been watching the wwe recently well for a number of years now, and got to say, i barely even watch the entire shows anymore, i basically skip to the bits i want to watch.
its not just that the characters are carp nowadays its that the matches lack any sort of excitement or interest. gone seem to be the days of random run ins and beatdowns, gone are the days of one guy annihilating the other, it seems it has to be a 15-20 minute borefest going back and forth between the two or 4 or however many until such point as the match has gone on an acceptable length then it ends with a special move.
If we are lucky we then get some sort of interference which is normally a punch or kick and then music.
In all honesty the only real interest now for me is the PPV's which seem to have old skool matches and decent entertainment.
The WWE really does need to give itself a shake and start working back towards the eras of old. The guys on the roster all seem talented enough its the storylines or lack there off which is killing the shows.