The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Been enjoying some China Rising of late :) Also propaganda and lumpi gardens are always fun!

Tony, I wouldn't say the cheating is every game. When I spot one I usually just leave so its not too bad.
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I might be about for some DLC, seems my dream on becoming a l33t City designer isn't going to happen.

Put over 40h into Cities Skylines in the past 2 weeks, still haven't ended a day with a City I like.

I need to shoot at something.
Problem is the server choice for DLC (especially the good ones) is dog **** :p Until game time is over, I won't be on vanilla servers.

Now that gta is fixed, I'll probably be on it for my MP "fix"
Wat? they have fixed the dross stutter and dodgy fps indoors? :eek:

Yup it looks like it! :D I only played it for 5-10 min this morning in free roam on SP though so no clue about survivor rounds (for me that was completely unplayable where as free roam/SP was "ok")

Not sure about the fps drops indoors as I didn't have that issue. Most people are reporting good things about the patch, some nvidia users still seem to be crashing but I think that is more down to them using a certain version of nvidia drivers.

2xRP today as well so should rank up quite quickly with some survival rounds and heists.
I've got only a couple of hours clocked on GTAV and played them all on launch day, not touched the game since. Something like this will bring me back though.


Have they confirmed 60hz for summer patch?

I'm guessing yes as the whole turret speed issue was because of the increased tick rate, not sure if the variable tickrate tied with frame rates will be implemented.

edit and this:

As you in the CTE know, we have been working on creating high tickrate servers. In testing these we discovered that the turrets would turn extremely slowly on these servers. It was unplayable. Our turrets include a number of key values, but the most important are Threshold and Acceleration.
Threshold - The maximum value at which the turret can turn. Any input force larger than this value will be reduced to this value. Acceleration - How quickly the turret goes from standing still to the threshold value.
Together these work like the gas pedal and speed limiter in your car. The problem we discovered was that Threshold was not working properly. On 30hz servers, this made it so that threshold didn't work at all. If you turned your sensitivity settings up to 100%, you'd be spinning in circles. Had threshold been doing what it was supposed to do, you would have hit a maximum speed eventually. On 60/120hz servers, it was doing its job too well. Obviously, we needed a solution.
The solution was to fix the values on all turrets. Since many of the turrets are the same size, we grouped them into four distinct categories of speed:
Slow - MBTs.
Medium - IFVs, MAAs, and anything else with a medium-sized turret.
Fast - MBT/IFV gunners and anything else with a CROW-like turret.
Ultra - Vulcan miniguns. Includes transport chopper, RHIB, and FAC side gunners
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I'm guessing yes as the whole turret speed issue was because of the increased tick rate, not sure if the variable tickrate tied with frame rates will be implemented.

edit and this:

If they do bring 60hz it will be awesome. It's night and day IMO. The last time I tried the turrets they were still buggered.
they've fixed all the stuttering Josh, just had a mental 3 hour session today, it's so damn good again, I've missed the game loads.

I played last night and still got stutter with my new 980ti - it seemed smoother on my 290 - if no where near as high settings

Back on topic - have they fixed single player yet - being able to do the final mission in bf4?
I was able to do the final mission on day 1 of release :confused:

Yep it was broken in one of the patches. I only played MP for a long time then decided on doing the SP to unlock the weapons. Last time I checked the game just crashes with a memory leak as you try to load the last level
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