The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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not funny Josh
well kinda

Wasn't sure if it was too soon.

Thought I'd test the waters. It'll get resolved bud, just need to give them a bit to look into it.

If not I am 5mins from EA HQ and will leave a steaming dump on one of their heat-sinks until the re-enable your account.

On the plus side, stats reset means a noob lvl 1 will have a KD of 4.0 and be Top 3 every game. That could be fun!
If this doesn't get resolved and my stats put back Josh, I simply will not buy another Battlefield game ever again, and I'll probably never play this again. Although, I might have to play, record and upload now to show people I don't cheat to clear my name but that would be it. How outrageous is that.

But the thing that peeves me off the most, my friends. I'll get over these corporate monkeys, but what's annoying as hell to me, is they've put me on this pedestal and I'm now going to have to deal with the BS of maybe everyone talking..."maybe he was cheating, he was very good, he did shoot me from a long way away" etc etc. That makes me really furious dude. Seems like I'm being punished for being a very solid player to me, and I'd just love to know what's gone on with this whole deal. Fairfight has a very big flaw clearly.

So what game shall I play today, maybe my heavily modded GTA IV to get me in the mood :) Of course, can only play it with Nexus-GTABot v1.0, although, should I trust him after the last one he sold me got found out lol... boy oh boy.

Maybe it was a bad idea to joke about hax and £5.99 a month, plus all the silly names in the chat lol. If they judging all this after maybe a player report then looking at the chat, wow, just wow.
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As much as I dislike playing against you, I'd hate to not see you in-game again. I also think that if it comes to it, we need to rally together and get this admin removed from BL as that's 2 people he's been ****ing around with now for clearly no reason.

I know you don't cheat mate and we can all vouch for you!
Contact this guy Tony:

IIRC, he is one of the team at so might be able to help out or at least back you up!

I don't think for one second that you cheat (unless you kill me..... :p) and even if this ban still sticks, the thought still won't cross my mind! Anyone who mentions about you cheating in Ts will get a perma ban!!!! :D

Let me know what MP games you play and I'll join you! Don't forget you still got BF 3 ;)

On the plus side, stats reset means a noob lvl 1 will have a KD of 4.0 and be Top 3 every game. That could be fun!

This! Your k/d, W/L, KPM, SPM etc. will be sky high!!!!!

This. I think we both use HB?

Depends on the map for me, if there are longer range engagements then I will remove the HB due to the extra vertical recoil, it makes it a bit harder but for close/medium, it is a beast!

But thats a dumb as saying because (example) Ben01 hacks everyone with the name Ben will be banned!

But then again nothing surprises me with BL/EA

If you don't get it resolved Tony, find another game and I'll jump on that with you instead.

I don't mean because of the same name, more perhaps them getting the evidence used for BL confused with Tony, after that whole BL's thing, I got sooooo many hackusations purely because of that, people linked to his video and a server admin on banana even banned me because of that video and the name he had/used, so I had to go on their TS to explain to them that wasn't me and link to blackline's accounts etc.

I'm guessing I must have done. I was only on for 10mins or so. Joined mid game on Lockers, got to about second or 3rd and then boom, Badmined. I was in a squad of 3, and I think another guy in the squad was kicked a few minutes before me as he was top. So pathetic.

Not worth playing on the server then! Be thankful for the ban :p
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2 billion points by Saturday, no problem. Engage Turbo Hax! ;):p

Seriously though, I hope you get your game and stats back Tony.

As much as I hate rush in bf4 if it unlocked the last dlc i'd play it to death, hardline heist - meh.

Tt78 - Really sucks and the lack of transparency from EA isn't helping things. I hope it isn't because of the 2pro4 (x ) usernames you guys were running and as for the boosting allegations I'm just speechless. :eek:

I hope it gets sorted out soon.
EAs latest bout you get your damn heads out your asses please.

Dear Customer,

We have received your message regarding the action taken on your account.

EA's Terms of Service team are looking into this issue and will respond once the matter has been fully investigated according to our internal policies.

In order to thoroughly examine the matter there may be a delay in responding, however we will endeavour to provide you with a resolution in a timely manner.

Please note we are currently experiencing high volumes and this may result in a minimum delay of 72 hours. Please do not submit further appeals as this may reset your place in the queue. We appreciate your patience in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

EA Terms of Service
They really are pathetic when it comes to Customer Services.

I will make placards and set up camp in their offices if they don't resolve this.

Insurgency looks like it could be fun a fun game, or Verdun the WW1 shooter.
Tell them to hurry the **** up otherwise we will send the joshinator around with his riot shield, Baton and flash bangs!

Two out of those 3 things I don't have anymore, but I'm sure I will be able to find some viable substitutes!

Might play some GTAIV tonight, story mode with Ice3.0 looks great!
Play some Endless Legend Tony... will chill you out ;)

I'd love to know why they banned you... played with and against you more times than I can count... not once have I suspected you of cheating.
Well spent the afternoon putting my old mans PC together today, order last night at 17:30 and arrived today - cracking service by OcUK.

Posted first time and all up and running within 2 hours. He is chuffed.

I am knackered. He wanted to to explain everything to him, which is fine but mentally draining.
Nah it's just an office build, pretty sweet tho.

Pentium G
GTX 750

The case is very roomy for a small case. It's pretty much silent also!
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