The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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ay and I was thinking more generally. be a pain to try and organise something everytime a group of you/us wanted to play :p just more active clan servers I was thinking to quickly jump on and have some closer rounds than general pub stomping.
Sorry my suggestion was regarding the community event as the general consensus is that stacking is neither fun nor sustainable.
Secured a 64 player server for the community event. Will finalise details in the next few days and post the required information in the thread.

Would be good to get as many people as possible for the occasion.
had a funny one on a regular tdm i play last night.

joins late on my fav mortar map dawnbreaker :p

first 5 or six mortar put downs im at top and killed about 19-20 with them admin calls for votekick dgeesio :D

some other guy also said added you on metabans and you banned from my server :p

close to position 4 now in the world :) few games today it should be mine.
I despise the ac130 nexus I really do, but I find it so funny hammering down on the enemybteam in that 3rd, it's an awesome tool to help direct the team and pave way for my squad to capture or defend a point.
Might try and get on tonight, my back is killing me so the appeal to drop some tramadol and **** on the sofa is very high.
TBH, we don't really "stomp" that much when it comes to pub i.e. the other night, we must have only won about 3 games out of the 10-13 that we played...... and the only reason we won was literally because of us PTFO.

Main reason people leave when we win is because they see all the ocuk tags, guarnteed if we took them of, hardly anyone would leave ;) Besides, chances are, we are against a group of friends on TS or whatever as well, difference being they just don't have any tags to show that they are together. A lot of the time, it does feel like we are against a few organised groups.

I don't mind playing against other "communities" but... I hate playing against proper teams/clans who do comp. ESL games and are proper try hards i.e. the GC guys, zero point playing against them and then when they win, think they are so pro lel....

I think your second point regarding jets is contradictory to having better balance. It would be a return to BF3 where you can easily go an entire round without getting fragged. Having a superior attack jet gives the opposite team a chance at taking you down which can be countered by having a wing man. I tend to agree with level cap that it's almost impossible to add balance regarding jets without introducing too many game-breaking changes which can be easily exploited - example the Mobile AA.

Like I've said before, the effectiveness of jets can be countered by giving infantry more cover but at the end of the day I don't think that's really a solution as the helis/boats/tanks are highly vulnerable.

Atm, the stealth is just too good for dog fighting though, I don't want the attack jet to match or be better than it, I just want it to be a bit better so that crap pilots can't easily take on far better pilots.

Overall I think jets are fine on the majority of maps as there is a lot of cover in this game unlike bf 3.. and the reduced spotting distance etc. has helped massively. Active protection is the best unlock/gadget for ground vehicles when it comes to aircraft. In BF 3, I couldn't get in a tank without getting stomped by either the attack heli or jet, in this game, it isn't much of a problem, in fact the ac130 rapes me far more when in a boat/tank, 1 shot from the big gun and you are immobilised so can't get to cover and just one more and the vehicle is disabled.

It is much easier to lock down jets in this game as well, get 2-3 engis to place those aa mines around the map and the map becomes a no fly zone, flare reload is so damn long :(

TBH, it would be better to go back to just the one type of jet imo

I can afford one, its just that I'd rather spend that money elsewhere :) When I'm back at Uni my PC basically just becomes an office PC with the odd game here and there so load speeds don't bother me :p Just winding you up, really dude!

I personally dont mind the absence of jets or AA in CA, I think there is plenty going on on the ground/in the water to more than make up for it. They are also more prone to closer games in my experience, I dont think Ive ever lost or won a game of CA or CAL by more than 20% carrier health or 1 MCOM.

Can see your point :) I am the same too.

I don't care about jets or aa, happy to go boat, heli or infantry but you need those two things if the gunship is present otherwise they just rape everything in sight, zero cover from it :(
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I don't mind playing against other "communities" but... I hate playing against proper teams/clans who do comp. ESL games and are proper try hards i.e. the GC guys, zero point playing against them and then when they win, think they are so pro lel....

Did you actually visit their clan website? They're just a bunch of normal blokes who don't partake in ESL or play competitively at all. Not sure you can moan about 'try hards' when you come out with stupid comments if somebody complains about being killed...
Did you actually visit their clan website? They're just a bunch of normal blokes who don't partake in ESL or play competitively at all. Not sure you can moan about 'try hards' when you come out with stupid comments if somebody complains about being killed...

I am 99% certain that the "members" of the clan have played for various teams in ESL i.e. Liam who played for cG (the team westie is/was in) was in the "platoon" (although for bf 3 I think) and did comp. play

Remember you can be apart of a "community" platoon but still play competitively i.e. look at Joe, how many ESL teams did he play for? ;)

Not too sure what you mean by that last part? :confused:
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I am 99% certain that the "members" of the clan have played for various teams in ESL i.e. Liam who played for cG (the team westie is/was in and did comp. play) was in the "platoon"

Remember you can be apart of a "community" platoon but still play competitively i.e. look at Joe, how many ESL teams did he play for? ;)

Not too sure what you mean by that last part? :confused:

The GC players you were moaning about are a German gaming community, not an ESL team. Would have been nice to have some organised competition actually! :)
The GC players you were moaning about are a German gaming community, not an ESL team. Would have been nice to have some organised competition actually! :)

Yes I know that! :p

What I am saying is that the individual players/members have also played for ESL/comp. teams (of course not all in the platoon, but most of them) so they have the experience/skill and tactics over just us "pub players". Don't know if you have played in the same squad/team as them, if you haven't, you should as you can tell just by how they play, they rush for the flags as soon as they get in game and a lot of the time, it is base rape within 5 minutes, no joke.

We don't take the game anywhere as seriously as that.

Just like the CFA guys, they are a community made up of mostly competitive players.

Essentially we would be crushed by them :)

I don't mind playing on a more "community" match-up i.e. against similar skilled "platoons" like MLG and scan guys who don't take it seriously.

If you really want to play against platoons like GC then we really need to put the effort in as you said, organisation and tactics is key, which is something we as a group haven't done thus far... but as I have said to every ESL team that have tried to recruit me, I have no interest in ESL/competitive matches.
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