WWE just got rid of John Morrison, WHY?!
He's probably going to follow in Christian and Jeff Hardy's foot steps, go to TNA for a few years, become a top star, go back into WWE, have a small WWE championship reign, then be dropped down to mid card status.
WWE has really messed up their roster, wasn't it only 2 months ago that CM Punk was campaigning for ice cream bars to be brought back and now he's become another mid card wrestler.
WWE is trying to push Del Rio to main event status why?! he's got nothing on what JBL had.
Finally, we get it, Cena is the poster boy for WWE's new 12 year old fans, just like the Rock was for us 20 somethings, we don't care if Cena gets boo'd or cheered, we just want to see him get buried alive by the Undertaker, or a Brood reunion so they can bloodbath him.
I like whats happening with Big Show and Mark Henry, but I feel like they should bring in some more super heavyweights, why not bring Viscera and Rikishi into the mix because it's becoming stale.
Final thoughts, Miz is entertaining, but he's NOT the main eventer they were pushing him into, Survivor Series was terrible. Awesome Truth vs Rock/Cena, NO! Nash was right, everyone wanted to see the Cliq vs Rock and Cena.
Call me old fashioned by I want to see the original NWO or at least the Outsiders back in WWE, and the Outsiders at tag champions, everyone knows that Air-Boom got nothing on the Wolfpac.
I know TNA is known as "the home for retired wrestlers" but how many of you wouldn't want to see Sabu and RVD vs Air-Boom in a TLC match for the tag titles?