The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Yeah the ones I have at home are really quite old.

Acer p223w and Samsung sync master 226bw.

As you probably guessed most of my kit is old lol. The p223w colour reproduction is pretty spot on for mobile displays so I haven't had a need to upgrade.
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You know I had not seen that <5ms is fine I wouldn't notice anything faster. Thank you for the link! I'll have to upgrade my gpu me thinks. If I wait for the next gen GPUs hopefully there will be some single GPUs capable of decent 4k fps/maybe more choice on monitor.

Why do they bother to put speakers on high end monitors... If you have £700 to spend on a monitor there's a pretty good chance you already have the audio to go with it.

I was considering a stopgap of 1200p u2412ms but I keep missing them on the MM when people have 3 up for sale. Just wish OCUK could do some IPs eyefinity setups :).
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Don't pay attention to the spec sheet for monitors ;) TFTcentral and pcmonitorsinfo are the best review sites for "accurate" response times.

I would definitely hold of on a new monitor for a bit longer, lots of stuff coming out next year:

- whole range of freesync screens and of course more gsync screens will be coming next year so prices for the current gsync monitors should drop quite a bit. This freesync alternative monitor is £110-140 cheaper than the gsync equivalent
- 144HZ IPS should be coming next year iirc
- I'm sure we will see lots more of 4k screens but hopefully a good bit cheaper
- ultrawide/21.9 monitors are taking of big time so I am sure we will also see more of them too

ATM, 34" ultrawide, 4k and gsync screens cost more than what they should imo.

Lol I was raging so hard, I actually uttered the words "calm down mynight it's only a game" :D.

I'll forgive you this time :p.

hehe, a "u mad" in chat would have been too much then??


Good games tonight, had a laugh.

Repping for nex is always fun, we make a pretty strong tank crew imo

We most certainly do :cool:

Although you steal my kills a bit too much for my liking...


No tearing here at all :D I do like my Asus 144HZ

By the way I've noticed other people turning down settings to see people easier. I have everything on Ultra anything I should turn down?

Also interested to hear if it helps as I'll take any little to help my ability :D.

Personally I notice a difference in my game play style/score with high/max settings compared to low/off

If you want some fancy graphics then the only settings that I would turn to "high" are textures, texture filtering, texture quality and mesh to "ultra" and then mess with the res scale. Do not touch the MSAA setting, it adds so much input lag and kills performance.
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I'm glad Tony has taken over the mantle of "nexus rep biatch" I can't afford to lose out on many more kills.

I have more kill assists than our whole Platoon combined!

**EDIT - might have ever so slightly over estimated that last remark...maybe ;)**
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Here is some interesting info. about the kill assists ribbons!!!!

me - 2104

josh - 1018
tony - 1164
sidey - 1019
chippy - 282
mynight - 351
crispy - 301

So who is the kill stealer now!?!!?




5 kill assists for one kill assist ribbon!
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Don't pay attention to the spec sheet for monitors ;) TFTcentral and pcmonitorsinfo are the best review sites for "accurate" response times.

I would definitely hold of on a new monitor for a bit longer, lots of stuff coming out next year:

- whole range of freesync screens and of course more gsync screens will be coming next year so prices for the current gsync monitors should drop quite a bit. This freesync alternative monitor is £110-140 cheaper than the gsync equivalent
- 144HZ IPS should be coming next year iirc
- I'm sure we will see lots more of 4k screens but hopefully a good bit cheaper
- ultrawide/21.9 monitors are taking of big time so I am sure we will also see more of them too

ATM, 34" ultrawide, 4k and gsync screens cost more than what they should imo.

I'll have to check it out thanks :). My knowledge of monitors is higher equals better(and the occasional lower) :D. As long as the monitor reflects the right colours for a mobile screen I can deal with it but it's not the prettiest gaming wise.

hehe, a "u mad" in chat would have been too much then??


Would have been my first rage quit :D. Nah it wasn't that bad I was just struggling to get kills and deaths were racking up lol.

Here is some interesting info. about the kill assists ribbons!!!!

me - 2104

josh - 1018
tony - 1164
sidey - 1019
chippy - 282
mynight - 351
crispy - 301

So who is the kill stealer now!?!!?



Still you! :p

And even worse you're a team killer :eek:.
Yah will be :).

You didn't come bow hunting yesterday :(.

Nah I was down my local last night. :D

Off to the fun fair with my kids in a minute will be on mid afternoon and for an evening session.

I don't think I'll be getting the bow in a hurry, but finding one of those dog tags might give me the motivation to complete some of the phantom achievements. I need to do more tanking (or rep-bitching) to get some more MBT kills at the moment. Then I'll worry about the whole jet thing. :(
No tearing here at all :D I do like my Asus 144HZ

By the way I've noticed other people turning down settings to see people easier. I have everything on Ultra anything I should turn down?

yes everything :D

get used to playing with low everything and mesh ultra you wont go back ;)

save ultra max for single player games :D

waiting for my monitor now :( come on postie need to get my mortar fix :p
If my 780 could run ultra at a constant 120fps I would run Ultra.

It doesn't so I don't.

Low for the win!
I'm recently having problems with my BF4 port 3659 error.The last time it happened I did a complete reinstall of the game and it seemed to sort it out for a few weeks but now its back and I cant seem to connect to ANY server. Any quick fixes for this to save me reinstalling again?
Forward the port 3659(both udp and tcp) to port 80 (worked for me).

Edit: just to double check this is the "client closed connection" error?
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