The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Good news, HMPS has finally settled my injury claim from Sept last year.

Tidy £3k coming my way, less solicitor fees of course.

Going to pay off my CC from doing the house up and then treat myself to my next upgrades i5/i7, new mobo and 16GB of some lovely new ram.

That's good to hears Josh.

Maybe one of those new Asus ROG Swift 27inch 2560*1440 res G-Sync monitors would go nicely with your proposed upgrades.
Good stuff Josh! If you're a heavy photoshop user then I would go IPS. If gaming is your thing there is no better monitor than the swift. Both Locky and I have one now and let's just say the hack-u-stations have gone up. @Nexus as far as I'm aware you have not owned a high end 120hz monitor - is that correct?
in all honestly I don't think that will happen.

This happened- but it happened on CTE. There were updates put on CTE that broke the game and made things stupid - but then they fixed and released another CTE patch for people to try.

All of the code changes in this patch have been played by the community in CTE. With any luck, this should be a relatively bug free patch. The only issue they might have is going straight from the last release code to this branch of code in one change. If it was done in components previously, there may be some unexpected side effects slip through testing.

We'll have to and wait and see !

Interesting listenning to Xfactors latest video

Exactly as predicted last week, when the developers have combined all the incremental code changes they've made in CTE since the last release, they've experienced some new issues with the game crashing randomly and new bugs found.

I've seen this before with our developers at work, it was bound to happen.

The good thing however, is that they've made the time to create the patch that will up the code level from the one out in retail, to the last CTE patch in one go, and then sent it out to CTE to test it.

This has picked up the bugs so by the time we get it at the end of september, it will be bug free and already tested by the CTE users.
Great games tonight, so much so that the infamous wndsr rage was non-existent!

Excellent news regarding BF 2.0, assuming that is correct and they do patch the bugs pre-release.
I am pretty much done with BF 4 until this patch lands, fed up with a lot of the current issues. Will still play just not as much, as has been pretty evident over the last month or so...

@Nexus as far as I'm aware you have not owned a high end 120hz monitor - is that correct?

No, haven't owned or even seen one :( Although did use CRT when they were the "in thing" :p

I can imagine that it is a lot better than 60HZ in quick paced FPS shooter but I rather have the better colours/image quality and better viewing angles (I sit in the weirdest positions :p)

I find 60HZ to be perfectly fine tbh, the only thing that REALLY irritates me is screen tearing (some games are fine where as others can be awful i.e. wolfenstein) so hoping an ultrawide freesync monitor comes out sometime next year....

As mentioned, I can't go back to 16.9/16.10 now, the aspect ratio is so much more immersive imo and to not have any black borders whilst watching films is just great.
You can't say 60Hz is sufficient until you've tried anything above it.

I was of the opinion that Battlefield looked fine on my bog standard £120 60Hz Acer monitor... Then I got this BenQ. The fluidity of a higher rate monitor is just fantastic and can't be described without actually playing on one. I don't care anywhere near enough to base my monitor choice based on what movies look like as I tend to stream most of them to my TV or my MBA anyway.

My next purchase will most certainly be the ROG monitor, along with two new GPU's.
You can't say 60Hz is sufficient until you've tried anything above it.

I was of the opinion that Battlefield looked fine on my bog standard £120 60Hz Acer monitor... Then I got this BenQ. The fluidity of a higher rate monitor is just fantastic and can't be described without actually playing on one. I don't care anywhere near enough to base my monitor choice based on what movies look like as I tend to stream most of them to my TV or my MBA anyway.

My next purchase will most certainly be the ROG monitor, along with two new GPU's.

Well said. The Swift is in another class when compared to my 120hz Iiyama which was rated very highly by TFT Central. GSYNC gives that buttery smooth feeling of VSYNC without the input lag.
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I know wndsr, like I said, I am sure 120HZ is noticeably better/smoother especially for FPS shooters but at the same time, I don't find myself "wishing" for a higher refresh rate. I'm not a "serious" gamer, apart from bf 4, there are very few games that I play.

I can't go back to TN panels, they just aren't anywhere as good as IPS for general image quality and colours and especially viewing angles.

The 21.9 aspect ratio is purely made for films but it is also damn good for games too, it really does feel a lot more immersive now (helps that you get significantly more FOV at the sides [without fish eye effect]) and it is also great for general desktop usage too. mrk's photo:

Unfortunately like 120HZ, gsync etc. it isn't something you can "show" in photos, need to experience it for yourself.

Obviously TV would be better for films, tv shows etc. but I am waiting for OLED, 4K and 21.9 aspect ratio at 50" ;)

From what I have read about gsync, it sounds like even at 60HZ, it should feel much smoother than bog standard 60HZ so hopefully IPS freesync 60HZ ultrawide monitors are out next year...


Also, one reason why I don't want 120HZ atm either, in a lot of games, you aren't going to be getting 120 FPS constantly so you won't see the advantage of 120HZ monitors over 60HZ monitors, quite a lot of the recent games are very poorly optimised and can't get past 70FPS even with dual GPU's, which is something I don't ever want.

It just comes down to what people prefer in the end, unfortunately I am a "videophile" :p
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Bf4 scales really with 780 sli, and yep an i7 is the way to go. I5's just don't cut it due to lack of threads. In this scenario you'll get a lot of stuttering and low gpu use but very high cpu use.
Also, one reason why I don't want 120HZ atm either, in a lot of games, you aren't going to be getting 120 FPS constantly so you won't see the advantage of 120HZ monitors over 60HZ monitors, quite a lot of the recent games are very poorly optimised and can't get past 70FPS even with dual GPU's, which is something I don't ever want.

Sorry, but to me this logic makes zero sense at all.

(1) Not buying a high refresh rate monitor because 'new' games are not optimised is stupid logic. That's like not buying good internal components because new games are not optimised. Eventually they will become optimised and the playing experience will become immeasurably better once they are.

(2) Anything over 60 is noticeable. Respectfully, you can't begin to comment on the pros/cons of having a higher rate monitor without having used one at all. The fluidity is immediately noticeable, it's night and day.
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