The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

sorry guys, I'm not very clever at describing stuff am I :o I didn't mean I get fisheye at 74(90) was just saying that's what I've now selected. I was just saying how I hate that fisheye look so want to avoid it at all costs. If I set it any higher I can start to see that fisheye effect which is horrible. Tried 120 to start with, was horrendous lmao.
120 would only be suitable if you were sitting in your monitor.

Much lolz from that!

Sorry I've not been about, feeling a bit disenchanted with gaming at the minute, don't seem to be enjoying anything lately!

Who? ;)

I was/am the same bud, cba with going on my PC let alone gaming, forcing myself to play last Thursday/Friday helped. Get rocket league, hours of mindless fun!
Mad Max on the 31st mate, really hoping it has a good feel to it.

It does look good but whether it plays as good as it looks we will have to wait and see.

Who? ;)

I was/am the same bud, cba with going on my PC let alone gaming, forcing myself to play last Thursday/Friday helped. Get rocket league, hours of mindless fun!

I knew that was coming! :p

I just can't seem to force myself to play cause I know it'll only irritate me :p think I need a couple of new games to get me back into it.
Yeah the early days with Marty and Mark were good.

S'ok sure when Nexus returns we can hang off his coat tails once again!
Anyone up for some server rolling tonight then?

Had a fun quick game last night with Squeeze and dodg3rman. Nearly flawless round with squeeze and me at the top of the table and Joe's mate itsV1RUS languishing in 4th :D

We don't need nexus to roll a server although it becomes ridiculously easy when he does play. Just believe in the power of OcUK!
Of course we don't need Nexus to steam roll servers, it just makes it easier when you have Nex or Westie in your have one of the best tanker and one of the best pilots protecting us grunts on the ground, makes me feel rather invincible lol. We're all very strong players without them, in numbers we can roll over most pub.
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I still remember my first night on the newly formed 2BL TS.

Marty "who's this"
Me "Josh from the forums"
Marty "you the one who always puts Josh at the end of his posts"
Me "yeah that's me"
Marty "stop doing that, it's ****ing annoying"
Me "righto"

Yeah we don't need Nexus but it's nice to have the whole squad together. plus it helps my KD when I can sit in his tank :)

Won't be on tonight - 20oz Megasaurus Steak is being demolished.

Josh ;)
Of course we don't need Nexus to steam roll servers, it just makes it easier when you have Nex or Westie in your have one of the best tanker and one of the best pilots protecting us grunts on the ground, makes me feel rather invincible lol. We're all very strong players without them, in numbers we can roll over most pub.

Westie is the one player we could use more often as as a group, the helis are our weak point. Sidewinder and squeeze can do a decent job, but if we're up against someone like potato factory, Westie is the man. It's interesting how much harder it is to have a successful tank run when we've lost the air!

Nexus is No1 tank, but there's a few of us that can put in a decent shift.

Xin is our best LAV player, but again there's a few of us that can put in a half decent shift.

Xonatic can do well in a jet

You are one of our best infantry players. :)

Lol Nice! There has also been a huge influx of low rank players which I think has made it easier to roll with only a few of us on. About 6 months ago it felt like everyone was level 130.

It's still tricky if our team has all the nubs on, there's been a few games like that recently where we've been stacked against, topped our team as a group, ace squad, but the rest of the team have been window licking all round!

I still remember my first night on the newly formed 2BL TS.

Marty "who's this"
Me "Josh from the forums"
Marty "you the one who always puts Josh at the end of his posts"
Me "yeah that's me"
Marty "stop doing that, it's ****ing annoying"
Me "righto"

Yeah we don't need Nexus but it's nice to have the whole squad together. plus it helps my KD when I can sit in his tank :)

Won't be on tonight - 20oz Megasaurus Steak is being demolished.

Josh ;)

Had an epic whole fore rib of beef on the BBQ the other day, that must have been at least 20Oz. (I shared it with the missus though).
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