The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Given that they have plenty of time to test it out on CTE I would hope that the amount of bugs will be minimal. The last Dice LA major update, the high frequency network update patch, didn't break anything (there has to be a first time for everything).
I suspect it won't feel exactly the same as CTE - I'm assuming that the DICE servers are speced allot higher. Very excited about the revive timer, reduction of visual recoil and options for reducing HUD clutter.
Hi all need a bit of advice. Every now and then when playing bf I get the whea_uncorectable error and my pc restarts. I can play for weeks and get nothing but then it just occurs randomly. Its only on battlefield and my overclock is tested and stable. I have even tried lowering my overclock. Any advice would be appreciated.

Whea error usually means you need more vcore. Check in event viewer and look fir whea cpu parity 19 errors. Also on haswell CPU input voltage should be at least 0.5v higher than vcore. Ie 1.300 vcore, 1.800 input. Stress programs aren't always great for testing overclocked systems used for games.
I hate that when your prone and you move your gun to see and then your whole body moves therefore exposing you.:D Who thought of that great Idea ?

I'm playing Battlefield not Arma.:D

Anyhow Ive gone back to BF3 and BFBC2 just find myself having more fun and the maps seem better for my play style. BF4 keeps trying to entice me back as I get an email saying that I have some unopened battlepacks, but meh. :p
I wonder if you could all give me some advice on which BF version to buy. I played a lot of BF3 on xbox, and I recently moved to PC: mainly for CS:GO but I want another game to play when I don't want to play CS:GO.

I am wondering if I which I should buy out of:
BF3 (£15)
BF3 + premium (£25)
BF4 (£15)
BF4 + premium (£47)

I'm only really going to play online. I'm leaning towards just getting BF4, and then later getting premium if I want to.


For reference, my system is a 3750K and 770GTX.
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