The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Ok, I laughed far harder than I should have :(

Also, I'll deffinately be watching this show. And if Jericho doesn't come out with a 10 second countdown and an arena full of people shouting along 'Break the walls down!' then it will be impossible for me to be more dissapointed in the WWE.

I would be gutted too :(

Newest Vid

Funnily enough I read a post which mentioned "will come like a thief in the night" is lyrics from a Fozzy Song...similar to mentioned on the video "The Power... Cometh is a Thief in the Night"

Here's hoping we get our Jericho fix on Jan 2nd :D
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A second youtube channel for the second video. Interestingly, the music used sounds a lot like Mankind's original theme. The only thing making me think it may not be Jericho is the rather apocalyptic tone being taken. Then again, the end of the world as you know it could just mean that Jericho's coming back to turn the WWE upsidedown. And it seriously needs it. Interesting notes: itbegins2012 lists the user's age as 43. Second2012's channel age is 22.
tbh it doesn't feel like Jericho's been gone long enough this time to deserve another viral campaign like the SAVE_US one in 2007 but it does turn out that he was only gone for 2 years back then as well (he left in 2005 and returned in 2007, this time he left in 2010 and his return will be 2012) but with all the young talent the wwe has now I dont see a spot for Jericho

What the wwe should be doing is phasing out Cena, Triple H and co and really concentrate on pushing CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler & Cody Rhodes and should they fail to generate ratings you've still got the likes of Randy Orton, Christian and the Miz backing them up
WWE just got rid of John Morrison, WHY?!

He's probably going to follow in Christian and Jeff Hardy's foot steps, go to TNA for a few years, become a top star, go back into WWE, have a small WWE championship reign, then be dropped down to mid card status.

WWE has really messed up their roster, wasn't it only 2 months ago that CM Punk was campaigning for ice cream bars to be brought back and now he's become another mid card wrestler.

WWE is trying to push Del Rio to main event status why?! he's got nothing on what JBL had.

Finally, we get it, Cena is the poster boy for WWE's new 12 year old fans, just like the Rock was for us 20 somethings, we don't care if Cena gets boo'd or cheered, we just want to see him get buried alive by the Undertaker, or a Brood reunion so they can bloodbath him.

I like whats happening with Big Show and Mark Henry, but I feel like they should bring in some more super heavyweights, why not bring Viscera and Rikishi into the mix because it's becoming stale.

Final thoughts, Miz is entertaining, but he's NOT the main eventer they were pushing him into, Survivor Series was terrible. Awesome Truth vs Rock/Cena, NO! Nash was right, everyone wanted to see the Cliq vs Rock and Cena.

Call me old fashioned by I want to see the original NWO or at least the Outsiders back in WWE, and the Outsiders at tag champions, everyone knows that Air-Boom got nothing on the Wolfpac.

I know TNA is known as "the home for retired wrestlers" but how many of you wouldn't want to see Sabu and RVD vs Air-Boom in a TLC match for the tag titles?
Call me old fashioned by I want to see the original NWO or at least the Outsiders back in WWE, and the Outsiders at tag champions, everyone knows that Air-Boom got nothing on the Wolfpac.

You do know that the combined age of The Outsiders is 105 dont you!?!? :eek: (oh and that one half of that tag team is a raging alcoholic!)

Dont get me wrong, the tag scene has been a joke for years and I'm all for actually signing teams as opposed to shoe-horning singles talent together but the past is the past and we should leave it there imo!
WWE just got rid of John Morrison, WHY?!

He's probably going to follow in Christian and Jeff Hardy's foot steps, go to TNA for a few years, become a top star, go back into WWE, have a small WWE championship reign, then be dropped down to mid card status.

WWE has really messed up their roster, wasn't it only 2 months ago that CM Punk was campaigning for ice cream bars to be brought back and now he's become another mid card wrestler.

WWE is trying to push Del Rio to main event status why?! he's got nothing on what JBL had.

Finally, we get it, Cena is the poster boy for WWE's new 12 year old fans, just like the Rock was for us 20 somethings, we don't care if Cena gets boo'd or cheered, we just want to see him get buried alive by the Undertaker, or a Brood reunion so they can bloodbath him.

I like whats happening with Big Show and Mark Henry, but I feel like they should bring in some more super heavyweights, why not bring Viscera and Rikishi into the mix because it's becoming stale.

Final thoughts, Miz is entertaining, but he's NOT the main eventer they were pushing him into, Survivor Series was terrible. Awesome Truth vs Rock/Cena, NO! Nash was right, everyone wanted to see the Cliq vs Rock and Cena.

Call me old fashioned by I want to see the original NWO or at least the Outsiders back in WWE, and the Outsiders at tag champions, everyone knows that Air-Boom got nothing on the Wolfpac.

I know TNA is known as "the home for retired wrestlers" but how many of you wouldn't want to see Sabu and RVD vs Air-Boom in a TLC match for the tag titles?

CM Punk the current wwe champ a mid carder?
What's JBL a wrestler who's retired got to do with Del Rio?
Bring Rikishi back? What from the dead?
You're complaining it's stale yet you want Viscera back? :o

You might not like the wwe's current product but I thank god you're not in charge :p

Miz = ratings?

really? really? really?

