The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Anyone going to be around tonight for a few rounds? Going to try and get back into playing as its been quite a while :eek:

Yeah, I should be on from about 8ish, on the OcUK Discord server. If anyone needs a platoon invite or an invite to the discord server, give me a holla. :)
You've not changed servers no?

Just been using the official unofficial server the last few days as not many of the Redmond crew want to play BF4 anymore, and it seemed appropriate. Also I'm supposed to be an active admin on there so I guess I should use it :p
Just been using the official unofficial server the last few days as not many of the Redmond crew want to play BF4 anymore, and it seemed appropriate. Also I'm supposed to be an active admin on there so I guess I should use it :p

Ahh ok - can you ping me the details just encase I don't have the same ones?
That could be your filters on the page...I'll be on after work (1630 ish) and on Discord if you both want to join!

I hadnt set any filters apart from what are set as default (first time loading the game). I probably wont be on tonight as im sucking up every last drop of Overwatch I can before the beta ends, and my mic hasnt yet arrived so ill be mute anyway. But once it does i'd be more than happy to join and have a few games, feel like ive really missed out not playing BF on PC. Plus I think I have one Origin friend :p
Yup not working here either. Takes me to a page with an option to log in, demands I enter a code they send me by email, on success, back to square one. Bah :(

Seems it's widespread, looking at their forums.
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Because others are joining/playing waiting your turn

Fine but ivenplayed plenty of other mp games where it's one click and 'in':p

What's your spec?

Prepare to laugh ;)

So sat in the blue corner is my PC, i7 4790k at 4.8ghz. Heavily overclocked 780 ti. 16gb GSkill 2400 ram. 950 Samsung m.2 ssd. So BF4 runs like a dream. Laughing? Thought not. But wait.

The above rig obviously runs it like a dream but that's boring, meh..

Sat in the red corner is my new pet project. A HTPC Build originally which I've been having some fun with. I have been trying to build a totally silent PC, passive cooled AMD 5350, passively cooled 750ti. 8GB ram. It does all I want it too for a htpc, but I had to scratch an itch and try and play some games on it. Dirt rally runs great at medium settings. Battlefront runs bad, CPU limited. Battlefield 4, well according to other tests on the web should net me 37 fps at highest settings. I use a mixture of medium settings and on campaign mode get as high as 80fps but average about 60. All good then.

Multiplayer mode and I will experiment more only nets me in the late teens which is unplayable. I'm having too much fun 'fiddling' to actually want to play this on my main rig so thoughts?!!!!
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