The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Yeah that would suck - though I've never had much luck trying to reliably shoot someone out of one with skill seems completely random if it works or not - but loads of times randomly sprayed one with my G18 and had everyone in it die :confused:
And 2 more cheaters tonight, at least 2 cheaters every night I have played in the last 2 weeks now....

Done with this game.

Any of those cheaters on premium content servers?

Had a bit of fun on the 60Hz CTE servers yesterday, they also appeared to have rampent cheaters on. All identifiable by their [DICE] tags! :p

Missed out on the zavod at night maps this week though :(
I would imagine not although I don't think I have seen many, if any premium servers.

I tried looking for DLC servers (like always) last night but the choice is just so **** especially when you got to find one with 5+ spaces.

I wish server owners would take down their servers until DICE/EA fix this ****.
Think I might play BF3 more often :p

Yeah I am considering uninstalling BF 4 to make room for bf 3.

Honestly I can't see myself playing bf 4 again unless they sort this cheating situation out.
Yeah I am considering uninstalling BF 4 to make room for bf 3.

Honestly I can't see myself playing bf 4 again unless they sort this cheating situation out.

Do it then! Bet you won't ;)

I'm downloading Bf3 now, I need some Karkand and decent rush stuff.
I really don't want to but atm it is pointless playing bf 4 and there isn't much we can do:

- **** choice for dlc servers already (made even worse when we have 5+ people on)
- all the admined servers, at least 1 or 2 are banned from i.e. anarchy, old gits army/TOGA
- we do find a good server, we get put on the ****test team ever.... thus leave and spend another 10 minutes trying to find a cheat free, not fast pawn, not 1000+ tickets server....

Personally I think bf 3 rush is **** (not as bad as bf 4 though) especially those b2k maps.

I am more tempted to get bc 2 back on tbh.
Just looking at bf 3 servers, seems like the game is dead and mostly **** server choice? Will check back later tonight to see what server choice is like before dll it:


I see your main issue there "Conquest Large x1billion" - diversify your mind dude. There are other game modes.
But they are all crap :( Rush is the only other playable game mode there.

ATM.... gun master and scavenger are also dead, 2 of the most fun game modes in bf 3


I just don't get how people can play only one game mode/one map all the time i.e. metro, how ****ing boring.

And don't get me started on fast spawn servers....
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But they are all crap :( Rush is the only other playable game mode there.

ATM.... gun master and scavenger are also dead, 2 of the most fun game modes in bf 3


I just don't get how people can play only one game mode/one map all the time i.e. metro, how ****ing boring.

And don't get me started on fast spawn servers....

Remind me, what is it we play? :p
The cheating has become a bit ridiculous - atleast 3-4 on each team last night - one in my squad who was definitely using a wallhack as I could work out where enemy where behind cover by his movement and where he was looking despite there being no clues ingame i.e. they hadn't been spotted, etc.
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