The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Sigh... That is an awful change!

It is bad enough trying to avoid the active noobs already, sorry I meant pros....

Aa is still the most over powered vehicle in this game, any one with half a brain can rack up amazing scores and shut down aircraft and the really good players just dominate everything.

They really need to remove that active ****, it is ridiculous, I had it on the other night and was raping the helis etc. even quicker regardless of the distance/height that they were at, zero skill involved.

Thank god GTA 5 is here in 17 days!
Atk Heli is a lot more mobile, can do flips / rolls etc

Wasn't that a prototype and not connected to any kind of vehicle initiative? What I don't understand is why they have deviated for their original plan of rolling out themed initiatives with these prototypes I realize that the team play initiative is ongoing but what have they done so far? I tend to think that the CTE is too widly influenced by a very vocal minoity who have got nothing better to do than sit at home and push their own agendas. Also where da f*ck did the SRAW changes come from? They have ruined one of the only skill based weapons in the game :(
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Kiwi pls the SRAW is so OP it's stupid and takes very little skill to use effectively.

I can almost guarantee killing every air vehicle inc jet's on Golmud / Lancang etc by myself just using SRAW within a few mins. I can rear shot tanks from the front every time, I can kill heli's behind building's with it, with no line of sight. It also has a lock on like javelin. Oh and don't forget I can decimate armor / boats / infantry from super long range with no danger to myself.

It's also the most effective sniper rifle in the game ;)
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Damn virgin broadband :(. Start with pings at 10ms then without warning its in the 900 ms and I get booted :(.

Edit: never mind I was downloading centos in the background :D. Such a pleb.
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I can almost guarantee killing every air vehicle inc jet's on Golmud / Lancang etc by myself just using SRAW within a few mins. I can rear shot tanks from the front every time, I can kill heli's behind building's with it, with no line of sight. It also has a lock on like javelin. Oh and don't forget I can decimate armor / boats / infantry from super long range with no danger to myself.

Cool story bro

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