Just jotting down a few thoughts at the minute
CM Punk as WWE champ is the thing im hating right now....its an issue I have with people like him and rey mysterio being the "heavyweight" champs, they are lightweight/cruiserweight with the IC or US titles really essentially being their level. I cringed at the CMPunk vs Batista match as regardless of how much I hate Batista you just know it doesnt look right when the opponent has the upperhand on them, its just a strange thing in wrestling that everyone "loves the underdog" and to me it doesnt do much.
I hope to see a FFW match at SummerSlam with CMPunk taking on Batista, JBL and Cena! Would help all round I believe and could be pretty good. I hope that Punk drops the title at SSlam but who I want it to go to is perplexing. Possibly JBL, basically due to the fact he is a tremendous "heel" character and he was great on SD as the champ. Given his victory over Cena which I wouldnt have predicted myself I suspect he may be given the strap for a period soon
Upcoming SS Bouts confirmed:
Undertaker v Edge I look forward to! Those two have had some really good matches and HiaC is ideal with Edge being great in terms of abilty and entertainment, Taker will of course get his revenge though!
Trips vs Khali......right so this will suck. Im thinking probably a low blow with the sledgehammer to a pedigree or just some sort of sledgehammer attack. Khali is useless!
Hendry vs Hardy.......to be fair I have no idea how they will shoot this but Hardy has been somewhat lacking in terms of entertainment and Hendry is well pretty darn boring but happy enough to see him get a belt run in what can now only be described as the "experimental" ECW.
Upcoming "Debut"
I eagerly await the return of Ron "the Truth" Killings to the WWE on smackdown in the coming weeks. Hopefully....."R-Truth" which will be his in-ring name.....will be a big time player this time around as he definately holds the ability as has been seen in TNA but i see him as being Mid-Card!