The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

When oh When are they going to wake up, get rid of the roided up behemoths and fill their roster up with actual wrestlers that 75% of the FCW locker room is filled with.

Then again Vince believes his biggest rival is Boxing, when really it is shoot fighting
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Thought the closing of Raw last night was very good, Laurinaitis seems to be really growing in the role imo his comment about Morrison during the contract signing was pretty funny :D

Got a feeling that Cena is going to be added to the Smackdown title match at TLC following him costing Henry the match against Ryder, especially as he's now facing him next week on Raw. I'd like to think there's a possibility of him being kept off the event altogether but I cant see that happening tbh so making the World Title match a triple threat seems the most likely outcome to me.
When oh When are they going to wake up, get rid of the roided up behemoths and fill their roster up with actual wrestlers that 75% of the FCW locker room is filled with.

Then again Vince believes his biggest rival is Boxing, when really it is shoot fighting

wwe is not a "wrestling" show. Its "entertainment wrestling." Big difference.

The best wrestlers in wwe history haven't been the big big big roided up guys. Its been guys like Ricky the Dragon Steamboat, Benoit, Eddie, Y2J, Bret Hart, Dean Malenko, Kurt Angle ect. Those guys were good to watch in a proper wrestling match.
wwe is not a "wrestling" show. Its "entertainment wrestling." Big difference.

The best wrestlers in wwe history haven't been the big big big roided up guys. Its been guys like Ricky the Dragon Steamboat, Benoit, Eddie, Y2J, Bret Hart, Dean Malenko, Kurt Angle ect. Those guys were good to watch in a proper wrestling match.

Yeah I know the difference, why I don't watch the product anymore. Been clean of the eye pollution since Cena was the mystery 30th rumble entrant. So like 2007?

I myself can't watch it anymore for reality tv stars and models earning silly money, when others with talent have sacrificed so much in the business just to be told "You're not ripped enough" or "you're not blonde & Jiggly enough".

One thing all those names you have listed have in common is that they are/were wrestlers. But then again if wrestling was real the world champ would be a Kurt Angle or a Brock Lesner.

Although like I've been saying WWE has more hope than TNA because they have snapped up so much indy talent i.e Brian Danielson, once he masters the mic half of the business the sky is the limit for his career.
I'm with you IRLeetly. At least kinda, I stayed with it until earlier this year, then came back thanks to Punk. Then left again after watching what they did to him.

The itbegins promo does have my interest, though I'm just hoping its Jericho and not Taker. If it is Jericho, I will mark out and start watching again until WWE ruin his character too. And if its taker... eh. He won't be wrestling before Wrestlemania. Should get a couple of good promos out of him, but not worth putting up with Cole and the terrible writing.

Personally, its Chikara and RoH all the way still. High Noon was great, roll on the next iPPV!

Strongly hints at a valet as well, which would be a nice return. No idea who exactly it could be though. Undertaker deffinately doesn't need one, meaning its more likely it could be Jericho... but does he need one either? He's fantastic on the mic as it is. And then who would they even put with him? A small part of me is thinking of a certain dirty, filthy, nasty, skanky, brutal, bottom-feeding trash bag ho.

Gah, I loved Edge and Christian :(
So kane is back again, this can't be his real hair can it...


Also I guess he's back as a heel after attacking cena, kane vs taker at mania?
Its amazing seeing so many people for some reason assume that Kane will be booked any better since he has a mask on. Seen so much drama on this over numerous wrestling forums.
After Triple H saying last night he ended the streak it only enforces my belief that it'll be Triple H v Taker career v streak at Mania (again)

It was pretty obvious that Kane was gunning for Cena also as the Kane promo earlier in the show had Cena in it :o
So, I saw that Kane returned. And that it was the Slammy awards, so figured I'd give it a watch. It started off terrible, got worse, then the Road Dogg of all people was suddenly there, and he's better on the mic than 95% of the current roster, and made me miss the attitude era even more.
The Divas moment of the year spoke for itself K2 winning it... with a rollup. Yes, a rollup is the moment of the year. Speaks for itself.
And then the game changer of the year... how could it have been anything but Edge? But nope, give it to Cena. Ugh.
Also, Snooki winning a slammy as well, purely to plug the new series of Jersy Shore.

And of course its not Kane's real hair. You don't go from being bald to having shoulder length hair in, what, six months? Probably less than that. The return of the mask is awesome though. Telegraphed somewhat by the pyro stuck to the ringposts for the last match, but eh. It'll only be a matter of time before he's irrelevant yet again.
I hear that Kanes return with the mask has sparked a Guinness record attempt for mania of most masks worn indoors. Vinny don't miss a trick!
Honest question here: is WWE for the "younger generation" as much as it was back in my day (mid to late-90s)? And is UFC the logical progression for people who get bored of soap-opera laden entertainment wrestling?
Well believe it or not WWE's niche market is the 9-35 males. Myself I progressed from WWE/F to indy wrestling. Seeing Jack Evans doing a super tiger drop onto Steamboat was it for me, the guy span through more degrees than a dodgy microwave dinner.

I did watch some UFC once, when lesner first arrived and they had him being interviewed with his wife on his arm, I smelled script from a mile away.
Honest question here: is WWE for the "younger generation" as much as it was back in my day (mid to late-90s)? And is UFC the logical progression for people who get bored of soap-opera laden entertainment wrestling?

not for me

ufc doesn't have hardcore matches and goofiness for obvious reasons
Well believe it or not WWE's niche market is the 9-35 males. Myself I progressed from WWE/F to indy wrestling. Seeing Jack Evans doing a super tiger drop onto Steamboat was it for me, the guy span through more degrees than a dodgy microwave dinner.

