The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

My fave five of 2011 so far

Cody Rhodes
Wade Barret
Cm Punk
Alberto Del Rio

honorable mentions:
the Miz
dolph Ziggler
Mark Henery

what are yours?
My fave five of 2011 so far

Cody Rhodes
Wade Barret
Cm Punk
Alberto Del Rio

honorable mentions:
the Miz
dolph Ziggler
Mark Henery

what are yours?

Hmm I don't watch the brainwashing show much but indys wise....

Zack Sabre Jr.
Johnny Gargano
Eddie Kingston
Eddie Edwards
Kevin Steen

Honourable mentions
Colt Cobana
Sarah Del Rey
So many I could name but I'll leave it there
So, fantasy booking time. Who do you put against Undertaker at Wrestlemania?

HHH again? I'm not so sure.
Jericho? Perhaps, could be a good match.
Punk? Again, perhaps, he should be able to do fairly well, but I can't see much of a plot behind it.
Foley? Could be good, but neither of them can bump like they used to.

I'd be amazed if it's not TrIple H again, he did after all say he'd be waiting for him the night after this years Mania. I can see it going down in another streak v career match given both are in the twilight of their careers.

Only other option I can see at the moment would be Mark Herny but he's already faced Taker at Mania in a less than fulfilling match
I'd be amazed if it's not TrIple H again, he did after all say he'd be waiting for him the night after this years Mania. I can see it going down in another streak v career match given both are in the twilight of their careers.

Only other option I can see at the moment would be Mark Herny but he's already faced Taker at Mania in a less than fulfilling match

Orton the legend killer gets my vote.

Undertaker will win but at the cost of his career maybe some staged injury/death. I would prefer it to be his brother that ends his career but suspect it will be Orton.
CM Punk has been above and beyond anything any wrestler has done in the past 3-4 years. If you think different, you don't know pro wrestling. Sorry.

Forget Cena.

The final days of Chris Benoit will be re-told in a new big screen 'biographical thriller', entitled Crossface.

SRG Films have bought the rights to Matthew Randazzo's book Ring of Hell: The Story of Chris Benoit and the Fall of the Pro Wrestling Industry, to retell the wrestler's story, whose career and life ended in a double murder–suicide.

Sarah Coulter has already written the first draft of the script, which is expected to begin filming late next year. Talks are underway with potential actors and directors and the film already has an IMDB page.

Coulter says, "People immediately point to steroids, never thinking about the brain trauma these wrestlers can, and do, incur in their profession, nor do they consider the rigorous schedule that keeps them working even when they shouldn t be. The Benoit story is one that needs to be brought into the light."

More info :

Why would he bother? He's chasing after the heavyweight title in the UFC, why would he risk injury just for a cameo in the WWE against an old man who should have retired a couple of years ago? :confused:

It's already semi confirmed. Perhaps because after UFC 141, he can rake in nearly a mil for just doing a 30minute play scene infront of 100k people?
I don't think it'll happen, Brock doesn't get on with the undertaker at all. Plus if he wins against Overeem he'll be looking for a title shot against JDS.
Orton the legend killer gets my vote.

Undertaker will win but at the cost of his career maybe some staged injury/death. I would prefer it to be his brother that ends his career but suspect it will be Orton.

Orton's not really the Legend Killer anymore though is he, I for one can't ever see the streak ending
Orton's not really the Legend Killer anymore though is he, I for one can't ever see the streak ending

WWE may play on his rep. But with regards to the streak everyone knows taker is past it and they may let him win 20-0. But after the win something happens that causes his retirement. He cant go on forever or we end up with some1 like ric flair a legend in his day a clown in his later years because he stayed on wayyyyyy to long.
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