The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Wonder if they will raise the rank limit soon? It seems like an eternity since I made s***bucket

I'm guessing they won't. :(

It was a bit quiet on Sunday without you mate. At least had a couple of good rounds as RB for Xin, did surprisingly well against some pretty impressive competition in the end. :)
I'm guessing they won't. :(

It was a bit quiet on Sunday without you mate. At least had a couple of good rounds as RB for Xin, did surprisingly well against some pretty impressive competition in the end. :)

Yes I am missing BF immensely. The addiction is real.
Need a 150 rank, getting to the point where it's not worth playing the game for mere enjoyment only.

I wish, mind you I'm getting close to 50,000,000 points now which is what I expect rank 150 would be, and getting another 20,000,000 points now would be a pain! (I think 140 is 30,000,000 IIRC)

Think my wife would leave me in the UK if I bought a gaming laptop...

Two wins for the price of one! :p

Just reinstalled this and uninstalled HardLine

What servers are you all using please?

It varies depending on who is on. Are you in the platoon? (If so I think it will suggest servers with other platoon members playing on)
We tend to chop and change servers pretty often. Some night we can play 7 games on 7 different servers.

All depends on what the servers are run like tbh.

We don't have any set it stone ones though.
Guys......if i picked up BF4 again and started playing online am i likely to bump into loads of hackers and cheats? Or is there a decent anti-cheat system on most servers nowadays.
I'll already be at a disadvantage as last time i played i had a very low rank, so won't have unlocked much at all.
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Guys......if i picked up BF4 again and started playing online am i liekly to bump into loads of hackers and cheats? Or is there a decent anti-cheat system on most servers nowadays.
I'll already be at a disadvantage as i last time i played i had a very low rank, so won't have unlocked much at all.

There was a spate of hackers spoiling a lot of games, but it has *mostly* died down now. Last time I saw any obvious hackers was 2-3 weeks ago on the official 60Hz test server where a bunch of them joined to try and sell their wares.
Normally they aren't an issue.

If you are fairly new to the game though you may think there are more hackers that there are as the skill gap between a 1000hour+ player and a 50 hour player can be large.
They hacking was pretty bad 6-8 weeks ago but has settled down a lot since then.

I've noticed that fairfight has been very active over the last couple of weeks, that said as soon as they ping one cheat program and ban then, the hackers can re-modify the program again and again.

Double XP is/was on this week IIRC which will help you towards unlocks.
Ranked servers generally have no active admin on them. They just rely on their anti-cheats measures and team balancer to do the job of the admin.

*edit* - sorry I was confusing ranked with official ones. My bad
so ranked servers get hacked?

Yes, occasionally, but overall ranking is meaningless, and they tend to get stat wipes anyway. Play to win and have fun. If there's a hacker on a server, find another server or report them and then find another server. It's not really a problem at the moment although it was pretty bad a few weeks back.
i used to play BF3 for hours on end each night when i was single. Loved it. Was really good at it too, regularly came in top 5 in 64 player TDM's.
But the kiddies hackers and general game trollers did my nut in.......
I'm really going off Battlefield, I rarely have a good round and it really irritates me :p
I've come to the conclusion that I'm just awful and it makes me sad :( :D
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