His videos aren't as brand/PR orinetated i.e. HUB stand, DF, gamer nexus and so on stand out more because of how they sell themselves and their style of content, not to mention, those big channels have been around for how long? IIRC, DO only started 2-3 years back?
I'm not a huge fan of DO as he does waffle on but you can't dismiss his findings/content just because he doesn't have millions of subs..... Also, some of the things that he showed in that video would not translate well in a written article e.g. the way nvidia gpu with same vram handled vram bottleneck situations more gracefully than the equivalent amd gpu with the same vram. Also, DF and the other big tech press have often referenced to his videos to further back up the conclusions they have come to, which reinforces the part that he isn't just small time randomer.
I find his videos useful because he covers things other channels don't cover. But as usual it's best to use different sources of information to get a better impression overall.