Not exactly what I said is it but yeah in terms of an in ring performer he's one of the best the wwe have got at the moment
CM Punk the current wwe champ a mid carder?
What's JBL a wrestler who's retired got to do with Del Rio?
Bring Rikishi back? What from the dead?
You're complaining it's stale yet you want Viscera back? :o

You might not like the wwe's current product but I thank god you're not in charge :p

Not exactly what I said is it but yeah in terms of an in ring performer he's one of the best the wwe have got at the moment

1. He might be a champion but his matches aren't exactly high profile, when is he going to face someone like Kane or Undertaker. I'm sick of the whole WWE being centered around Cena/Punk/Del Rio, and Daniel Bryan occasionally showing his face. I'll admit when I was 12 it was exactly the same but it was The Rock/Austin/Triple H/Undertaker, but you can't tell me that Cena/Punk/Del Rio can hold a candle to what Rock/Austin/Triple H/Undertaker in performace and popularity. I remember Rock vs Austin at Mania, My Way by Limp Bizkit was the theme song, I still get chills watching the youtube clips

2. Del Rio's character is a complete rip off JBL's even his logo is the same
3. Rikishi isn't dead, that was Umaga Rikishi's brother
4. I didn't say I wanted Viscera back but some more big guys other than Big Show and Mark Henry would be good, at the moment there's only Kane and Mason Ryan who can even stand up to Henry and Show because Khali has gone.

I'm just glad TNA has the X-Division, hardcore wrestling and some pre-2000 wrestlers. Hardcore wrestling hasn't been the same in the WWE since the days of Crash Hollys 24/7 rule with the hardcore title, that was epic.
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I could have sworn Rikishi died :confused: turns out you are right though, a quick google search definitely shows there was rumours of it back in 2006 though

I know what you mean about the current crop not being up to Stone Cold's era but there's not much that can be done really, wrestling faced a similar rut once Hulk Hogan's era ended even though in hindsight with the likes of Bret Hart and HBK in their prime it really shouldn't have but those are the facts

Personally I dont mind the current product, it might not be up to the Attitude era but CM Punk especially has really made things interesting in recent months and this year has seen some very good heels developed in R-Truth, Ziggler & Rhodes imo
I read somewhere that Daniel Bryan is regarded as the best technical wrestler in the world today, comparible to Kurt Angle, anybody think that a wrestler of this calibre deserves a bigger/better storyline than arguing with Michael Cole?

Have to agree, CM Punk is really the only thing that keeps me watching WWE, his recent storyline about walking out with the title really made me think "is this kayfabe?" but again, I think a wrestler of his calibre is being under used, in favourite of wrestlers like R-Truth, who some of you may remember as K-Kwik, back when he was popular lol. I also think Del Rio's character, along with Michael Cole needs to leave WWE, especially Michael Cole, his onscreen character is just getting so annoying, he's following in Coachmans footsteps, they need to fire Cole and give his job to Josh Matthews, heel announcers just annoy me, it should be JR and King all the time on Raw, with Matthews and Booker T on Smackdown.
Daniel bryan really is the best wrestler the E have arguably the best in the world.

I mean u have to be when you can have a really good match with henry and get all the crowd to care.
Under used potential though? he doesn't really have that "superstar look" like Orton, Batista or The Rock has, maybe its the pale skin and lack of tattoos but I wouldn't recognise him in the street lol
Bryan really isn't the best in the company I'd list Orton, Punk and Ziggler ahead of him for starters
Daniel bryan really is the best wrestler the E have arguably the best in the world.

I mean u have to be when you can have a really good match with henry and get all the crowd to care.

You sir are my new best friend, would you get a FINAL COUNTDOWN!!!! reference? ;)
Haha, wish they would let him use that in the wwe, inatead of a ride to the valkyries remix.

Bryan may not have that look, but to be honest neither does punk, norr did jeff or hbk or bret or kurt. But nornally great workers rise to the top, ala how ziggler is.

Bryan hasnt been really given more than 5 mins, and when hebdid in the cage was a good match. Hell him and ziggler last year with a set of 5 min matches were absolute gold

He can and has pulled out MOTY matches when it counts, so wait till WM. If they can give us orton danielson with bryan being a heel, if thats not better than the taker match, i will eat the proverbial hat.

There was a time where indy wrestling bored the crap out of me, due to the lack of any production values and not being accustomed to the style, and then i saw aj styles vs bryan. It made me watch TNA, which tyen i loved and these past two years want me to gauge my eyes out, and watch ROH, which i really like now (brisco brothers) and now dragon gate.

When givrn time in a match, you will ser how he can suck you in. As we could see with smackdown, tye crowed were bored coming into the match, by the end they were dying for him yo win it.

Punk while god like on the mic, and my fav wrestler for that reason, is sloppy in the ring. Not that he cant work a match or the crowd, just athletically, he isnt gifted. His flying elbow is proof of that.

Ziggler in ring is very near perfection. He just needs to be given a chance on the mic properly, instead of 10s.

Though i agree, currently the best wrestler is randy orton, everyweek he has a very solid match, great on the mic, works the crowd, athletically extremely good. Cant put a foot wrong, and hasnt since his fued with christian.
So, fantasy booking time. Who do you put against Undertaker at Wrestlemania?

HHH again? I'm not so sure.
Jericho? Perhaps, could be a good match.
Punk? Again, perhaps, he should be able to do fairly well, but I can't see much of a plot behind it.
Foley? Could be good, but neither of them can bump like they used to.
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