The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

Any idea what matches are/were on smackdown?
Full Smackdown rundown:
Dark Match

* Dean Ambrose defeated Ezekiel Jackson

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* SmackDown opens with John Laurinaitis and David Otunga coming out. Laurinaitis brings out Teddy Long for one last moment. Laurinaitis shows off his new and improved SmackDown and rips into Long. Long wants to quit but Johnny won’t let him. It appears Long is under Laurinaitis’ control now.

* David Otunga and Mark Henry beat R-Truth in a handicap squash match.

* Randy Orton beat Kane in a No DQ match. They fought all around the ring and up the ramp, on the stage before coming back to the ring. The match sees some good spots and brawls with chairs. Orton wins with a RKO after putting Kane into an exposed turnbuckle.

* Ryback makes his debut and beats a local wrestler. Our correspondent said the former Skip Sheffield wasn’t anything too special.

* Daniel Bryan comes out next with AJ Lee and he’s peed off. Fans chant for Bryan but he’s not buying it. He tells them to quit mocking him. Lots of “YES!” chants from the crowd. Bryan won’t budge and starts dissing AJ before he dumps her. AJ leaves the ring as the crowd chants “YES” and sings “goodbye” to her.

* New WWE Intercontinental Champion Big Show beat Heath Slater with a knockout punch. Cody Rhodes was on commentary for the match.

* More heat for John Laurinaitis. He arranges a face off between Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio before their match begins tonight so Sheamus can’t use the Brogue Kick for another surprise win.

* Kelly Kelly comes out for the next match. She ends up distracting WWE Divas Champion Beth Phoenix, allowing Nikki Bella to get a 30 second win. This was apparently a non-title match.

* Backstage promo with Damien Sandow from FCW debuting. Apparently he’s doing some kind of actor gimmick.

* Alberto Del Rio beat Sheamus by DQ when Sheamus got caught with a chair that Del Rio had tried to use on him. Del Rio now earns a future World Heavyweight Title shot. Del Rio leaves while Sheamus gets annoyed and takes it out on the referee to end the show.
Russo and his magnificent ref bumps.

Pretty sure there was more ref bumps in TNA when he was the head of creative than there were in the past five years of WWE.
I can't link it here due to swears, but Jim Cornette has done some fantastic shoots on Russo. Youtube video ID: aaMxnNYJFbs
For the first part of one. Just search 'Jim Cornette Vince Russo' for more. But yes, as mentioned above, Russo = SWERVE!
EPIC start to Monday night Raw, Cena getting blooded made it even better (not because I like seeing him battered up but because it gave the tone of the segment and even more gritty and realistic feel)
It was awesome :D. Cena looks like he's going to go mental at some point, his bloody smile was great.

Anyone notice Jamie Noble trend on Twitter after he came out to break up the fight :p?
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