120 would only be suitable if you were sitting in your monitor.
Sorry I've not been about, feeling a bit disenchanted with gaming at the minute, don't seem to be enjoying anything lately!
Mad Max on the 31st mate, really hoping it has a good feel to it.
I was/am the same bud, cba with going on my PC let alone gaming, forcing myself to play last Thursday/Friday helped. Get rocket league, hours of mindless fun!
Of course we don't need Nexus to steam roll servers, it just makes it easier when you have Nex or Westie in your side...to have one of the best tanker and one of the best pilots protecting us grunts on the ground, makes me feel rather invincible lol. We're all very strong players without them, in numbers we can roll over most pub.
Lol Nice! There has also been a huge influx of low rank players which I think has made it easier to roll with only a few of us on. About 6 months ago it felt like everyone was level 130.
I still remember my first night on the newly formed 2BL TS.
Marty "who's this"
Me "Josh from the forums"
Marty "you the one who always puts Josh at the end of his posts"
Me "yeah that's me"
Marty "stop doing that, it's ****ing annoying"
Me "righto"
Yeah we don't need Nexus but it's nice to have the whole squad together. plus it helps my KD when I can sit in his tank
Won't be on tonight - 20oz Megasaurus Steak is being demolished.