The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Jet 313 optimal turning speed is coming back also but they ruined my beloved flashbangs, it no linger blinds people in tanks :(

Was never an issue for me to be honest. The one time you tried it on me you the fiery end of Mr Sabot.
Can anyone tell me what CTE means please?

Premium BF4 (and HL) owners are invited to plat on Community Test Environment servers using development builds of the client and server code.

The developers can then try out new maps/balance tweaks etc.. on this group of players and get feedback. This helps them to decide which fixes or new features to add to the retail version of the game.

Some of the highlights of the CTE have been..

30/60/120Hz tick rate servers (increasing the message rate between client and server to improve the fluidity and perceived fairness of combat)

Night maps

Dragon's pass map and the community map (CMP).

early access to new guns like the AN94/ mares leg/ groza1/4

Trolling youtubers. :p
Its basically a G18 on steroids heh - though strangely 1 on 1 at close range against someone with the MP7 I usually beat them with the G18 unless they are >15-20m or so.

Yeh the G18 is totally OP right now. Running it as my secondary for all guns now. Still like the UMP 9 but the MP7 is still my choice for maps like Zavod.
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