That may be their market, but they are only hitting the 9-18ish market. Having Cena as the main face is alienating older viewers. CM Punk started to mix things up, and was making loads of references to older things (Even this week with the Johnny Ace tribute vid), but that's about it. As mentioned above, 'indie' wrestling is probably better aimed at older viewers.

I've mentioned these guys before in this thread, but check out Ring of Honor. Register for free on their website, and then every thursday you can stream their weekly show. Its an hour long show, so its down to 45 mins without the ads on the website. It also has Jim Cornette, one of the greatest bookers and managers of all time, working as the executive producer. In short, its great. Storeys make sense, and the wrestling is proper. Depending on when you watched WWE, you may know Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) who are the current ROH Tag Champs.

But my personal favourite is CHIKARA. Its not as serious as WWE or RoH, but that doesn't make it any worse. They wrestle a lucha libre style, more high flying, and some rather weird gimmicks, but the stories and wrestling are fantastic.

Sure, it can get a little silly, but its entertaining to watch. And in 2009 they started a fantastic invasion angle, which had aslowly been building up for years. Rather than try to explain it myself, he's a summary:

On May 27, 2007, at Aniversario? Mike Quackenbush defeated longtime rival Chris Hero in a match two years in the making with a new submission maneuver called the Chikara Special. Following the match Quackenbush announced that since he knew Hero would never be able to break the hold, he would teach it and the counter to it to all tecnicos (good guys) on the Chikara roster. After Lince Dorado, El Pantera, Equinox and Claudio Castagnoli had all used the move to defeat Hero, he was booked to wrestle Equinox in a hair vs. mask match on November 11, 2007, at The Sordid Perils of Everyday Existence. During the match Equinox managed to lock in the Chikara Special, only for Hero to counter out of it and apply the move himself to force Equinox to tap out and lose his mask.

Quackenbush, wanting to find out who had leaked the move and the counter to it to Hero, sent Tim Donst to infiltrate the rudo (villain) stable The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple, led by UltraMantis Black. While undercover in the stable Donst found out that the leak had been Shane Storm, the tag team partner of Mike Quackenbush, who was at the time on a losing streak and was ready to exchange the move for a win over Temple member Hydra. On June 14, 2008, Donst left the Temple and revealed the leak to Quackenbush, who attacked Storm, with whom he had a Campeonatos de Parejas (Tag Team Championship) title match coming up, but instead of picking Donst to be his new tag team partner, Quackenbush decided to pick Jigsaw, while Donst went on to form a comedy tag team with Hydra, who had left the Neo-Solar Temple with him. However, in August 2009 Quackenbush thanked Donst for the infiltration by teaching him and only him a new submission maneuver, an inverted Chikara Special, in order to give him an edge in the upcoming Young Lions Cup.

It wasn't until January 2009 when UltraMantis Black revealed that he had done this all to get a hold of the Eye of Tyr, a mysterious Scandinavian artifact that could be used to control people's minds, named after the Norse god of war. The artifact which had gone missing from Switzerland had suddenly appeared in possession of Dr. Cube, a rudo manager in Kaiju Big Battel. Cube, a fan of Chris Hero's, agreed to swap the Eye for the chance to have Hero wrestle for him. Once UltraMantis had learned the Chikara Special and the counter to it from Storm, he taught the move to Hero and to return the favor Hero left Chikara for good and went to wrestle for Dr. Cube at Kaiju Big Battel.

The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple had been looking for a third member besides UltraMantis and Crossbones and after failed attempts with Pinkie Sanchez and Sami Callihan, UltraMantis saw a chance to get back at his former stable mate Hallowicked and used the Eye of Tyr in April 2009 to gain control over the mind of his Incoherence team mate Delirious and make him the third member of the Neo-Solar Temple. According to legend, once the Eye is used, it must be given away, or the user would face bad luck and tragedy. However, UltraMantis didn't believe this and refused to let go of the Eye.

On August 16, 2009, during the third night of the annual Young Lions Cup, a man dressed in a white mask and clothes confronted UltraMantis Black in the ring and gave him a box. Inside of the box was a message stating that a war was coming. That same man then began sending messages over the internet to UltraMantis saying that he and his Temple would be destroyed if he didn't return the Eye of Tyr to the "family". On October 18, 2009, at Cibernetico Increible the man was joined by another larger man dressed in similar fashion and together they appeared in the crowd and confronted UltraMantis, who proceeded to flee the arena. Following the event a cyborg named Vökoder, who had debuted during the Young Lions Cup, came to UltraMantis and offered to protect the Eye of Tyr and to convince him of his sincerity, Vökoder started interfering in UltraMantis' matches in order to help him win.
(From Wiki)

This all lead to this invasion:

Which features Claudio Castagnoli, one of the biggest faces in the company turning heel, joining them, and forming the Bruderschaft des Kreuzez, a German stable who showed how the Nexus storyline should have gone.

Unfortunately, CHIKARA shows are DVD only, as they are too small to have a TV show or to stream their stuff, but of course this is the internet, so if you are so inclined you can get hold of them that way. They also have their Podcast-a-Go-Go Which they use to show off matches. For instance, this latest podcast:

Long story short, this post is far too long, but there's great professional wrestling out there. Just don't expect to find it in the WWE or TNA.
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