Greg, can't believe your now putting up blatant unfounded lies, no need to start putting up lies while at the same time attempting to make me look the dishonest one.
Where did I mention BF4 Mantle being sorted?
The majority enjoying Mantle is what I stated, all I did was challenge one of your many 'Mantle's broken for most' statements.
Now I'm a liar, get a grip, seriously.
I simply pointed out that Mantle works for the majority, yet you keep informing that it's broken for the majority, nothing more nothing less.
There is only one person being dishonest about this situation and it aint me, and it's clear reading for everyone to see where the dishonesty stems from here.
Please refrain from attempting to make me look dishonest/putting doubt on my credibility in future please, before this, I have never accused you of dishonesty before-or anyone else for that matter.