the uniform vehicle aiming is soon. Totally different secondary gunner sensitivity in tank is so annoying :).
Some good stuff, hopefully the uniform vehicle aiming is soon. Totally different secondary gunner sensitivity in tank is so annoying :).

Yeh that's right up there for me. I can get a lot more kills with lower sensitivity but switching to a higher sensitivity when I need to rep is really annoying.

IIRC this issue is a lot worse for higher tick rate servers of which they are trying to get a fix in CTE. The current version is OK, but it goes all funky when you try to move the turret really quickly. Once they get it fixed I'll be a happy bunny.
TV Missile tweaks

I really don't understand the logic of the guys at CTE. This must be the 4th revision to the TV now and its progressively gotten worse and worse. Now they've turned it into a UCAV ffs.

The whole CTE thing is just one big elaborate trolling project...

Potential changes? It's mostly just speculation. I've always loved community design concepts, some people have some great ideas, it's just a shame DICE don't listen.

That's why I said potential instead of confirmed. In most cases DICE have either said they're working on it, or have committed in some way to implementing it.

I suspect that like most support teams they have had their funding cut or have been prioritized to work on other titles so it's not surprising that they have not been able to do everything.

If they can get the 60hz tick rate into the spring patch and fix the bugs related to implementing it I will be a happy bunny - that and TV,s and Tank shells dusting all the time!!
That's why I said potential instead of confirmed. In most cases DICE have either said they're working on it, or have committed in some way to implementing it.

I suspect that like most support teams they have had their funding cut or have been prioritized to work on other titles so it's not surprising that they have not been able to do everything.

If they can get the 60hz tick rate into the spring patch and fix the bugs related to implementing it I will be a happy bunny - that and TV,s and Tank shells dusting all the time!!

I was a strong supporter of Dice LA but after the spring patch they brought in some ******** changes, so whilst there is some good stuff planned adressing the netcode, they are ruining gameplay.
why is it sometimes as commander I can right click and issue orders to the gunship and get kill assist points and other times I cannot even click on it?

I got a nice crate kill in Caspian Border today. Enemy sniper was going up the ladder to get to the C wall towers and I timed it perfectly so that the crate landed on his head just as he reached the top lol
Had a guy last night that constantly kept somehow creeping up behind me - finally managed to catch him magically appearing in the middle of open ground not sure if he was actually hacking or just an issue with transitioning the high/low update frequencies but a couple of times when caught out he ran behind a container and magically disappeared into thin air - at one point there was like 5 of us searching D on rogue transmission for him - there is no way he managed to escape all of us.
Is anyone having issues with starting BF4? I just cant get my game to start tonight. I've tried the test range, MP and single player campaign, it loads the BF4 window and the loading graphic for the level, but when it's just about to flick to the game, I get black screen and kicks me back out to desktop.

I've tried to repair the game but nothing.
Could it be am issue with chrome and battlelog? I've been getting a message last few months at the top of battlelog saying chrome no longer supports a plug in. I've enabled the npapi extension, but that message is still being displayed. What browser u guys using?
fixed my black screen, removed the custom.cfg I had set up for BF4 just because I had to find the issue, and it runs fine. Must be something in the custom.cfg that doesnt agree with Freesysnc, very weird. No biggie, have just set a global cap at 120fps in MSI AB
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HAHAHAHA limiting turret speeds to match how consoles work. Gotta love that negative acceleration. CTE sounded like a good idea at the start but has proceeded to become a joke.

They've extended the CTE trolling to HL too. I guess the premium owners needed suitable punishment.

fixed my black screen, removed the custom.cfg I had set up for BF4 just because I had to find the issue, and it runs fine. Must be something in the custom.cfg that doesnt agree with Freesysnc, very weird. No biggie, have just set a global cap at 120fps in MSI AB

Nice, are we going to see you on the BF again now? :)
not sure, to many cheaters for my liking at the moment, seems every game of late you get someone using invisibility hacks, killing you with a rep tool from the other side of the map or going 80-1. I'll play if we hit some DLC but not interested in cheaters on the vanilla servers.
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